Category Archives: pointless

Pet Products

Your world… It has weird priorities.

You’ve mentioned… What sparks the comment this time?

How your world treats pets. If you have money, anyways.

I mean, never mind the earrings or staples from your first post. How about spending $4 million for a dog tiara?

Hmm. That is a bit pricy…


But the thing that bothers me the most, is how on earth did that one dude train his dog to submit to a retinal scanner?

So, people are spending thousands, even millions of dollars on their pets, and the thing that bothers you is training the dog?

I think it’s official; you’re hopeless.

Anyways, readers, Happy Monday! Have a great week.

My Favorite Ways to Procrastinate

Haha! I’ve finally beaten Fluffy to a Daily Fluff again.

Anyways, hello!

I’m sure most of you are human. As such, I’m also fairly sure that you sometimes want a way to procrastinate do something that may help you avoid doing something tedious that you probably ought to be doing. Or maybe you just need a way to take your mind off of stuff, and laugh. Well, I’m here to help you find some good ways to do that!

First of all, one of my favorite blogs: Cakewrecks. This is a blog devoted to cakes.

Cakes. How enthralling.

No need to be sarcastic, Fluffy. These aren’t just any cakes. No. These are Cakes that have been professionally made, but look… less than perfect. Or are just bizarre. (There are some very well done cakes that are just odd. Trust me.) I know it may not sound like a normal way to spend time, and it’s not! It’s funny and awesome. There have been several times that I’ve burst out laughing. Not only are the cakes amusing, but the commentary is phenomenal.

If you’ve already seen Cakewrecks and are caught up, one of the webcomics that I follow is Darths & Droids. This is especially for Star Wars & Gaming fans. The background is also quite amusing: What if Star Wars were actually a role play game, where none of the players knew about the universe? They start off with Phantom Menace, and are (as of right now) in the process of going through New Hope. This is another hilarious way to spend time. Seriously, there have been times I’ve about died of laughter. (Be sure to read the comments right after the comic. The creators give “tips” on how to run a RPG.)

In the category of “cute”, cuteoverload is always a good choice. I mean really, who can say no to pictures of adorable animals?

Do they have pictures of Horpadies?

I’ve never even heard of those. So no. What are they?

You don’t have Horpadies on your world? What a shame. They’re the cutest creature known to our world. They’re small, fuzzy, have these hugely oversized wings, and are known to melt people’s hearts. If they can be tamed, they make great pets. Of course, if they aren’t tamed they’re amazing predators.

Oh. We have something similar. They don’t have wings, and they aren’t always good pets, but they’re called “Polar Bear Cubs.” Or maybe “wolf puppies.” I think that site has some pictures and videos of both.

Back to the more geeky, another webcomic that my sister introduced me to is Girl Genius. This is a steampunk style amazing comic. First of all, it’s all about mad scientists. How can you beat that? Second, it totally brings to life a new world, with different cultures. There are monsters that have to have the right hat (and speak in a definite accent), there’s a castle that is alive and has an evil sense of humor, and there’s one scene that is about coffee. In a hilarious, “oh my heavens I need to read that again” sort of way. And the art is also phenomenal. Heads up, it takes a little bit to get into, but it’s well worth it. And they’re still updating every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. So that’s a plus. (Or a minus, depending on whether you prefer reading a finished story, or there still being more to read.)

Last for today, again in the category of “cute”, Simon’s Cat videos are also amazing. I’ve never owned a cat, but I’ve been around enough to realize that these animated shorts fully capture the epitome of “cat”. And they’re just darling. I think I watched “Let Me In” multiple times in a row the first time I saw it. It’s absolutely priceless.

I hope you find something to help keep you entertained!

Holidays from Fluffy’s World

One thing that I slightly miss from back home is our own “Prank Candy” day.


Yes. It’s right around now, actually. It was a time of giving out things that look delicious, but really aren’t. It’s interesting.

You see, every year, on what would be the equivalent of February 14th for you, we all gave out real candies to everyone, as a sign of how glad we are that each person existed. So it was the unofficial rule that for every real candy set you gave to a person of the opposite gender, you also needed to give them a not sweet tasting “candy.” That way it balanced out, so it kept it obvious that you didn’t like a person in “that” way.

Ah. Interesting balance there…

Yes, it was rather interesting. And of course, you never tell the person which is the real sweet, and which is the prank sweet. It was a fantastic time.

Isn’t that sort of mean, though?

Not at all! We all found it hilarious. And actually, it’s a great opportunity to try to figure out some interesting flavor combinations. The trick is to try not to actually poison the recipient. Just startle them.

My brother was an expert at this.

Wait, you have a brother?

Of course. Fuzzy McGiggles. But that’s beside the point.

The point is that he was a genius. Seriously. That’s where the Cayenne Cookies first made their appearance.

And there was this one time that he made a hilarious fudge type thing. It looked like fudge. It felt like fudge. And he managed to throw in enough mint that it smelled like the perfect mint fudge. It was actually some sort of Rabbit Stew mixed with flour. It was absolutely nasty!

Rabbit Stew Fudge? GROSS!

It actually wouldn’t have been too bad, if I’d known to expect it. But as I said, he was the master at hiding food. And the peppermint fudge that he’d actually made more than made up for it.

But seriously, this isn’t what your February 14th is about?

No. We give normal chocolates. Or other sweet things. You know, as symbolism for how sweet the recipient is, or something.

Ah. Well, I guess different worlds do things different ways. But that’s an absolute pity. I have some amazing ways to modify recipes… Speaking of which, when are you going to update your recipes?

After hearing about your tendencies to make evil food? I think I’ll not be telling you.


Anyways, have a great day, everyone! And may you always find the trick foods.

Even more weird traditions.

From what I can gather, your world makes a rather big deal out of February 14th, correct?

You could say that. It’s a time of love, romance, and chocolate. 🙂

So, why are sewers so special on this day?


You can read. I asked why are sewers so special on this day?

Uh… I honestly have no clue, Fluffy. What are you talking about?

Apparently, in your world, it’s popular to take a loved one on a tour of a sewage treatment plant on Valentine’s day. I don’t quite get it.

Me neither. In fact, I think I could probably have lived very happily without knowing such a thing existed…

You’re welcome. Just doing my job.

Anyways, have a great day!

Fluffy Snow!

Snow is delightfully fluffy. Especially when it falls in large flakes. As I’m writing this, it looks like I’m in a world of a snowglobe.

Seriously. It’s gorgeous.

Falling Snow with a Tree.

Tree and large snow flakes.

And another:

Falling Snow and a building

Snow, tree, and building

So, let me guess. Going off of the logic from Thursday, this qualifies as an over two-thousand word post, rather than less than 100?

You bet!

You know, sometimes I think you’re just lazy.

And other times, I know you’re just lazy.

I’d like to see you do any better, madam McGiggles! Especially when an annoying entity is making snide remarks every few sentences!

I already have. Have you seen my previous posts?

Nonetheless, your challenge is accepted. Tomorrow, I’ll do the “Fluff” again. And rest assured, it will actually have text.

Hm. I’m not sure that’s quite what I meant to do…

Too late. I’m planning out my post already.

Well, see you again tomorrow, folks!

On the bright side, I guess that means I’ll get to make snide remarks. 🙂

If I can…

Anyways, have a great day, and thanks for reading! I’ll see you soon!

The Poetry of Bees

I recently remembered a poem I composed a while ago for my sister’s benefit. I think I’m going to share it with you.

I think that I shall never see

a person who is like a bee.

For bees are striped and we are not,

Although we sometimes do wear spots.

Thank you.

If you haven’t already, you’re going to give someone nightmares.

Smudgy Unicorn

Towards the end of last year, I started to work a bit on some artsy-ish stuff. One of my more recent ones is a Unicorn I did in the same colors as TotalFluff.

Pastel Colored Smudgy Unicorn

Smudgy Unicorn in Pastels

Webmaster, you really need to work on getting some content…

But… this is content! After all, a picture’s worth 1000 words, right?

Not where I’m from. Seriously, you need to work on getting content.

But isn’t that your self-proclaimed job? To give this site content?

That’s just because you won’t. I do need to take care of myself.

That’s beside the point. The point of this post is that I drew a picture, and I thought it was fluffy enough to share. 🙂

Anyways, have a great day!

Indeed. Please try to have a great day. Despite the Webmaster’s post…

Not to be nosy…

This world has odd customs.

For example, there is an obsession with other countries’ royal families. That never happened back home. True, we celebrated our royal family. And if there were any visiting monarchs, that was also a big deal. But we never made such a commotion over them otherwise. Why in the world would we?

Well, I’m not entirely sure. But I think it has something to do with the fact that we don’t actually have any royalty of our own in America to celebrate, so we borrow other countries’ monarchs.

I guess I can understand that. I don’t think you’ll ever be able to explain imitating a duchess’s nose (offsite) to my full satisfaction, however.

But it’s apparently a nice nose!

See my previous statement. I just don’t understand it.


Hello, readers! I currently live in an area that gets snow.

There are places on your world that do not get snow?

Actually, yes. I used to live in an area that didn’t, so frozen wet stuff that falls from the sky is still quite the novelty, and I’m really enjoying it.

You. Are. Weird.

Hey, be nice.Anyways, one of the things that occurred to me as I was watching the snow fall recently is this:

cloud fight

Giant pillow fight, anyone?

What if a snowstorm is just a huge, tremendous pillow fight? And it’s pillow fluff that’s falling from the skies?

Also, some of the windows make this odd humming sound when there’s wind. So, it actually sounds a bit like a kazoo.

So I have it figured out! Snowstorms are huge pillow fights. Windstorms are some sort of heavenly orchestra. (Don’t ask me why they only have a kazoo.) And blizzards? They’re some sort of epic-snow-storm-movie-scene with orchestral accompaniment. (Still only with kazoo, though.)

Public Service Announcement

Greetings, readers!

I have a public service announcement: I have glow in the dark silly putty.

That is all. Thank you.

Wait, that’s it?

All that build-up, and no content?

Well, this website is called ‘total fluff’. But since you asked…

Shoot. I did not mean to do that…

Here are some picture!


glow-in-the-dark silly putty

Alien Ooze Smart Mass Thinking Putty


lots of glow-in-the-dark silly putty

LOTS of putty!

Horse's Head of Putty

Horse’s Head of Putty. Really.

Isn’t it awesome? If you want your own, you can get it from

Thank you for looking! Have a great day. 🙂

That was what you made a ‘public service announcement about?

Ok, for the record, I officially do not know the Webmaster. I’ve never met her face to face. Thank you for your attention.

Have a great day!