Category Archives: list

What makes an excellent fantasy story (Part 2)

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Hi again, Fluffsters!

Sorry for leaving you off after only two points yesterday. But I’m feeling lazy, and there’s enough here for multiple posts, so I may as well. (Aren’t I nice like that?)

Anywho. On to more of what makes excellent fantasy stories!

3) Good plot. This also is clearly important. That’s part of why some of Lewis’s Narnia series are better than others. Lewis has wonderfully consistent characters, but not all of his plots are as strong. That’s also part of why Dragon Champion wasn’t bad. The plot was there. Something happened. That’s also, as I mentioned earlier, one of the reasons why Sorcery & Cecelia wasn’t fantastic.

Granted, plot consistency and neatness is preferred. But even then, it’s not always entirely necessary. Real life, after all, isn’t always the most coherent.

4) “Real” setting. What I mean by this, is that the setting feels real, or like it could be real. There seem to be rules that are followed, like with the real world. Even if the rule is “there are no rules”, it’s consistent. Of course, it’s a lot better to have consistent rules, not lack thereof. Rich details are very helpful for this. Eddings is one of the masters of this. The cultures in his books are fantastic. The Arends, for example, (from the Belgariad) are very… impulsive. Any Arend you meet in the series is not going to be particularly brilliant, but will be brave to a fault. At one point, he describes one of the sub-groups of Arends as, without too much persuasion, likely being willing to declare war on a rising tide. (Or something along those lines.) Again, it was quite consistent, and quite delightful.

And once again, I’m going to leave you after only two sub-points. I hope you don’t mind.

Tomorrow will have the final installment of the list, though, (at least of what I have so far!) so come back tomorrow! I hope you have a great Friday!

What makes an excellent fantasy story (Part 1)

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Hi, Fluffsters! Happy Thursday!

I think I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m a bit of a fantasy fanatic. There are few things better than curling up with a good fantasy novel. (Except possibly for curling up with a good fantasy novel and a mug of hot cocoa on a stormy night, under a nice fuzzy blanket.)

The trouble, of course, is finding a truly excellent novel. There are lots of fun books out there. Some of them are fantasy. But some fantasy books are not that great. Unfortunately.

But good fantasy, oh, that’s highly addictive. Excellent fantasy novels can transport you to a different world or time period for a while. They spark the imagination.

There are a few things that all good fantasy novels have in common.

1) They need to be not-poorly written. That’s pretty obvious… And the better written they are, the more likely they are to be good books. C.S. Lewis’s Narnia series and J. R. R. Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings, for example, are two examples of well written fantasy. They also have other good things going for them, which contributes to the serieses being good fantasy.

2) Strong characters. At the very least, the characters need to be believable and consistent. This will potentially make or break the story. Inconsistent characters are just confusing and detract strongly from a story. Some books, however, can be completely saved by strong characters. Now, that’s not to say that characters can’t change or grow. On the contrary, they almost need to. But the characters should do so naturally, for the setting.

The book “Sorcery and Cecelia”, by Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer, for example, was a delightful work of fantasy. It didn’t have too much of a plot, but it had great characters. It was actually kindof like a Jane Austen book, but set in a fantasy world. It was really fun. Its lack of plot made it good, not excellent.

As an alternative, Dragon Champion (by E. E. Knight) did not completely succeed at this. Don’t get me wrong- it was a fun book. But from what I remember (it’s been a bit since I’ve read this book) some of the characters were not entirely consistent. That detracted from the tale. Especially since I remember there being some inconsistencies with the main character. (Again, don’t ask me for specifics.)

Well, I’m going to pause here for right now. Tune in tomorrow for the next part of what makes excellent fantasy!

More things to do when you’re down / stressed

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Hi, Fluffsters!

Good news- I got my computer back! And it’s doing great! Ok, so I lost all my bookmarks. But there’s nothing else wrong with it.

But that’s beside the point.

Because here are some ways to de-stress or to get a little happier when you’re feeling down.

a) Go outside in an epic storm. First, though, make sure you’re wearing clothes you don’t mind getting wet. And follow safety procedures. But there’s something way too cool about being outside with all that raw elemental power around. It’s quite inspiring.

2) Listen to fantastic music. I’ve recently discovered another one of The Piano Guys’s pieces: Waterfall.

Isn’t it amazing? I’m so having trouble with the fact that he wrote that at age… 17. That. Is. Scary.

If you don’t want beautiful music, though, you could also just go with silly music.

The “cow in my soup” song instantly comes to mind…

I hope that helps!

Happy Thursday!

Two Things to do when feeling Stressed

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Hi, Fluffsters! Happy Monday! I hope you had a good mother’s day yesterday, and I hope your week is starting off well.

I think that this is part of the year when much of my prime audience, those who are looking to procrastinate, are feeling stressed.

So, here are two things you can do when you’re feeling stressed.

1) Learn a fancy braid. The first time I was taking finals, I learned how to french braid my hair. That’s fun. Playing with hair is a great stress reliever. It’s kinda soothing, and it looks pretty, which also helps relieve stress. This primarily only works for women, though, since most guys a) don’t have long enough hair, and 2) wouldn’t want to french braid it anyways.

2) Learn how to pronounce long, impressive words. For example, I learned how to pronounce hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia over a finals time. Isn’t that a great procrastination tool? It sticks with you, too. Kinda like learning to ride a bicycle.

I hope that helps, fluffsters! Here’s to not feeling stressed!

Witty Responses

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Greetings, Readers!

Today, I am here to assist you with your attempts at humorous responses to people in general.

Sometimes, people use particular words to take up space in a conversation. When such phrases occur, if you memorize a few witty responses, you can sometimes lighten the mood.

With you, dear reader, in mind, here is a short list of:

Some Witty Responses to Some Normal Phrases

1) “So”. This “phrase” is traditionally used to change the topic, or to continue a previous topic, but in a slightly awkward fashion. You see this one used in writing. When it is used for the purpose of being a time filler, or when it seems appropriate and does not seem to blend in too well with the next word, you can add “said the seamstress.” (Or tailor, if you prefer.)

The explanation behind this: A homophone of “so” is “sew”. Tailors and seamstresses sew. Ergo, “‘sew,’ said the seamstress.”

2) “Well.” This phrase is used similarly to “so.” If there is an appropriate pause, adding “a deep subject” can be droll. After all, wells (from which many gather water) are deep. Therefore, a well would, in fact, be a deep subject.

3) “Bye.” I assume you all know when this one is used. An amusing comeback to this one is “sell.” (This, obviously, works off the pun between bye/buy.)

3b) “Sell.” If someone uses this fluff response on you, there is a way to respond to this. “Phones.” The exchange therefore turns into “bye sell phones”, or “Buy cellphones.”

And with that, readers, I hope your conversations become a bit wittier. I also bid thee a joyous weekend.

Add More “Epic” To Your Life

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Hello, Fluffsters!

I’ve come to the realization that our lives don’t seem as epic as they could, with just some very easy fixes.

And this is sad.

So here are

Some quick tips on how to add “Epic!” back into your life.

1) Watch the movie “Epic”. I haven’t actually seen it yet myself, but the name would definitionally bring “epic” into your life.

2) Or read Lord of the Rings, Iliad, Odyssey, or any other epic. Books qualify, after all, and they will guarantee more epic in your life.

3) Use melodramatic language. For example, if you need to tell someone to “be careful”, why not use “Beware” instead? So, instead of saying “Careful, glass fell and broke”, you could say “Beware! A spontaneous increase in entropy has occurred!”

4) Periodically, over-dramatize stuffs. Some people have even developed a game: “Shatner”. At random times, if someone yells “Shatner!”, you suddenly need to put dramatic… pauses. And random accents(!) into whatever you are doing. Even without this game you can always take time to be epic. Going to the grocery store? Avoid the marauding ninjas. (Careful, they’re disguised as traffic cones.)

And that’s about what I have.

What do you think? Any brilliant ideas for how to make your life more epic?

When You’re Feeling Down…

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Sunday!

I hope you’re having a good day. But I realize that some people don’t always have good days. (In fact, I sometimes don’t have good days- as hard as that might be to believe.) But yeah. On with the post.

Things to do when Feeling Down

1) Run your hand through it. Then decide whether it’s worth putting into a pillow or comforter. After all, what’s the point of feeling down feathers if you’re not going to use them for something? And if you’re not, then you might as well put the down down. (Don’t you love English?)

2) Talk with a friend. This works for either type of “feeling down”. If you’re looking for feathers, then talking through the merits of the down with a friend can help you save money later on. If, however, you’re feeling emotionally down, friends can sometimes help lift your spirits.

3) Listen to music. Although this might not help with feathers, when you’re feeling emotionally down, music can do wonders. Some of my favorite music is minor music that’s a bit upbeat. For example, this lovely celtic gem:

Or, for the more Jewish sound, the first few minutes of this have some nice upbeat-minor-music. (Please ignore the visuals- they’re distracting):

4) Read a book. Preferably with Hot Tea or Chocolate or Coffee. This is recommended only for feeling emotionally down. (Although, you could very easily feel down in a comforter or pillow while feeling down emotionally.)

5) Draw a dress. This is one of my go-to’s for when I’m feeling down emotionally. It’s a little creative outlet. It doesn’t require that much time to get something basic, and there are nearly infinite ways to draw one. Do you want the skirt to be twirly? Form-fitting? Rouching on the bodice? Do you want there to be a variety of colors? Single color? The options are endless. And although drawing dresses isn’t productive per say, it’s still more productive than just sitting around feeling glum. So it works. At least for me.

What about you? Do you do something in particular when you’re feeling down?

Good Things for Saturdays

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Saturday!

So, it’s a Saturday. That means that once again, you have a day or two of free-ness, depending on your situations and whatnot. And that means that you might be looking for things to do this Saturday. So here are some:

Good Things for Saturdays.

(Or any day of the week when you have time, really…)

1) Read (or re-read) all Fluff Posts. That will possible take you a lot of time. After all, there are more than 400 at this point. Way more than 400. And yes, some of them are short. But some of them are lengthier. So, assuming 100 words per post (which is reasonable), you’d have about 40,000 words to read. You know. Not meaning to toot my own horn, but yeah.

2) Get a head start on Christmas Decorating for next year. Start making paper snowflakes now! Or crocheting snowflakes. Or in my case, writing up the snowflake patterns to upload for Christmas season next year. Also, maybe go through and organize your Christmas lights, to make them more manageable for the next year.

3) Read a book. This is always a good default. I recently got “Shakespeare’s Star Wars: The Empire Striketh Back.” I have not finished it yet, but so far I am really enjoying it. I also purchased my own copy of the Prophet of Lamath series- those are also excellent, and highly recommended.

4) Watch a movie. I just saw Sharknado for the first time last night… It was interesting. It was fun watching it with friends, and commenting on some of the improbabilities in the movie, even accepting the “physics” of the show. (Not that there actually were real physics… You know.) But yeah. There are other movies, many of which are good. Court Jester, for example. Or Frozen.

5) Invent something. Please do not then become an evil dictator after your invention becomes popular and gives you the possibility of having all the power in the world. That wouldn’t be very nice.

Well, I hope those help you have a good Saturday! Bye!

New Doors!

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Hi, Fluffsters! Happy Sunday!

So, I just saw something really cool. Someone has REINVENTED THE DOOR!

I had not realized that the current version needed to be reinvented.

Well, it’s not that it needed to be reinvented, but this one is just so much cooler!

…I am really not understanding how the “reinvented” door is cooler than normal doors.

It’s a reinvented door! It’s artsy, and it folds to open and close!

And it has soft edges. I can’t think of a thing wrong with it! In fact, I guess that it’ll replace old-style doors fairly soon!

Well, I can. I guess that is one of the differences between me and you.

Oh really, Fluffy? Name one.

I shall gladly name multiple.

1) It is either fully open or fully closed. Sometimes, it is useful to open a door only part way. For example, if you are checking on whether or not someone is asleep, it is not the best idea to open a door all the way and to allow a flood of light to enter. If such a thing happens, then the person who should be asleep will wake up due to the light.

Alternatively, if you were to desire to open the door only part way from the inside, in order to check who is outside your door, it defeats the purpose of having a door if it is either fully open or fully closed.

2) It can only be closed from one side. The video demonstrates a person closing the door as he enters, but only from the front. There is no indication that the door can be closed from the inside, thus implying that anyone desiring to use the door must reach around to the front in order to close the door. Although that is not particularly inconvenient, it is not convenient either.

3) Locking the “reinvented” door. How would one add a lock to this? I would guess that it would have to be a strong electromagnet, or something similar to prevent the door from opening without permission. All the same, that seems like it would be an easy lock to override. And I do not see an easy way to add a different type of lock to the door.

I also don’t see any reason why the foldable door is any better than the original door.

So, Webmaster, have a sufficiently satisfied your request for explanations?

Hmpf. Yes.

Well, Fluffsters, I hope you still have a good day. Despite the fact that there might, in fact, be some issues with the “reinvented” door that’s making the rounds.

But what do you think? Are the reinvented doors cool? Not cool? None of the above? Leave a comment below!

Things for “Singles” to do on Valentine’s Day

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Greetings, readers! Happy Valentine’s Day to you.

From my experience here this past year and a while, I have deduced that this is a holiday especially designed for “Couples”. Apparently “Singles” are normally exempt from festivities.

Well, sortof. We can still send Valentines. And sometimes receive them. And eat chocolate.


From what I understand, that’s about it. Whereas the Couples will frequently be going on dates, Singles… What do singles do?

You know, I’m still figuring that out. I do have some ideas, though!

Things Singles can do on Valentines Day.

1) Ride a Ferris Wheel. As mentioned previously, February 14th’s also “Ferris Wheel Day“. So instead of not being able to “Celebrate Valentine’s Day Fully”, celebrate a different holiday instead!

2) Celebrate with a similarly single friend. Go out for a nice dinner as a friend-date. Buy chocolate. Eat chocolate. Watch movies. Something.

3) Watch funny videos on YouTube. Or, this week, you could also watch the Olympics. In certain cases, those might actually overlap. Depending. Or you can watch funny videos on YouTube about the Olympics!

Well, there you go, Fluffsters! I hope you have a great-

Hold on a second- this is supposed to be my post!

…Do you have anything you want to add to the list?

…Of course! Do you think I would not?

…Uh, I feel like this might be a bit ominous…


Good call, but hush regardless.

Fluffy’s Suggestions for “Single’s Awareness Day”

For those feeling depressed about “relationship status.”

1) Make prank food, and give it to your “couple” friends. This is cross-cultural, after all. You’re incorporating an element of my culture!

2) If you are finding yourself feeling a bit down, write a story in which the hero dies. I think there is something quite cathartic about destroying something when you are feeling down- even when the destruction is only fictional.

3) Mope. There is nothing quite like moping to enable a pity party. Pity parties are party, and are therefore fun. Therefore, throw yourself a pity party and mope.

…Yes. I think my ideas were much better.

You would.

Well, readers, I hope you enjoy your February 14th. Barring that, I hope you do not become too miserable.