Category Archives: list

Celebrate Fall- Play with Leaves!

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Hi, Fluffsters!

Today I’m finishing up my “Celebrate Fall” basic set of posts. And I encourage you to play with some leaves today!

After all, Fall is traditionally called such because the leaves fall from trees. And if you’re basically anywhere not where I am, you’ll actually get some pretty colors in your leaves.

No matter where you go, though, the leaves still crunch quite satisfyingly when you step on them.

So, have fun stepping on leaves!

If that’s not your preferred style, though, there are some other things you can do with leaves. For example, you can use them to decorate your wall. (You don’t need to add your own doodles to them, though… That’s entirely optional.)

Or you can even make crafts with your leaves!

I hope you have fun!

What to do when missing friends (part 2)

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Hello, Fluffsters!

So. Yesterday I mentioned a few ways of trying to stop missing friends by keeping in touch with them.

Staying in touch with people isn’t always the best way to deal with missing friends, though. For example, if you’re between sending letters or emails, and your friends are unable to talk real time, it doesn’t necessarily make sense to write another letter.

So here are some ways to try to stop missing friends that are generally solitary activities, anyways.

1) Write. This works especially well if you’ve got stories you want to tell.

2) Research. Learn something new! And then, you’ll be able to share something with your friends.  Possibly. At the very least, you’ll have learned something. And that’s worthwhile.

3) Read a good book. This is one of my personal favorite options. Especially if it’s a favorite book you haven’t read for a while. Then it’s like visiting an old friend again. And it’s also something you wouldn’t want to do if your friends were around. So savor it! You’ve got opportunities to do fun things on your own!

4) Take a nap. This of course is only a temporary fix. But it does sometimes help- especially if you’re missing people because you’re tired.

5) Play a computer game / video game / something you can do on your own. I don’t have as much experience with this, except for online flash games. But even so, once again that’s something you probably wouldn’t have done with your friends as much, so it’s something you can do on your own, and not feel guilty about doing.

So there you go. I hope that helps!

What to do when Missing Friends (Part 1)

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Hi, fluffsters!

As some of you know, I’m in time of transition in my life. One of the biggest transitions is that a number of my friends are in a very different place from me. (VERY different. For instance, they’re going to get LOTS of snow and rain. I’m not. I’m jealous…)

Anywho. So, I miss my friends not infrequently. And it’s really hard. But I’ve found some ways of dealing with that. This part will focus on ways of getting in touch with your friends.

1) Write letters to your friends. This works primarily if you know their address. One of the advantages of letters is that you don’t know if your friends have even received the letter, so if you haven’t heard from them for a while in response to your letter, it’s possible that one or the other of the letters got lost in the mail. It’s also really fun and exciting to get a letter in the mail- wouldn’t you want your friend(s) to get a surprise note?

2) Call/skype/real-time-contact them. Advantages: You (might) talk with the friend you’re missing, in real time. That’s a major plus. Disadvantages: You can’t always do that, especially if there are timezones involved and you especially miss your friends at a time when they’re not awake. Also, there’s the risk that they wouldn’t actually want to talk with you, and then things get awkward. (Missed calls. Bleh.)

3) Email them. This has the advantage of being faster, and less expensive, than letter writing. It does not, however, have the built in excuse of “they just didn’t get my note/email/whatever” if they your friend doesn’t reply. But it does have archive abilities, which letter writing does not (unless you take pictures of or photocopy everything you send.)

So there you go! Three ways of contacting friends. I hope that helps!

Make Your Headlines Better in 3 Easy Steps!

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Fluffy McGiggles’s Disclaimer: Even though I am the author of this post, I am still cringing at the use of Clickbait for a headline…

Greetings, readers! I hope this Thursday finds you in tolerable health.

Today, in part in response to yesterday’s post’s title, I have a few hints for how to make a title / headline better.

First, do not use click-bait titles.

Second, be sure they are accurate titles.

…And what is the third step?

There is no third step.

But, your title…

Is both click-bait, and inaccurate, thus beautifully illustrating the points I am working against.

Do you not agree, readers?

Things To Do For the 4th of July That Require No Planning

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Happy 4th of July! Especially to any Americans out there. I mean, happy 4th of July to everyone, but it’s a bit more of a holiday for Americans than for others. You know.

So in honor of today, I came up with

Some activities you can do that require no prior planning:

a) Sit in a corner and think. Unless you don’t have a corner. In which case, just find somewhere else to sit. You might, if you have the materials, even take a picnic blanket and some food and go down to your nearest park, especially if it’s walking distance. Otherwise, don’t bother- the parking probably isn’t worth it.

2) Read a book. Now, you might be thinking this requires some pre-planning. But it does not. You are looking at this blog post on the internet, so therefore you have internet access. If you have internet access, you have Project Gutenberg access. You therefore also have access to a large, free library. Enjoy your free ebooks!

That’s actually about what I can come up with for activities that require no pre-planning, and that are actually different from each other. I mean, seriously. I could mention think about story ideas, or imagine something, but that’s essentially the same thing as sitting in a corner and thinking. So, yeah.

Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend!

Beginner’s Guide to Watching Star Trek: Iconic Episodes

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Sunday!

It’s still the weekend, so I thought of more fun things for you to do. You can watch some Star Trek!

I have thoroughly enjoyed watching a number of Star Trek episodes and movies and stuffs. I was very blessed to have a Trekkie father, so he would often watch Star Trek with me and my sister during Father/Daughter time, and it was fun.

All that to say that I’ve been a Trek fan for the vast majority of my life, so I have some tips for if you haven’t already become a Trekkie.

First, some background. By today’s standards, the special effects (especially of The Original Series) are not that fantastic… They’re really not. But they supposedly were at the time. So, just keep that in mind.

Next, if you’re going to be watching the Original Series, I would recommend either watching it when you’re wanting the equivalent of a B-Rated Movie, or with a group of friends who want to make fun of something. It’s got some fun stuff, but the acting (especially Captain Kirk, played by William Shatner) is… just… calling for mockery. Not all the actors are. But Kirk especially is.

It can be a lot of fun to watch. Quite amusing. Especially if you’re expecting it.

Next, don’t feel like you have to watch all the original series before moving on to the later (better) series. In fact, I’ve figured out a few episodes that really hit all the main plots of The Original Series (TOS).

First, you’ll want to watch Arena. That’s probably one of the most iconic episodes. In part because it has one of the stupidest alien costumes of all time. But it also completely illustrates one of the genres of Star Trek. And a lot of “red-shirt” deaths. This is a season 1 episode, so you might want to start with it first.

Next, and incidentally there’s one that falls into this category immediately after Arena, is a time travel episode. My personal favorites of these is “Tomorrow is Yesterday.” However, “City on the Edge of Tomorrow” is another iconic one, and so might be a better one. It’s up to you, though. “Tomorrow is Yesterday” is a bit less serious…

Third is another really iconic episode. “Trouble with Tribbles.” Seriously, you need to watch that one. It’s so important that it gets referenced by a later series. And there are tribbles in the reboot. And you can purchase electronic tribbles. Basically, tribbles are everywhere. So, yeah. You might want to know about Tribbles.

The fourth of “The Iconic Episodes”, and one that gets referenced a few times, is “Mirror Mirror.” This is the traditional parallel universe episode. So, I’ve only really seen it once or twice, I think, but it is also an important one. Although, I’ll completely leave that up to you.

Those are my basic “must see” episodes. There are some extra episodes that are “good to have”, but if you want to move on to the other serieses, those are good foundation episodes, or the episodes that people reference a lot. This does not include the movies that people reference. But it does have a lot of the most mentioned episodes.

Maybe some other post I’ll include other supplemental episodes you might want to watch. Huh.

Anywho, have fun!

Hazards of Reading Quickly

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Hello, Fluffsters!

It’s SATURDAY!!! You know what that means, right?

It’s the Weekend! You have time for things, like reading this blog! Yay! And reading!

And that brings me to the topic of today’s post: The-

-Hazards of Reading Quickly?

You stole my header.

Yes, I did.

Well, you’re right.

It is only reasonable that I guess your content quickly. After all, when you write your title before any other content, I can see that.

Dangit, you’re right. Hmpf.

Well, yeah. Hazards of being able to read quickly. I’m getting there. Here are some hazards

1) It’s hard to find enough reading material. Especially when you’re as picky as I am about what you like in novels.

2) You stay up way too late to finish the book. When your reading rate for the average book is between 80 and a hundred pages an hour, you can get through books fairly quickly. And you know that you can get through the book fairly quickly. Chapters usually take less than a quarter of an hour, so you surely have time for that next chapter! And you know you do, too… Similarly, when you’re close to the end of the book, you know that you can, in fact, stay up and finish the book. You might be up a bit later than you want, but only by a couple of hours. And you’ll actually be able to finish the book…

3) Sometimes, you get bad habits. At least, I do. I have some really bad reading habits. Much of my reading is fiction, and at that level of readability. It’s hard to readjust to nonfiction and harder reading levels. Therefore, there are some times when I’m trying to read more academic-y or knowledge-based things, and it doesn’t go as quickly in terms of comprehension, but my fingers get into reading autopilot. And I hardly even notice sometimes… It’s a bit bad.

So, there you go! Three hazards of being able to read quickly.

Have a great weekend!

Convenient World Cup Guide

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Greetings, readers! Welcome back.

According to basically everywhere I go on the Internet, there is this thing called a “World Cup.” Personally, I think it sounds unhygienic, but different worlds do things different ways. If you want to have a cup for your world, who am I to stop you? As long as I can keep my own personal cup if I ever exist in physical form again, I will not object.

From what I have gathered, and I have been paying as little attention to it as possible, there are different representatives from around your world that compete for this, in team format. Also from what I have gathered, each country supports its team, assuming it has a team in the world cup.

As such, I figured I would do my duty to you, dear readers, and find the best resources (in pictorial format) for you to use to decide which team to support. Unfortunately, some pre-knowledge of the World Cup seems to be required for any of these. I do apologize for that, but I did not make the charts and therefore should not be held responsible for their shortcomings.

The first flowchart is a bit chaotic and confusing, and comes with its own article.

The second, and my personal favorite, boasts a much better layout.

Happy cheering.

How to have lunch for less than a dollar

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

Happy Sunday!

So, today I figured out a new trick. You can very easily have lunch for less than a dollar. Yes, I mean it!

It’s doable in only two steps.

First, find something that costs less than a dollar and eat it. A gumball does not work, since you don’t actually eat it. An apple pie from McDonalds does, though. Call that your lunch.

2) Call anything else you eat at that time a “snack.” Or between then and dinner / breakfast / whatever.

Voila, you’ve now had lunch for less than a dollar!

Happy Sunday!

What makes an excellent fantasy story (Part 3)

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Saturday!

I hope your weekend is going well.

Good news! I have the rest of The List for you! (Who knew I could spend three days on a list, right?) Well, I hope you enjoy the remaining points.

5) Something new and/or original. This was one of the areas where Dragon Champion did an excellent job. The entire book was told from the perspective of… the dragon. That particular perspective was fun! I wouldn’t have thought about how dragons view the world. But E.E. Knight did. And he presented it in a wonderful way. The Dresden Files’ particular take on the interaction between magic and nonmagic is also a lot of fun, and is a very fresh perspective. Summer Knight (from the Dresden Files) presents an “enchanting” perspective of fairy hierarchy, for example. It’s fun.

That’s also part of the reason why I did not like the book “Eragon.” Ok, so it was amusing to see all the different places that the book seemed to steal from. (Star Wars knock off, anyone? No? Well how about Lord of the Rings? Dragonriders of Pern? And that magic looked suspiciously identical to the magic system from The Belgariad…)

As another example of originality, Wrede pulls it off in her Enchanted Forest Chronicles. I mean, seriously- a princess volunteering to be a dragon’s princess, and being bored with normal princess-y things? It’s enchantingly new.

6) Consistency of Magic. This is actually more of a subset of point 4. But it’s important enough to get its own point. It annoys me to no end when fantasy stories (be it written or televised) ignores rules. Especially when there are designated rules, not a designated “there are no rules.”

To again use Eddings as an example, he incorporates a few different types of magic in order to provide consistency. But even so, there are distinct differences. And each category of magic is extremely consistent. The primary type — sorcery — works through “the Will and the Word.” (You gather your Will, and release it with any sort of word that somehow relates in your mind.) The one thing that is absolutely impossible is to will something into nonexistence- it breaks the absolute rule, and therefore backfires.

These rules of magic are followed scrupulously throughout Eddings’s series in that universe. The consistency helps make The Belgariad excellent fiction.

Well, that’s about all I can think of for right now. I hope you have an excellent rest of your weekend!