Category Archives: list

Fun Facts You Never Knew About September

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy last day of September!

I guess that is more reasonable than wishing people a “happy Monday…”

That may be true, but when has that ever stopped me?

…Good point.

Well, anywho. That’s sort of off topic for the post. Because, you see, this post is on:

Fun Facts You Never Knew About September

…Which you probably gathered from the title. But oh well.


1) September starts with an “S.” This might not seem like an interesting fact, until you realize that it’s the only month that starts with an “s”. In fact, it’s one of only two months to have an S in it.

2) It originally comes from “sept” which is a form of the word for serpent.

Uh, are you sure you don’t actually mean “septem” or “seven”, for the seventh month?

Yes, I’m sure I don’t mean seven. It’s not the seventh month, after all! That would just be silly to name it after the number 7, when it’s the ninth month.

No. You see, what happened was that it started off as serpent. Then serpent went to Srpnt, which really looked too much like “spent.” Due to a rise of anti-consumerism in the world, and possibly due to religious folks and the rise of Indiana Jones (and therefore a fear of snakes), the r and the n got dropped. It then went to spt. In order to clarify that the word was not “spat”, the people in charge of these things decided to add an “e” into the word. Hence, Sept. So we now have September. Which, when you think about it, sounds a lot better than “Serpentember.”

3) There are a number of traditional holidays in September. These include “Welcome Pumpkin Spice” day, held on the day when day and night are equal time. This is held in honor of the traditional vegetable flavor, in partial penance for all the junk eating we will do in the later months. By celebrating a vegetable this month, we pretend to be healthy and soothe our consciences.

So, I have not heard of that holiday. Given that I’m very good friends with Google, are you sure you know correctly about that one?

Positive. I’ve seen it celebrated. There’s even a movie coming out about it!

…I’m still skeptical.


4) All food that is orange gets you double bonus points in September, after the Pumpkin Spice celebration. Fact. Every goldfish cracker is worth twice as many points as it usually is. Same with carrots, pumpkins, fall leaves, and carrot cake frosting.

Now I know you’re making stuff up. Points for foods you eat? What is this? And eating fall leaves? Webmaster, can you please explain what you’re talking about?

…Oh, look at the time.

Well, Happy Last Day of September, folks! I hope you enjoy your orange foods and pumpkin spice, and avoid being bitten by one of the snakes this month was named after. Bye!

What if Lightsabers were real?

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Greetings, Fluffsters! I wish you all a joyous Saturday.

The online phenomenon you call “news” has been informing me that something called a “lightsaber” might now be a possibility. The article was moderately interesting, and seemed like it might be useful. You should consider reading it.

WHAT? Lightsabers might become a reality? Oh that is so cool!

If you say so…

This invention does bring up some interesting questions, though, if they are as fully capable as the lightsabers of the Star Wars franchise.

What would happen if lightsabers were real?

1) Craft saw companies would go out of business. A sword that can cleanly cut through metal can definitely cut through a piece of wood no problem. It would also have a much nicer finished edge than the metal cut.

2) Food could be more sanitarily made. I’m looking at you, people who use their knives to cut and eat food.

3) More limbs would be missing. Habits die hard, and I’m guessing a few folks would try to eat off the blade of the “knife” they use, never mind that the blade itself can cleanly remove your tongue. And face.

4) Pocket Lightsabers, anyone? You have to admit, that would be pretty cool. Useful, too. It would be similar to a pocket knife, but more easily transportable.

5) TSA would increase even more. Soon they’d need to do some sort of search to ensure that you aren’t taking a mini lightsaber on board the plane.

There are also some questions this raises, though. In the Star Wars universe, the guns are primarily light based. We also have proof that the lightsabers are able to block and reflect the substance of light. What would a lightsaber do to a metal bullet, though? Does it instantly melt, and therefore provide extra casing for the lightsaber? Does the metal vaporize? Would anyone using an extra wide lightsaber be protected from machine gun bullets?

All of these things might be worth considering.

I hope you have a good weekend, Fluffsters!

Ways to tell you need coffee

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Wednesday!

Today’s post is in part inspired by an event or more from yesterday… So, here are

Some ways to tell that you need coffee.

1) It’s the morning. If it’s the morning, you need coffee. No questions asked.

…Wait. Even if it’s 4:00am? When you’re supposed to be asleep?

…And that’s why I try to add qualifiers to what I say. Because when I don’t, stuff like that happens. Yes, Fluffy, you’re right. So, let me rephrase that:

1 b) It’s morning and you’re supposed to be awake. There. Better?

For now.

Good. Moving on, then.

2) You’ve got a long day ahead of you. Coffee is always a good option when you’re facing a long day. Even if it’s the middle of the afternoon.

3) You’re dealing with allergies. I don’t know how, but coffee (especially caffeinated coffee) actually helps relieve allergy symptoms. Crazy, huh? AND coffee has anti-oxidants!

4) You accidentally pour the creamer into the trash can and start to put the mini carton into your cup. That’s definitely a sign that you need the coffee.

5) You don’t have the mental capacity to decide between coffee and tea. If you’re having that sort of problem, you definitely need coffee.

There you go, Fluffsters! Five ways to tell that you need coffee. Happy Wednesday!

Questions about the new Harry Potter Universe Movie

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Hello, Fluffsters! So…

I am so excited right now! J.K. Rowling is writing a screenplay for Warner Brothers, based on her book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them!

This is going to be fantastic. I loved the book. Seriously. Alright, so part of it was because supposedly Ron, Harry, and Hermione had left notes in the margins, which added great witty commentary. I’m fairly sure this movie will be interesting, though.

And there are definitely some things I’m curious about with this new movies.

Questions I’m hoping will be answered

1) What is wizarding life like in America? According to the article, it starts in New York. That’s fantastic! Will we get to see any Quodpot? (The American version of Quidditch.) Do American wizards still wear robes? If so, what do they look like? I can’t wait to see!

2) When will this be released?! Is this something I should be looking for next year? Do I have time to save up money and audition for a part? (Speaking of which, how hard would it be to audition for the part of a patronus? Or a unicorn or thestral? Either of those three could be amusing to play…)

Wait, you’re trying to become an actress? That’s my job. Besides, the parts you just listed are CG. Or they’re going to find live animals.


3) Do American wizarding foods differ? Ok, so this could go under the “Questions about Wizarding Life in America” section. But it kind of deserves its own question, don’t you think? But I’m straying from the point. In Britain, they have Chocolate Frogs and Berty Botts. Do Americans as well? Or have the American wizards taken those foods and “perfected” them? (Do wizard fairs have deep-fried chocolate-frog-legs? That would be amusing… Or deep fried butterbeer? I know that deep fried coca cola is a thing where I’m originally from. On a stick, of course.) What would a wizard’s hamburger look like, too? Or pizza? Do they do special tricks with the pizza dough, since you can make things fly and whatnot?

4) What about “current events?” If this movie is taking place seventy years before Harry Potter, that would put it in the 1920s. There’s a lot of culture that everyone knows about from the ’20s. Will we get to see any of that? Does Newt know Gatsby?

Well, those are some of my questions. What about you? (Oh, and happy Friday! It’s now the weekend, yay!)

Stupid thrice blasted allergies, and responses to them.

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Hi, Fluffsters!

Apologies for any lack of coherence in this post coming up. I’m allergic to corn pollen, and I’m temporarily in an area surrounded by corn fields. This is making me very unhappy right now.

On the plus side, though, it provides an easy way to think of a topic for today:

Ways to deal with allergies.

1) Take medicine. About 2 times out of 7 (it seems) this actually helps. I recommend Loratidine. It sometimes even works on colds.

2) Mope. This garners a bit of sympathy, and might get you free hugs. On the other hand, this makes you less pleasant company and makes people less eager to spend time with you, thereby decreasing your normal number of hugs. So actually, this is probably not the best option.

…Because hugs are the most important thing.

3) Surround yourself with tissues. This is a must. Especially if your medicine isn’t working.

4) Buy a chapstick for your nose. This is to help your nose after you’ve rubbed it raw with tissues or napkins, or whatever else you have to wipe your nose with. I actually recommend the mint ones. Although they dry out your skin, they make your nose tingle and make it not hurt. At least for a while.

5) Eat chocolate. This won’t actually help your allergies, but at least it tastes good!

6) Drink caffeinated coffee. This actually works. At least, it’s worked for me. Decaf? Not so much. Caffeinated bubbly beverages? Maybe. But coffee’s good, and it has anti-oxidants, which are supposedly good for you and stuff.

7) Cut off your nose. I’ve yet to try this solution, but I imagine it would remove congestion in your nose. On the other hand, then you’d go without a nose for the rest of your life, and therefore look weird. And be unable to smell anything. But, you know, priorities. You’d no longer have allergies, right?

8) Stand up and walk around. I’ve found that this often really helps. I have no clue why, but sitting down or lying down are typically the worst positions for allergy-fighting. Standing up and walking seems to frequently be the best. At least for me.

9) Write a blog post about it. Of course, this doesn’t actually help with your allergies. But it at least provides writing material.

So there you go, Fluffsters! Hopefully one of these options will work for you. If you have any other thoughts, please let me know? My nose seriously seems to be trying to kill me right now…

How to delay going to bed

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Tuesday!

I’m procrastinating on going to bed. Here are some easy ways for you to do so as well.

Avoid going to bed.

1) Start doing more homework / work / cleaning / anything productive. You can’t actually go to bed while you’re doing stuff, right? I mean, then you won’t get back to it!

2) Keep doing something fun. “But I’m in the middle of sewing my dress! Just one more seam, and I’ll be done with the bodice…”

3) Start “just the first chapter” of a book. This only really works when a) You’re genuinely trying to avoid going to bed, or ii) you’ve still got a bit of time left before you want to go to bed, otherwise you’ll feel guilty enough about doing so to not actually use this technique. After you read the first chapter, though, I wager you’ll probably continue into the second, third, or even twelfth chapter. (That reminds me: Twelfth. Odd word, that, isn’t it?)

4) Write a blog entry. And then write another, because there’s some question as to whether or not you actually should post the one you wrote previously.

5) Check Facebook / email “one last time.” This will almost definitely delay going to bed by at least an hour, as there will be a variety of links you probably want to follow through on.

6) Start researching a topic. What areduck calls” anyway? Or “galaxy nail art“? Or who even is Fluffy McGiggles?

If all of those fail

7) Start writing a book / story, or drawing a picture. Those can take infinite amounts of time to perfect or add to. They don’t always, but they can.

By the time you get through all of those on the list, you’ll have reached tomorrow, and your procrastination will have succeeded! Exhaustion tomorrow, here I come!

Well, happy Tuesday. I hope you have a great day, and learn how to stay awake after not going to bed…

Sources of Inspiration

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Can you believe I started this blog more than half a year ago? And that there have been posts EVERY DAY since then? So, I’ve written over 200 blog entries?

Well, today I’m going to talk about where…

Sources of inspiration for Fluff Posts.

1) Random objects lying around my area. I currently have a soft orange piece of fabric hanging up by my computer, for example, that led me to writing the orange fluff post.

2) Conversations with friends. I think most people probably don’t even want to know what we end up talking about, that I come up with things like muffin-flavored shrimp. Okay, so that conversation itself was a relatively harmless discussion of semantics and favorite words. That’s at least where the defenestration and exsanguination came from. I don’t remember where shrimp came into the equation.

3) Asking friends for ideas. My post on whipped cream was roughly inspired by some friends I spoke with about a week before I posted that.

4) Real life Fluff Encounters. When I encounter a fluffy rabbit, I’m going to photograph it. It’s that simple. (Same goes for skunks, porcupines, and cows.) Then, when I examine what pictures I have, I can turn them into fluff posts.

5) Random events around where I am. An organization was selling random rubber ducks. I therefore decided they would make a marvelous fluff post.

6) Random pictures I draw. They’re a fairly easy way to add a fluff post. After all, a picture’s worth a thousand words, right?

7) Other stuff I read. Some stuff is just too ridiculous to not share it. Such as when authors completely forget the purpose of their sentences, and switch comparison. Also, the internet provides a ready source of inspiration. News as well.

Well, there you have it! I hope you have a wonderful Monday!

Ways to Cool Down

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Hello, Fluffsters!

As I mentioned yesterday, where I am currently living is quite warm and muggy this time of year. As I really dislike over heating, I’ve found a few ways of cooling off.

1) Cold water on your wrists, the back of your neck, and inside of your arms. Then stand in front of a fan, or anywhere with moving air. It doesn’t keep you cool for very long, but it really helps to cool you off at least temporarily.

2) Drink LOTS of cold liquids. Water, of course, is the healthiest. My biggest problem is that after about a glass of water, the taste really starts to bug me. My solution, recently, has been to drop in about a sliced quarter of lemon. It adds enough flavor, and is refreshing, to make the water drinkable. Be sure to have as much ice as possible, too.

Needless to say, hot water doesn’t work very well for this.

It’s also best to use thinner liquids, at least from my experience. Unless you can get a smoothie. Then always get the smoothy.

3) Find a nice cool wall to lean against. I am really good at this one. A couple of years ago, my bed was right up against a cinderblock wall. It was lovely. The wall was always cold, and so if I got hot in the middle of the night I could just throw off the blankets and rest my back against the wall. That really helps cool you off.

4) Cold showers. They’re wonderful for cooling you down. You might start with warmer water, and then work your way down in temperature. Regardless, there are few things quite so refreshing as a cold shower!

But how about you, Fluffsters? Do you have any favorite ways of keeping cool?

Orange Fluffy Things

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Wednesday!

Today, I’m talking about orange things that are fluffy. Pretty specific, I know, but it’s what I could think of to do a post on.

Orange Fluffy Things

5) Mandarin Oranges. Especially when they come out of a can. They’re so sugary, there’s little content to them at all. Hence, they are fluff.

4) “Facts” about mandarin oranges being legitimate oranges. No, they’re not. They’re a completely different type of fruit- don’t try to say otherwise! That’s just fluff.

3) Orange Dimensional Pens. The dimensional stuff they use often feels fluffy. Sort of like foam. That leads us to the next one:

2) Orange foam. It’s useful for crafts. I could especially see using orange foam for Halloween crafts, can’t you?

1) Orange fluff. This can be ether dyed fiber, a particular type of dessert, or a fleecy fabric. It doesn’t really matter- you can’t beat fluff for being fluffy.

There you go, Fluffsters! Happy Wednesday!


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Hello, Fluffsters!

I’m by no means an expert, but today I’m going to be talking a bit about…


1) The thing you normally think of probably isn’t a tuba. The big circular thing that goes over the person’s shoulder? That’s called a sousaphone. If you only remember one fact remember that! Normal tubas are held.

So, again to clarify: These are pictures of tubas. These are images of sousaphones.

2) Sousaphones are marching tubas. As in, they are the marching band’s version of a tuba. The sousaphone players are awesome. Since they wear their instruments, every thing they do gets reflected in the instruments. The sousaphone players also get to wear berets instead of harder hats, because there’s no way a traditional band hat would fit under the sousaphone.

3) Tuba players can do amazing things with their instruments. For example, there is a “dueling tubas” arrangement. This is what it sounds like- “dueling banjos”, done by tubas.

So, Fluffsters, do any of you know any interesting tuba facts?