Category Archives: list

Responses to Annoyances

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Have you ever been annoyed? Or how about… annoyed when paper & pencil are readily convenient? I think I more or less qualified last night. Okay, so I’m not entirely sure if annoyed or some other adjective is best for describing me last night. But regardless, here’s an image representation of some of my favorite responses for responding to annoyances.

stick figures illustrating responses to annoyances

Yes, that’s on paper I could have used to take notes…

The responses are as follows:

1) Facepalm. This is always useful. If anyone asks, you can either tell the truth, or indicate that you’re just tired, and resting your head in your hand. Not that I condone dishonesty per say. But yeah.

2) Bang Head Here. This, alas, cannot be done as easily in a group of people, as it attracts attention. (It sometimes is a great way of venting, though!)

3) Flail. The others are basically variations of flailing wildly. Like the Bang Head Here, this is not always the least obvious response, so use it wisely.

4) Illustrate each of the responses that you want to do. That’s not illustrated above, except insofar as it’s an illustration of responses that I want to do. Or something like that. The illustrating part is really useful, since you can then pretend that you’re the one doing it, and therefore not actually need to do it in real life.


So, what are your responses to annoyances?



What to Do when you’re Really Excited

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Something that people do is they get excited. And when they get excited they do things to try to express the excitement. Here is a list of things to do that I’ve come up with. (I may or may not use any/all of them…)

1) Bounce. This one’s very easy, and has many ranges. For simple bouncing, start with a flat-footed position. Transfer your weight to your toes, and raise your heels. (Basically go up on tip-toe.) Then, return to your flatfooted resting position.

1b) Advanced bouncing. For more advanced forms of bouncing, once you are on your toes, add a small jump in, land back on your toes, and only then return to your flatfooted position.

1c) Trickiest Bouncing.For the most advanced form of bouncing, which I have not yet mastered, increase the jump size, aim your feet towards a wall or a ceiling, and hit said wall or ceiling. You are now bouncing off walls.

Disclaimer: If you try this type of bouncing, be sure to land back on your feet. We at TotalFluff are not held liable for any damage that may come from attempting anything on this site.

2) Hug someone. I’d suggest getting their permission first. Or at least make sure you know the person before you give them a hug. Hugging a random stranger sometimes gets you weird looks…

…Is that the voice of experience speaking?

I’m… not going to answer that one.

3) Do a cartwheel, or other gymnastics. I actually haven’t done this one. But I wish I could- it looks like a great way to express excitement!

4) Talk to a friend. As long as they’ll even somewhat understand why you’re excited. (It’s annoying to talk to people who give you a confused, “okay, dear, whatever you say” look when you’re super excited(!) about something.) The shrieks of excitement are always fantastic.

Yup. That’s about what I can come up with. What about you? Do you do anything when you’re feeling really excited?

Things to do when your computer’s almost dead

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Due to a situation I am dealing with right while I’m writing this post(!) I have a quickie post for you today.

Things to do when your computer’s almost dead.

4) Panic.

3) Turn it off. And then go to bed.

2) Put off writing that thing you were going to do when you turned your computer on.. Or, in my case, just write a really short fluff post.

1) Plug it in.

Well, happy Thursday! I need to turn this thing off now.

Some favorite sayings.

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Greetings, readers! I hope this week is treating you tolerably.

I have been perusing some of your sources of wisdom available to me, or some interesting analogies, an I have chosen some of my favorites to share with you. Without further ado:

Sayings for Life (in no particular order)

1) S/he who laughs last, not get joke. This, of course, s worth remembering. If you’re in a crowd, and others start to laugh, make sure you start to laugh too, and before someone else. Elsewise it will look as though you do not understand the joke.

Jokesters out there, you might also wish to remember this. The last person to laugh at your joke likely does not (or did not) “get” it.

2) Boxing is like ballet, except there is no music, no choreography, and the dancers hit each other. This Jack Handey quote is worth remembering if you ever get into a dance-off with a boxer, or a fight with a ballerina. They are likely to win. Do not attempt this.

3) Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. This is apparently a quote by Elbert Hubbard. With a name like “Elbert”, I am not too surprised he gave that quote.

…Says the person named “Fluffy McGiggles.”

Of course! I completely understand about weird names, and the need to laugh at live because of it.

Moving on.

4) Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger. This J.R.R. Tolkein quote illustrates how well he knew wizards.

If my family hadn’t misperformed a play about wizards, after all, I would still be in my home world. Not here.

This brings me to the next one, though:

5) Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy, and taste good with ketchup. As I mentioned a couple of days ago, this is also quite accurate. I do not know what ketchup actually tastes like, since we do not have it at home, but since dragons eat everything, I am positive that this quote is factual. Do not approach a dragon. Your life depends upon it.

6) Simply because you are unique does not mean you are useful. I found this one from a page of “Demotivational” posters. (I have recently lost the link, and there were some off-color words used in prior posters, so I am not sharing the link.) This quote is definitely well worth keeping in mind, however.

7) Dogs have masters. Cats have staff. I think this one does not need explanation.

In a similar “no-explanation-necessary category”:

8) A day without sunshine is like night. Someone named Steve Martin apparently made this astute observation.

9) Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. That is one of the most succinct explanations I have encountered.

10) In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. Also known as “even the best laid plans go awry.”

I hope, readers, that you found this information informative and useful.

Are there any favorite proverbs or sayings of yours that I missed?

Welcome, 2014! [Here are some resolutions few will keep.]

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Hello, Fluffsters! HAPPY 2014!!

So, as I’m sure you’re all aware, people traditionally make “New Year’s Resolutions.” These are things that we promise ourselves will go better, or will change, for the upcoming year. Now, I’ve already (mostly) decided upon mine, but I’m here to help you out! For you see, in honor of today, I have selected some common things to make a list of:

New Year’s Resolutions.

1) Lose weight. After all, the purpose should be a number on the scale, not improving at the activities you enjoy, right? This is quite a common one, and I would be completely irresponsible if I didn’t mention it.

2) Live life to the fullest. Ok. So, I think this is another common one. That’s why it’s here!

But what does it even mean? How is that possible?

You know, I have no idea.

…So, New Year’s Resolutions don’t need to be attainable?

Of course not! They’re just supposed to inspire you to do better, or something. Alright, so some of them are possible to achieve. But not all of them.

So, just to clarify, quantifiability is not a requirement?

…Uh, I don’t think so.

Huh. In that case:

3) Fly to the moon. That would certainly provide stories. Barring the actual flight ability, you can at least work towards that goal.

I don’t think that’s how it should work.

I thought you said it could be anything?

Well, “could” and “should” are two completely different things.

5) draw better. That’s a better one. You know, working on improving a particular area of your life. That’s a more typical way, and a better example of how resolutions should work.

Oh. So,

4) Be kinder when pointing out others’ mistakes would qualify?

Um. I think so. Why do I feel like you’re referencing something?

You mean the fact that you completely skipped four, until I put it in without comment?

Until now…

Uh, yeah. I think that works.

Well, that’s enough for right now. Do you have any brilliant resolution ideas, Fluffsters? Or any resolutions you’re planning on fulfilling?

Make someone’s day brighter

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Happy Wednesday!

Given that it’s the Christmas season, I wanted to share some

Ways to…Make other people’s days brighter. 

1) LEDs. LEDs are quite bright. Plug in a few around where the person is, and their day is practically guaranteed to get brighter. Literally.

2) Send a funny email. Even if it’s just a bad pun, or a link to a buzzfeed article. Or a fluff post. Or something. There are lots of possibilities.

4) Make a snowflake. Then, clearly, give it to that someone. Spontaneous gifts make days brighter.

3) Give a hug. Not in a creepy way, of course. So, probably only to people you know and who you are comfortable hugging and who like hugs and stuff like that. And I’m a bit tired so I’m going to end the post here.

Happy Wednesday!

Reasons to be Thankful for Your Thanksgiving Dinner

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Thanksgiving!

I realized the other day that my timing is coincidentally excellent. You see, as I mentioned previously, I’ve been planning on doing a “catch you up on things a cafeteria tries to call food” post. Today is Thanksgiving. Therefore, I am going to combine the holiday with the promised post, and give you:

Reasons to be thankful you’re having your Thanksgiving Dinner!

1) This substance somewhat related to banana pudding. It tasted weird, and its consistency was definitely odd.

Weird looking banana pudding with chocolate cake in it.

Banana Pudding

If there hadn’t been cake in it, it wouldn’t have been a problem. In fact, it might even have tasted ok. The chocolatey stuff, though, really made it less than wonderful.

2) The Peanut Butter Mousse

menu listing chocolate peanut butter mousse

The menu listing

individual portion of peanut butter mousse

A small portion that I got.

You can tell it was actually ok, because there's so little of it in the serving container

You can tell that it actually wasn’t bad because there was a time when there wasn’t much in the container. It was definitely too sweet. But it had a nice, creamy consistency! It’s not pumpkin pie, or turkey and stuffing, though, so your thanksgiving will almost definitely be better.

3) This “bread pudding”. When I showed my picture to my parents, their first thought was that it looked like Egg Foo Young.

an oddly colored dish that looks a bit like egg foo young

I think it had sprinkles in it

Whatever it was (I don’t remember the name…) it was extremely sweet. It tasted a bit like bread pudding with maple syrup and icing. It was also (clearly) disturbingly colored. Not as disturbing as…

5) This odd colored muffin with frosting.

a multicolored frosted muffin. I think.

I don’t even know what this is…

At least, I think that’s what it was. On the one hand, it’s multicolored and slightly grainier, thus indicating that it’s a muffin. On the other hand, it’s frosted. Frosting implies cupcake. So is it a mupcake? I have no clue.

6) This brightly colored orange… dish.

disturbing looking orange pie stuff.

The badness of the quality came naturally to me. I’ve got SKILLS!

It tasted like dreamsicle in pie form. Not bad, but, again, weird. And, again, oddly colored. I was very surprised that I actually liked it!

4) Even MORE fluff stuff!

yet ANOTHER type of fluff!

how many kinds of fluff ARE there?

I seriously have no clue how many types of fluff the place I eat can make. It seems like there’s always one more. (I think it’s their fallback dessert option.)

So, yup. Several reasons to be thankful you have your thanksgiving dinner! I hope you have a great one!

300th Post!

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Saturday!

I was just looking at my numbers of posts… Apparently, this is number 300. Can you believe it? 300 daily fluffs! That’s a bit less than ten months of daily posting. A lot has happened since then, hasn’t it? In fact, I think that’s what I’m going to do today. I’m going to look back at some of my favorite posts from each month that I’ve been posting!

Webmaster’s Favorite Posts since Post 1

January’s Post: Well, I was definitely new to this whole Daily Fluff thing. I was, and still am, trying to figure out exactly what to put there. I have to say, Fluffy’s short story about the origin of treasure chests was an interesting post.

It’s not a short story! It’s a legend!

Fine. Legend. Whatever.

Moving on.

My posts in February: This was the first full month that I blogged. I’m just as glad it wasn’t a leap-year, or I’d have needed to write an extra one! I think my favorite post would definitely have to be Muffin Flavored Shrimp. I’ve used that question as a frequent opener since then!

…You would.

And do!

Favorite March Post: I’m actually going to cheat, and post two of my favorites. The first is one of my favorites because of the YouTube video embedded in it, not because of my commentary. It’s the video of Sheep LED Art. It’s totally worth watching. The second is my “book review” of an instruction manual. That one still gets its value primarily of a secondary source, but I still like it.

April’s Post: My favorite would have to be my Foundation of Rome post. I got a fair number of hits, for like the first time ever, AND it’s an INFOGRAPHIC!

May: Oh, gosh. I’d totally forgotten about May’s “comfort” challenge. That was probably one of my least intelligent decisions with this blog… But I’d have to say that my “breathing” post is fun. I’m often a bit amused when I go back and look at my various numbering systems.

June: I think my instructions for how to make a room messy in seven easy steps mostly qualifies. I also like my post about the random pair of socks. So I’ll just list those both.

July: Again, I’m going to cheat and post more than one. If I had to choose, I’d probably go with my post on how books are like an addictive substance. But my post about the origin of the use of aloe also amuses me. Is it bad that I’m amused by my own work?

August: I think that my post about what to do with freshly baked cookies is one that I really like.

September: Definitely my post about Lemon Dessert. I still think about that one fondly… Maybe some day, I’ll redo the video and add sound effects.

And finally, October: I think my poetry about coffee should qualify as one of my best posts of the month.

Thank you all for reading my 300 posts to date, and here’s to even MORE! Enjoy the rest of your week!

Four Great De-Stressers

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Greetings, Fluffsters! HAPPY FRIDAY! It’s the weekend. And less than one week until Thanksgiving!

It’s also the time that a lot of things happen. This can be the start, or continuation, of one of the most stressful times of the year. Because of that, I’m going to share four great de-stressers with you. I may have talked about them already, but oh well. They’re worth being repeated.

1) Spinning. This can be any of the forms of spinning you can think of. I personally do the kind with wool, primarily. There is something very soothing about creating yarn from fibers. On the other hand, taking time to just spin around in circles can also be a lot of fun. I also understand that a lot of people find exercise to be anti-stressifying. Whatever the form, spinning can be great for relieving stress.

b) Silly Putty. I haven’t mentioned my glow in the dark silly putty recently enough. It is amazing stuff. Especially if you have enough, putty of that sort can do wonders for reducing stress. Squeeze it, stretch it, snap it, sculpt it- it’s both a creative outlet and a physical calmer.

iii) Listening ears / ranting. Talking about what’s going on in your life that’s stressing you can be very helpful. Especially if the person can give you advice or words of encouragement. Don’t underestimate this option!

Last) Hugs. Hugs are good. I would like to say they can make practically anything better. My advice: Find an excellent hugger. Get to know that person really well. They’re amazing, and if they like giving hugs, that’s the best.

There you go, Fluffsters! I hope this helps if you have a busy time ahead of you.

Happy weekend!

Top Bunks

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Hello, Fluffsters!

As you probably already can tell, or will be able to tell, I’m a bit on the very, extremely tired side. So much so that I received inspiration! What is this inspiration about, you ask?

Bunk beds. Specifically, top bunk beds.

I am currently living in a room, with a roommate, and we have our beds bunked. I am on the top bunk. This is still a new experience for me, as up until this year, I had been living on the bottom bunk. So I am in an interesting place of actually being able to determine some pros and cons.


1) No floppability. This is the big one. You can’t just come back, exhausted, and go FLOP! onto your bed. You need to do silly things like climb your ladder first. And even then, it’s hard to floppify face-first.

2) Closer to the ceiling and fire sprinklers. This shouldn’t be a problem. I’m slightly paranoid, though. In fact, I was paranoid enough about the fire sprinklers that I made my roommate help me move my bed to a different place- a place where I wasn’t within six inches of a sprinkler you can kick and thereby activate and cause to flood your entire room and ruin all your books.

The downside still is that of being close to the ceiling. That’s normally not too much of a problem, but when there are nasty insects (like stinkbugs) on the ceiling, that can be so nervewracking! Will the bug get closer? Will it accidentally fall off the ceiling and onto me as I sleep? What then?

I should stop writing about that. It’s a bit too disturbing for my current state of mind to handle.

That’s actually about it for cons that I can think of for right now. So, moving on to…


First of all, do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to write “pros”? I really want to put an “e” at the end. Prose. You know. like not poetry. But I’m getting off topic here, aren’t I? So…

1) NOTHING FALLS ON YOUR HEAD AT NIGHT!!! As I mentioned previously, I’m really used to bottom bunkage. With someone on the top bunk. It gets really annoying to wake up in the middle of the night because your roommate’s blanket or full body pillow has fallen on your head again. With the top bunk, though, that problem is eliminated! BWAHAHAHA!

2) I’m actually making my bed. It’s really odd. You’d think that since it’s harder, I wouldn’t be making my bed as often. The fact of the matter, though, is that since it is a lot harder, I need to do it as soon as I wake up, and can’t just plan on doing it at some unspecified “later”.

3) Towerness. It’s up high. Like it’s a tower. That’s fun.

How about you, Fluffsters? Any pros or cons for the top bunk that I missed?