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Hello, Fluffsters!
Have you ever been annoyed? Or how about… annoyed when paper & pencil are readily convenient? I think I more or less qualified last night. Okay, so I’m not entirely sure if annoyed or some other adjective is best for describing me last night. But regardless, here’s an image representation of some of my favorite responses for responding to annoyances.
The responses are as follows:
1) Facepalm. This is always useful. If anyone asks, you can either tell the truth, or indicate that you’re just tired, and resting your head in your hand. Not that I condone dishonesty per say. But yeah.
2) Bang Head Here. This, alas, cannot be done as easily in a group of people, as it attracts attention. (It sometimes is a great way of venting, though!)
3) Flail. The others are basically variations of flailing wildly. Like the Bang Head Here, this is not always the least obvious response, so use it wisely.
4) Illustrate each of the responses that you want to do. That’s not illustrated above, except insofar as it’s an illustration of responses that I want to do. Or something like that. The illustrating part is really useful, since you can then pretend that you’re the one doing it, and therefore not actually need to do it in real life.
So, what are your responses to annoyances?