Category Archives: list

How to Have a Conversation

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

As you may have noticed, one of the things I like to do is talk. And interact with people. I like conversing.

Sometimes, though, it seems as though people don’t know how to carry on a conversation. So I have some tips for you today!

1) Listen. Or pay attention to what the other person is saying. This is one of the more common tips. This brings us to point 0.

0) Know how to ask questions. If you don’t ask questions, or guide the conversation in any way, you might be stuck with the annoying awkward silences. This is also a way to start conversations.

So assuming you’ve gotten through points 0 and 1, which help with the starting the conversation and stuff, here are some tips for keeping a conversation going.

2) Ask follow-up questions. Is your chatting-buddy doing something interesting in her life? Has she said that she’s going to be writing a paper soon? Ask her what it’s about! (Unless it’s obvious… You know, pay attention.) Has he said he’ll be going home for the summer? Ask if he has any plans in mind! It’s not that difficult… sometimes.

3) Turn-the-question. If you’ve been answering a question that can be turned around to ask your chatting-buddy, do so! Have you been answering “what plans do you have for Memorial Day?” Ask him back!

And with those simple steps, you should be able to keep the conversation going for at least 10 seconds.

Have fun conversing!

(Some) Signs of Late Spring

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So. It’s been Spring for a while now. But it’s really feeling like it right now.

and that’s for several reasons.

a) The flowers are blooming. There are few things that smell like Spring to me quite as much as combinations of night-blooming Jasmine and citrus flowers. Those are seriously two of the most beautiful smells that I can think of! And where I am, the jasmine is out in full force. The citrus not is random. But the Jasmine. I LOVE it.

2) It’s getting warmer. Like, WAAAY warmer. Too warm for my taste. It’s getting to mid-high 80s regularly. And that’s annoying, and making me want things like ice cream and milkshakes. Well, wanting them more than usual…

Third) my Google Adwords page is being filled up with fabric, bead, and other craft website advertisements. Motivation for me has basically gone, and I’m spending a lot of “free time” daydreaming about having “free time”. And being able to craft and stuff.

How about you, Fluffsters? Anything indicating “It’s late spring!1!” to you?

Scything takes the lead

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Greetings, readers!

I am guessing that at this point, a number of you have seen that using a scythe to control the grass population in a yard may be more effective than the more technologically advanced weed whacker. However, in case you have not, I am mentioning it in this post.

Questions that come to my mind are: 1) Why do competitions like this exist? and 2) If scythes are, in fact, that much more impressive, why are they not used more frequently? 3) How much did the owner of the yard used pay to get the competition hosted there, so as to be able to avoid mowing it for a while? 4) Why did the scyther/reaper pass up the opportunity to dress up as Death / the Grim Reaper, and laugh maniacally as thousands of blades of grass are sacrificed to his every whim?


And with those mysteries, Readers, I wish you a good beginning to your week.

Signs you MIGHT be turning Nocturnal (part 1)

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Hello, Fluffsters!

So. I came up with a brief list of a few signs that you might be turning nocturnal.

1) You spend more hours asleep during 6:00am-6:00pm than during 6:00pm-6:00am. This is fairly…obvious. If you’re doing this, you might be joining the elite night-time club.

2) You are a college (or post college) student. This one is almost nonoptional. Unless you’re weird. I don’t know how non-nocturnal college students do it. They’re weird.

3) You’re turning into a vampire. Nocturnality comes with the territory. Tough, get used to it.

4) You live veeery far North, and it’s winter. Ok, so it’s technically spring now. But my point still stands. If the vast majority of your “days” are spent at night-time geographically speaking, you might be turning nocturnal.

There you go! I hope this helps.

Have a great week!

ePIc Day — 3/14/15

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Greetings, readers!

Today is a very special day. It is the most ePIc Pi Day of your life, in all probability– 3/14/15, which, of course, maps to 3.1415…, or the first five digits of Pi.

Pi is also approximated by 22/7. Thus, today’s goal is to provide you with a list of 22 Pi or Pie related things or links, divided into seven categories. Enjoy.

22/7 Pi

Crust Recipes (section 1):

Disclaimer: I have not tried all of these. I am borrowing the Webmaster’s bookmarks for some of them. However, since I have been living in the land of the Internet recently, I have not had the ingredients to check all of these.

1) Butter Crust Pie Recipe. This is a fairly basic one, and does not call for too many ingredients.

Oooh, yes. That’s a good one! I’ve had a lot of success with that recipe.

Glad to hear it.

2) Oreo Crust Recipe. My one contention with this recipe is that it does not indicate whether you are supposed to keep the cream-filling in with the cookies or just use the outside part. If you do figure it out, let me know.

3) Coconut Oil Recipe. Coconuts are spheres. Coconut oil comes from coconuts. Pi is used to calculate mathematical properties of spherical things. Therefore, a circular pie crust made from spherical oil produces must be more celebratory of pi.

Pie Recipes (section 2):

4) “Impossible Coconut Pie“. Again, the logic about using ingredients from spherical objects can be applied here, for why coconut is one of the superior ways to go.

5) Pie Crust Bowls. This may not typically qualify as a “pie”. But it is something that can be done with a pie crust. And this enables you to make miniature ice-cream pies. Who can say “no” to that?

6) Pie Crust Cookies. This is a very easy one. Take your leftover pie crust, slather it in butter, cinnamon, and sugar, and bake in the oven at about 375 until the cookies turn a light golden brown.

Pie Songs (section 3):

7) “I like Pie, I Like Cake”, a cute song.

Oooh, yes! That’s a fun Charleston song.

8) “The Pi Song”. This is a rather ridiculous song.

9) The “Pi Waltz”.  Somebody converted some of the digits of pi to base 12, in order to map them to a scale. (I am unsure of how they did this.) The final result was a lovely waltz. It is not necessarily accurate mathematically, but it is still a cool concept.

Previous Fluff Posts (Section 4):

Alas, there are only two previous Pi-day posts. But here they are.

10) The First Pi-Day Post. I am still a bit surprised that the Webmaster appreciates Pi Day.

11) The second one was boring. However, it is still a pi-day Fluff Post, so I will take it.

12) The Webmaster’s First Pie. This is not a pi-day post, but it is “pie”, and therefore it is an acceptable “fluff” for this post.

Beautiful Pies (section 5):

13) A lovely autumn leaf motif.

14) A very nicely done “pi pie” with numbers.

15) A punned pie.

Neat Clothes (section 6):

16) A Pi By Numbers shirt from ThinkGeek.

17) A lovely pun tee that I will not spoil for you.

18) Another lovely pun tee, from ThinkGeek.

Math and Statistics (Section 7):

19) Another amusing video, calculating pi with pies.

20) The World’s Most Accurate Pie Chart.

21) Calculating Pi. Because really, this is something of a requirement.

And finally, 22) The Official Pi Day Website. (This qualifies as mathematical, because pi is inherently mathematical.)

I hope you have an ePIc Pi Day!

Goals for 2015

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

This post is a bit of a preview of what I’m hoping next year will look like for TotalFluff. Or some things that I’m hoping to post.

First, I’m hoping to have at least one “creative thing” a month. Those’ll be things like a short story or other fiction, lengthy “list” posts, artsy stuff, or craft tutorials, or an infographic.

And in that category, second, I hope to write at least one original short story this year that is worthy of being shared on TotalFluff.

So, yup! Those are a couple of my goals for this upcoming year of TotalFluff.

Happy New Year!

Happy End of 2014!

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Happy Last Day of 2014!!! I always like ends of years and things. It’s so exciting. And you can think back and look through a lot of stuff that’s happened. And this is the first completely full year of fluff posts.

How exciting is THAT?!

Do you really want an answer to that?

I don’t know. I mostly meant the question to be rhetorical. But that’s beside the point.

The point is, a lot has happened on this blog in the past year. 364 things, in fact. (If we’re counting the number of posts prior to this.) So I’m going to try to do some honorable mentions for of Big Events for the blog, just to celebrate the end of the year.

  • January: celebrated its First Birthday!
  • February: I shared the first scene from The Lost Prince of Hadanelle. More may or may not come later, as I work on it (or not.)
  • March: I introduced some of you to the game 2048.
  • April: I warned you about the suspicious lack of suspiciousness on the part of rainbows. (Any update on their movements would be appreciated, by the way. I may have caught something — more on that later– but CONSTANT VIGILANCE never hurts!)
  • May brought you the warning about the mass extermination found in cleaning.
  • June: A Tea Series. This opened up the door to me for planning on doing serieses on totally fluffy things, like random tea flavors.
  • July: There aren’t any posts in particular that are of any importance whatsoever. So I guess you could say that this is the first TRULY FLUFFY month for this blog this year!! Yay July!
  • August: Fluffy McGiggles herself demonstrated how fluff can be important for real life.

Although believe me, that was not my intention.

Tough. Live with it.

  • September: The new Sister Blog relating to cooking was launched! I understand that more recipes will be going up… eventually. Rest assured that you will hear about it as important and interesting recipes get posted.
  • October: Once more, nothing of particular importance to the blog happened in October. Fluffy and I each did some Halloween based stuff. But I don’t think there was anything else that really happened that’s important or worth mentioning in a “lookback” post.
  • November: A momentous occasion occurred. An event happened that forced me to acknowledge that in at least one area, Fluffy was correct and I was not necessarily as right as I might have liked concerning fluff.
  • December: The “Twelve Days of Christmas” challenge. I think I probably don’t need to say more. But I will anyways. This is important because it’s one of the first challenges I issued myself that I wasn’t completely sure if I’d be able to accomplish. So, yep.

Happy Last Day of 2014, everyone!! I hope that 2015 is an EVEN BETTER year, for all of us.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Greetings, readers!

It is America’s Thanksgiving today. And since this website is located in America, we are celebrating Thanksgiving.

So what are you doing online? Go spend time with your family! Or call a friend!

And if none of those options work for you, here are some options for how to have a fun single’s Thanksgiving:

Darths and Droids. Start from the beginning. I can practically guarantee that it will take up your Thanksgiving time.

Read a book. Re-visit an old friend in the form of a book.

Watch a favorite movie. Or watch a new movie. Or a TV show. For what it is worth, Agents of Shield, Season 1, is now available on Netflix.

Certainly, make some tasty food, and enjoy it.

Above all, find something you are truly thankful for, and take advantage of that.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Halloween! (Hauntings of the Past…)

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Greetings, readers!

In honor of today being Halloween, I am going to let some of the past come back to haunt us.

To start with, this YouTube video I am sure you were hoping to never see again….

…And The Webmaster’s subsequent analysis of why it might offensive.

In addition to that, the Webmaster posted some, ah, remarkable explanations about September. This post included the trailer for the Great Pumpkin horror movie that, alas, did not actually come out.

Additionally, she had a rather bizarre concern about what happened to the Great Pumpkin a few months later.

For additional spooky levels, her conspiracy about rainbows is also rather terrifying.

Ha! You admit that rainbows are evil!

That is not what I said.

Thinking about it, most of The Webmaster’s explanations are a bit frightening.

As are many of her “food” choices.

I will definitely grant you the food one… The “fluff” at the end of that post was absolutely terrifying.

And since today is also a Friday…

Happy October!

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Hi, Fluffsters!

As I mentioned yesterday, I finished up my series on Celebrate Fall. At least for right now.

And now it’s October. This is a fun month! Not only is it National Cyber-Security Awareness Month, it’s also the month of Halloween! (And there are LOTS of fun things that can happen for that…)

Also, not only is the month special. A lot of the days are special, too! Clearly, October 31 is Halloween. But today is also an important day. It’s International Music Day!

In other words, October’s a pretty good month.

And in honor of Halloween, October in general, and International Music Day in particular, here’s some of my favorite “spookier” music. (This would make excellent background music for a Halloween party. And I can almost guarantee you that it’ll be played on at least one radio station on Halloween. If Radio Stations are still around by then, of course.)

(That poses another question- if a radio station plays a piece of music, and there’s nobody listening, does it actually make a sound? But I digress.) Right. Music!

This is one of my personal favorites. It’s one that many people know because of Disney’s Fantasia: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.

You would post the one with animation…

Well, yes.

Then, there’s the other classic: In the Hall of the Mountain King

Again, I can practically guarantee you that this will be played at some Halloween party somewhere. And not even one that I’m hosting!

But this is still one of my favorites.

If any of you readers desire a more “modern” sound for the music, however, or if any of you simply appreciate cool science toys, this version of Hall of the Mountain King is pretty fantastic as well. Scientific Devices play it.

Well, if you’re getting into Tesla coils, here’s another great one: The Imperial March from Star Wars!

Yeah, I don’t know why the announcer called it the “Titanic” theme…

Anywho. I’ve already posted a lot of videos. So I should probably quit there.

But I hope you have a very happy October! Any fun plans?