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I had one of the most perfect ice cream sandwich experiences recently. And it demonstrated to me what ice cream sandwiches should taste like.
Uh, like bread and ice cream?
…Oh, have you never had an ice cream sandwich before?
Uh… no. Most of us don’t have ice cream. I’ve had it a few times, when we performed exceptionally well for wizards who have their magic freezing boxes. But none of us would put ice cream between bread!
Haha, no. that’s not an ice cream sandwich. There is no bread in one. No, a normal ice cream sandwich is made of two cookies sandwiched around a nice serving of ice cream.
That does sound a lot better than what I thought.
It is. And then I made it even better.
So, I recently baked some home-made graham crackers-
-Graham cracker?
They’re sort of a crunchy cookie-ish thing. They’re normally bought from local stores; fairly cheap, too. Quite a common snack for younger children. I’d never actually had a home-made graham cracker before!
So you decided to make some for… fun?
Bit of a funny story there, actually. I wanted a graham cracker, but we didn’t have any where I live. So I decided to try to bake some to make up for it. And then I realized we didn’t have an ingredient. So I bought that ingredient, and didn’t bother buying the graham crackers themselves.
But I digress.
So, I home-baked some graham crackers. And they started off crunchy, but sort of went a little softer over time. In fact, they made the perfect “sandwich” part of a home-made ice cream sandwich. Especially with gourmet coffee ice cream in between! It was amazing.
It tasted… like happiness. And thunderstorms. With a touch of fairy-dust and dancing unicorns thrown in for good measure.
You’ve tasted dancing unicorns?
What? Of course not! That’s hyperbole!
…ah. I take it you haven’t actually eaten fairy-dust either, right? Or a thunder storm?
Of course not! That would be impossible.
Right… Different worlds. Don’t mind me.
We never do.
Anyways, Fluffsters, happy Saturday! I hope you have a great weekend.