Category Archives: nature

Comparing Thunderstorms in CA to MI– no comparison

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

As I mentioned earlier, I am currently not in my normal location. I am instead in Michigan, for basically a summer camp. And as I’m writing this (last night, from when this thing is posted), there is currently a three hour sever Thunderstorm warning!!!

And this T-storm is fantastic. I love storms.

It kindof reminds me of when I was in Northern California this last January, and the weather sortof tried to have a “severe” thunderstorm.

The comparison is a bit hilarious.

(In part because there is no comparison.)

The storm that’s currently going on (as I’m writing this, not as you’re reading this) is a severe storm. By Michigan standards. That means there’s almost constant lightning flashes, the Thunder is gradually crashing louder as the center of the storm approaches, and the parking-lot turned into a river within about ten minutes.

In Northern California, by contrast…

Well, from what I recall, there were about two little bangs of thunder. I kid you not about the “bang”, too. The CA thunderstorm really was essentially like a cartoon “gag gun” in style comparison– you know, the one where when you try to fire it a flag comes out reading “bang” rather than really shooting anything.

And yes, there may have been some “river-y” ness. But that’s primarily because CA was so dry, any amount of rain would have turned anything into a river.

It’s really, really neat being back in a place with full-on, legitimate crashing thunderstorms.

Have a great Monday!

The Greedo Conspiracy

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Hello, Fluffsters!

So, I found out something a couple of days ago. Apparently, there’s a recently discovered type of Catfish. And it’s been named after the Star Wars character Greedo, because of similarities of appearances.

Of course, now I’m wondering… What if this is all some sort of plot with Star Wars to make science more interesting? So, suppose that scientists actually found this type of catfish decades ago, and George Lucas based Greedo on the fish. And then the scientists are only now revealing the existence of the fish, so that people are a) more interested in the discovery because it looks like a Star Wars character, and 2) make it less likely anybody would discover the conspiracy?

I blame the rainbows. They’re devious like that. But I’m onto your tricks! Your sith mind tricks won’t work on me, rainbows!

Let me get this straight… rainbows are sith now?

Well, do you have proof that they aren’t?

Anyways, Fluffsters, have a good day. Don’t eaten by a catfish, a space alien, or a rainbow, ok?

The moon disappeared!

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Tuesday!

So, last night / this morning, I had an AMAZING experience. As you probably know, there was a blood moon. So on my way back to where I live, I decided to see if I could see it.

And I got to see some of it!

Lunar Eclipse

Disappearing Moon

Isn’t that cool? The part of the circle you can’t see is because of the eclipse, not the clouds.

And then, the moon suddenly just disappeared. It was pretty cool.


You see, it disappeared because a cold front rolled in. And I got a picture of that, too!

Coldfront rolling in.

Creepy Cold Front

Isn’t that kinda eerie?

Anywho, happy Tuesday! I hope you have a great day!

Lovely Evening

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Last night was lovely. Very lovely.

It was a foggy evening. But it was a kindof low-to-the-ground fog, that still allowed for things like stars.

So here’s a picture, so you can appreciate it too.

A star, a tree, and fog

There’s a star up in the tree

Isn’t it pretty?

Well, I hope you have a happy Saturday!

For once, I’m glad I live in the Internet

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Greetings, readers!

Today, I am surprisingly happy to be where I am. For, you see, I am not out in the cold, dealing with below freezing weather.

If it is cold enough for Niagara Falls to freeze – again – then it is too cold for me to be outside.

The pictures are beautiful, though. I recommend you follow the link above.

Stay warm, readers! Do not die!

Lightning Strike!

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Hello, Fluffsters!

I suppose it would make the most sense for me to wait until Halloween to post this, but I don’t really care. Because it happened last night, it works now too…

Basically, there was a lovely lightning storm! And I got one of the lightning strikes on film! (Well, digital video. But you know.)

My apologies for the sound… I’m not sure how to use the video editing software.

Have a great weekend!