Category Archives: pointless

Hexaflexagons Part 3: Kaleidocycles

A friend just sent me the link to one of the other coolest things ever.

Let me guess: More cute owl photos?

No. And those qualify as cute, anyways, not “coolest thing ever.”

Rather, the link is to a 3D version of a hexaflexagon. So it’s, like, got dimensionality and stuff. It’s a toy called a Kaleidocycle. And they are really cool. You should definitely check it out! I definitely want to make one.

So… how does this qualify as “fluff”, exactly?

Uh, no discernible use?

…I guess that works.

As with hexaflexagons, if you get one working, do let me know?

I Think Male Computer Scientists Might Not Think The Way I Do…

A few minutes ago, I couldn’t find Fluffy anywhere, and I was having trouble thinking of a decent post. So naturally, when I saw a friend of mine, I asked him if he had any ideas for something totally fluffy, not related to animals.

His answer?

Pad Thai. Not just Pad Thai. Videos of Pad Thai being cooked. By street venders. (He was quite emphatic on that point.)

I don’t know quite what I expected, but that certainly was not it.

You know. Personally, when I think fluffy, I think of Google Image Searching either “cute owls“, “pygmy owls“, kittens, or puppies. (Seriously, you should try this.)

Anywho, have a great day!

Reflections on Reflections

Do you want to know something that’s been slightly bothering me?

Probably no-

Good! Reflections. And deepness.

People who reflect on things appear to be deep, right?


Certainly in some cases. Anyways, that got me thinking… How did that happen? Because I mean, let’s face it. Deep things don’t always reflect things as clearly.


Think about mirrors. Mirrors reflect as close to perfectly as is possible, right? But how many truly deep mirrors do we see? And think about the atmosphere. When looking into space, that’s one of the deepest things we see. And that doesn’t reflect well at all.

So this leaves me with one conclusion. And I’ll work up to it:

Oh dear… I don’t think I want to know

“Deepness” as a person is determined by ability to reflect. Shallow things are able to reflect better than “deeper” things. So the only logical conclusion is that the only truly deep people are shallow people.

Yup, definitely didn’t want to know. How do you even come up with these ideas?

I’m just talented, I guess!

Anyways, here’s a nice shallow/deep/reflective picture just to finish matters:

trees reflected in a puddle

The shallow deepness of a tree reflection

Distracting Pictures

So, Webmaster…

Yes, Fluffy?

Given that you haven’t written the post for March 5th yet, does that mean I get to again?

Oh, right! I haven’t written anything yet. Hmm. I mean…


Distraction Squirrel.


So, even though you didn’t write anything, you won’t let me write actual content for the post?



Ooh, I’ve got another perfect image for that!

Owl staring angrily at you

Fluffy Owl is not Amused

Really, you even decided to name the owl after me?

Well, doesn’t he look a bit like how you feel?

Ok, fair enough. But this still doesn’t make up for the lack of content.

Maybe not, but it worked, didn’t it?

Anyways, have a great day, folks!

HexaFlexagons, part 2

I did it! I made a Hexaflexagon!

Pictures, or it didn’t happen.

Will wonders never cease? Fluffy is actually asking for pictures?

Well, as you wish!

Closed green hexaflexagon

Closed green hexaflexagon

Hexaflexagon about to be opened

Hexaflexagon about to be opened

Hexaflexagon in the process of opening

Look! It opens!

Hexaflexagon that has been opened all the way

Flexed Hexaflexagon

Isn’t it purdy?

You are easily amused, aren’t you?

You have no idea…

Oh dear…

Well, happy Sunday, everyone! I hope you have a phenomenal week. 🙂

There are 10 types of people in this world…

You know, as the current manifestation of a website, I really have to think that the Human System of Counting is ineffective.


Yes. Binary is the way to go.


Yes. It’s a different way of representing numbers. Here’s an overview of binary.

Ok… So why do you think it’s so much more effective?

Well, I should rephrase. It’s more effective for some things. If we were actually writing stuff out on paper, it would be much less effective. But in terms of basic representations of counting, it could be a lot more effective.

Ok, but why?

Well, I’ve been thinking about counting. And learning to count. And fingers.

You’re talking about counting on your fingers?


Right now, as I’ve said, it’s horribly inefficient. Each finger you hold up counts as one digit, and you count up the number of digits, so the maximum you can get is 10. Unless you’re using a unique base-10 system, where the left hand represents 1s, and the right hand represents 10s, in which case you can get up as high as 99.

…Uh, ok! I’ll take your word for it.

Good. It’s not really important.

Anyways, as I was mentioning, I was thinking about how inefficiently we use our finger-counting system. If we were to count our fingers in base 2, we could get a whole lot more.


Isn’t base 2 a lot less effective?

On paper, yes. But in terms of fingers, you could get up to (2^10)-1. Just with your 10 fingers.

How does that work?

Simple, really. Make each finger represent a power of 2.

Base 2 finger counting

Counting with Fingers in Binary

After that, it’s all a matter of simple memorization, and then addition. And memorizing how to count.

You see, if you have a particular base’s finger up, you count that base. If it’s down, you ignore it. Three, for example, would just be your thumb and first finger up.

Counting to three in binary using fingers

How to count to three in binary with your fingers.

That’s… Confusing.

I think the word you were looking for is “awesome.”

No, I was definitely looking for the word “confusing.”

You’re hopeless.

Anyways, I really think that binary has so many applications we haven’t even thought of. And I really think that everyone should relearn how to count with their fingers. Thoughts?


Hello, readers! I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend.

However, since it is a weekend, you might be feeling a bit bored. Not to worry! I have the solution! You can do some baking. But not just any baking; how about following the United States’ military 26-page recipe for brownies?

From what I can tell, this recipe originated for one or more of several reasons. The first is that the bureaucracy in America has taken over the world. The second is that the U.S. soldiers deserve the most time spent on their desserts. Of course, that does not mean the recipe must taste very good. Indeed, the dessert was designed to last, not necessarily to taste phenomenal.

Still, it’s definitely amusing seeing all the stipulations that get thrown into the recipe!

If you do actually make them, let me know?

Happy Saturday!

How do YOU feel about Muffin Flavored Shrimp?

Webmaster, what is with that title?

It’s descriptive of what I’m going to be talking about, of course!

I thought that it had been too long since I went around terrorizing asking people I know random questions, so I decided the situation must be rectified. That was also helped, of course, by the fact that a perfect, totally random question came to me.

And it has to do with “muffin flavored shrimp”? Brassicae, I don’t think I want to know…

Oh, it’s not that bad. I was simply having a meal with friends, and somehow a variety of random words came into the conversation that turned into a delightful question. So, I went around asking people, “How do you feel about muffin flavored shrimp of the paintball variety that have been defenestrated after being exsanguinated?

Bwah? What does that even MEAN?

Well, working backwards: Exsanguinated means being completely drained of blood. To defenestrate someone is to throw them out of a window. And then I’m not entirely sure what shrimp “of the paintball variety” would be, but muffin-flavored shrimp would be odd.

Exsanguinated Defenistrated Muffin Flavored Shrimp

Exsanguinated Defenestrated Muffin Flavored Shrimp

Anyways, some of the answers were very amusing:


  • Wait, muffin flavored SHRIMP?
  • No, just no.
  • Who paid you to ask me this?
  • Ah, those poor unfortunates. Their situation is truly discouraging; they really need representation, and a voice amongst the people!
  • No. I’ve seen the kind of muffins you eat.
  • *confused noises*
  • Cooked or raw?
  • I think someone needs psychoanalytical counseling.
  • Why were the shrimp defenestrated? I mean, everything else makes sense, but why would you throw them out the window?
  • Well, I’m not particularly fond of shrimp. But I do like muffins, and I’m always in favor of defenestration and exsanguination. So on the whole, I’d say I have a positive reaction.
  •  Why are you a) draining the shrimp of blood, b) throwing them out a window? and c) WHAT THE BLOODY [] DID YOU PUT IN YOUR ORANGE JUICE?
  • You know, from what I understand, the counseling center is actually pretty good
  • That’s gross
  • I’m all for them!
  • I think that it’s a gross violation of shrimp’s rights. Freezing them and eating them is one thing, but this is something else entirely. I think that we should take a stand against this!
  • Not very useful…
  • It’s good that they’ve been drained of blood first.
  • If I knew what they were, I’m sure I’d be for it.
  • No. Just no. Muffins are supposed to be lightly textured and sweet. Shrimp are supposed to be meaty and salty. You can’t do that. It’s like… like ketchup and ice cream.
  • I don’t know, but they definitely would not be accepted by a finite state automata.
  • As long as there are enough teeth, I’m interested.
  • at this point, they are inedible because they have been thrown on the ground.
  • I’m not sure. I’m not a fan of shrimp to begin with, so the muffin flavor wouldn’t help.

What did that person mean, “I’ve seen the kind of muffins you eat?”

Oh, look at the length! I guess that muffins will need to wait until another post.

Anyways, dear readers, what is your response to this question?

Banana Slicers

I know that I’m new to this world. But seriously, after finding out about the ostentatious wastes of money that exist, I thought I’d seen it all.

As it turns out, I was wrong. Horrifyingly wrong. Because, well, you see…



Banana slicers. You heard me. Designed to make perfectly even banana slices. Because knives are too dangerous for this fruit. Ten Dollars.

Oh, my…

“Oh, my” is the right response. I mean, have you even seen the reviews? A ninja who used to make money by perfectly slicing bananas for celebrities (top of the 1 star reviews)? I think I may have lost all faith in your-

-Oh, those are hilarious!

What’s hilarious?

Oh, sorry Fluffy. Um, you see, most of those reviews are written very tongue-in-cheek, and are definitely worth a read. Don’t worry, our world isn’t actually full of people who care too much about perfectly sliced bananas.

Wait, you don’t care?

Umm… Should I?

So, those reviews aren’t serious? Your world doesn’t actually care about perfectly sliced bananas?

Uh, no?

How can you not CARE? They’re bananas! They’re designed as a mental challenge: How can you perfectly slice them, to the optimal thickness! And… you don’t care!

… What just happened?

Nothing. I was just staying in practice for if I ever go back to acting.


But seriously. Knowing that those are tongue in cheek helps a bit. But who comes up with a banana slicer in the first place?

People on too much sugar and caffeine?

Fair enough.

Anyways, readers, have a great day!

Congratulations! You have introduced an “Earbug”!

I sometimes have problems.


Yes, sometimes.

You see, I remember tunes. But frequently not words. And very frequently, not entire sets of tunes/words.

Furthermore, my friends often like music that I normally wouldn’t listen to. And unfortunately, their music gets stuck in my head not infrequently. And IT WON’T COME OUT.

A different friend of mine refers to those pieces as “earbugs.” And they couldn’t be better named, from my perspective. It’s something somewhat in your ear, and it won’t come out.

Oh, the tragedy. My heart bleeds for you.

Wow, you actually care about me?

No. That was sarcasm.

I actually find that quite amusing.


Yeah, I guess there are worse problems to have.

But anyways. There’s currently one song that is frequently getting stuck in my head. It’s fairly popular, and also fairly inane. I mentioned this to the friends that introduced the piece to me, and they are quite pleased with themselves. In fact, “instead of blaming [them], [I] should give [them] a medal.”

Ooh, there are medals for annoying you?

Not yet, there aren’t…

Well, I guess I’ll need to fix that!


Yup. Definitely gold medal worthy. Now, for an inscription… In this case, yes! Here we go:

Medal for introducing an 'earbug'

Congratulations! You “Introduced an Earbug”.

So, readers, if anyone introduces an earbug to you, you can now just copy a picture of this medal, and send it to that person. Voila, instant medal!

I’m not sure whether you’re evil, or a genius. Or none of the above.

All of the above. I’m an actress, remember?