Category Archives: ooh shiny

Tutorial: Make Fake Windows in Photoshop (With Some Pics)

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Hey, Fluffsters!

Last night, I was up a bit too late again. But that was in part because of writing this post. But enough excuses. The main reason I stayed up too late was because I discovered a fun technique on Photoshop. I found a way to make fake windows!

Picture of a picture in a frame on a window frame.

All it took was a couple photos, Photoshop, and about 10 minutes… once I knew what I was doing

So, the two photos are completely separate, and started from these:

Pretty colorado mountains that get turned into a window view

This is the original view the “window” looks out on

Pretty building sillhuette at sunset

This is the one in the “frame”.

I next distorted the “view” picture using glass effects. I used the “frosted” glass option. For this one, I went with a small amount of distortion and a large amount of “smoothness”.

I then used vectors to create my frame shape, used a wood pattern I created a while ago to make the window look wooden, and bevelled the heck out of that layer. (Play around with it until you get something you like.) I used the “hard chisel” Inwards.

To create the frame shape, I used the rectangle tool. Next, I took three rectangles “out” of the shape, by using the “subtract” option on the rectangle tool. That’s what gives it the multi-paned look.

Have fun with the wood pattern… I don’t remember how I did that one.

Next I copied the “framed picture” into the image I was working with, on a layer above the frame. I resized it, and moved it to where I wanted. Next, I gave it a fairly thick black stroke. Make sure it’s thick- you’re going to bevel this one, too.

So as I just said, go to bevel. Use the “stroke” bevel. Make sure the depth is less than the thickness of your stroke.

Next, create a new layer the size of your “framed picture”. (This will be your shadow.) Fill it with a dark color, and move it behind your frame. Skew it until it gets to be about the shape you want. Turn the setting to “Multiply”. Then give it a “box blur.” (Again, play around with the settings until you like what it shows.)

And that’s it!

I’ve done a few others of these windows, and just reuse the window frame. (And really, that’s the hardest part. So once you create one, you’re set for a while!)

And there you have it! Other possibilities include “taping” pictures to the window or window frame. Or create more “framed pictures” to go on the “window sill.”

Then you can either use it as a desktop background on your computer (and look “outside” when you’re not working), or you can maybe stick it on a wall to give yourself an extra cool window.

Have fun!

More “mist”-erious

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Hi, Fluffsters! Happy Sunday!

This picture is from a couple nights ago again, but I really like it, so this is basically like a part two. And an indicator that I’m being a bit lazy…

I hope you enjoy the picture!

Mist shrouded clock tower

Isn’t it slightly spooky looking?

AMAZING Star Wars Art

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Hello, Fluffsters!

A friend just shared this on Facebook, and I needed to make this a fluff post. It’s art. Of Star Wars. With the idea of “What if Star Wars was set in an 80’s High School?”

Have you looked at it yet?

Ok, good.

OH MY, ISN’T THAT AWESOME? It totally captures the essence of the characters, don’t you think? I think I especially like R2D2, C3PO, Coach Yoda, and Prof Kenobi.

Some of the scenes from there are also AMAZING. The picture where Prof Kenobi saves Luke from the “Sand People”? Doesn’t that totally capture the essence of the scene?

And oh my, Han shooting Greedo first? With the straw shooter?

And, frankly, both R2’s and Luke’s expressions in the picture where Yoda is training Luke are also so priceless.

I should probably stop fangirling now… I hope you enjoyed!

Fantastic Snowflakes!

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Today’s post is a short one on my end. But basically, I wanted to share a really cool article with you.

Ok, so you know how every snowflake is unique? Well, somebody photographed some snowflakes way up close. And they are so cool looking.

So to speak.


Snowflakes. They’re cool. Frozen water. You know. A pun.


Anyway, happy Tuesday!

Sittin’ on Top of the World (part 2)

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Remember how about a week ago I shared some pictures I took while flying?

Well, I got some more. This time, we flew over the ocean as we were taking off, and then over land during the middle of the morning. I love the way the pictures turned out, and I hope you do, too!

An island in the middle of the ocean early morning

It’s an island!

Sunrise over the ocean


A picture of the shore line

I love the shore-line.

A sea of clouds

Don’t you just want to go swimming in this sea of clouds?

A panorama view of the ground, taken from an airplane

A view of the land

Future Posts

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Happy Tuesday!

I had a lot of fun last night. I spent time actually doing crafts. I haven’t had time to do that in quite a while. (Or the supplies…)

That being said, I owe you some slightly longer posts. In fact, I owe you some specific posts.

First of all, there’s the details on the type of fluff / “food” the cafeteria I go to has served since my last “food” post. (To any grammarians out there, yes, the quotation marks are intentional.)

Second, there’s the post that I was sort of working on and meant to write tonight: A tutorial on painted banners. I don’t even know how many pieces of fabric I’ve painted tonight! A lot. That’s for sure. And it’s been a lot of fun! Here’s an example of one of the ones I painted tonight:

A scarlet banner with a gold rim and a black and gold painted cross

Red Banner with Painted Cross

Hopefully I’ll take the time to give you a tutorial on how to make the sewn banner I made… (not this one.)

I hope your week is going well!

Yarn! It’s Practically Finished!

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Thursday.

Last night I didn’t have that much time to write this post, because I was a little bit too caught up with arts and crafts. And by that, I mean I was FINISHING MY FIRST HOME-SPUN YARN!!! (I’m a bit excited, could you tell?)

No. Really? You’re excited?

I know. Oddest thing, right?

Anyways, here’s a picture of my new yarn hanging up to dry.

Blue hand spun yarn.

It’s hanging up to dry

Isn’t it lovely? I’m hoping I have enough to make a hat with it.

I’m also really looking forward to seeing how my undyed yarn that I’m currently making comes out. I personally haven’t dyed anything before, so it’ll be an interesting experiment… I’ll be sure to let you know in a few months once I actually do it.

Anyways, Fluffsters, happy Thursday! I hope you have a fantastic day and a wonderful rest of your week.

Technology is amazing. So is art.

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I’ve recently had my mind blown.

Any consequence of it having been your 21st birthday on the 27th?

No, actually.

My mind was a bit blown before that, and I’ve just been saving this for a time when I couldn’t immediately think of something to write about. So here it is: Some of the most AMAZING 3d renders I have ever seen in my LIFE.

I did a bit of research, and it seems as though these are (probably) just 3d renders, not photographs. Look at them, and be amazed by the 35 most realistic 3d renders I’ve ever seen in my life.

Aren’t those amazing? The fact that there are not photographs is seriously blowing my mind. I’m fairly sure that they’re probably legitimate 3d renders, too, because the same site has links to a previous set of amazing 3d renders, and a number of those link to tutorials.

So, in other words, my mind has been blown, and yours should be too. The end. Happy Sunday!

Fun with Vector Art: Owl(?)

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Saturday!

I have recently discovered how much fun vector art in Photoshop can be. It’s really fun being able to move a point by about a pixel or 3, and dramatically changing the look of something.

You’ve got a strange sense of fun.

So I spent just a little time tonight and created a… something. I think it’s sort of owlish, but I’m not sure. I could be wrong.

A blue, black, and white "owl." The Webmaster has clearly never seen one in real life.

I have no CLUE what I was doing.

Regardless, I had fun with it. I may work on it a bit more. But if I do, by the time it’s done, it’ll probably be very different. You know, like with a cane and a hat. And a mustache. And maybe some eye sparkles. And who knows? It might even be breathing fire. None of these things are likely, but they’re possible, right?

So, do any of you have any name suggestions for the current critter?