Category Archives: list

What to do with the Random Pair of Socks in your Purse.

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Greetings, Fluffsters! Happy Sunday!

Today, I’m going to be talking to you about:

What to do with the random pair of socks you find in your purse.

Ok. There’s got to be a story behind that one.

…What? Not everyone keeps a pair of socks in their purse?

Clearly not, by merit of the fact that the socks are “randomly” there.

It wouldn’t be random if they’re usually there.

Oh. Good point. Unless the socks themselves were randomly colored…?

No. So, what’s with the pair of socks in your purse?

Actually, I’m not entirely sure why I put them there this time.

This time?!

Yeah! I don’t know why they’re there this time. I don’t even remember putting them there!

Just to clarify… This is all hypothetical, isn’t it?

You don’t just randomly keep socks in your purse?

Anyways, here are some things you can do wi-

You’re serious?

Brassicae, why me? WHY?!

As I was saying, here are some things to do with your pair of socks!

5) Brainstorm how they got there. Did they come from the gap in the space-time continuum, and avoid getting eaten by the interdimensional rabid penguins of doom? Did they come from the black hole found in all dryers that suck away miscellaneous socks? Where? (If you figure out, do let me know?)

4) Sock puppets! Instant entertainment! Find other random junk to make faces, put on your hands, and voila! Instant sock puppet-age!

3) See how long it takes for them to start molding in your purse. Of course, that would probably end up smelling bad. And probably ruin the inside of your purse. But it is something you can do with socks!

What is it with you and mold?

2) Wear them. Assuming they aren’t part of your mold collection, of course. Because that would just be gross otherwise.

1) Write a blog post about them. And then talk about things you can do with them.

You were serious.

Yup! I found a random pair of socks in my purse, and I’m not sure how they got here this time. So, fluffsters, any recommendations? Or thoughts on how they got there?

And happy Sunday! I hope you have a wonderful week!

Boring Things I’m Calling Comfortable (5/6): Breathing

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Thursday! Hooray, just one more “comfort” post after this one!

Today’s boring/comfortable topic is:

Why breathing is comfortable.

AKA, 5 important things about breathing.

The first reason is obvious.

1) If you don’t breathe, your lungs start a civil war. That’s right. Keep your lungs happy. Don’t start wars. Breathe.

Wait, wait, wait. WHAT?!

Empty lungs start civil wars. Within your body. The lungs and the brain have an epic show-down. Lungs say: “Yo, brain! Give us some air, or we kill you!” And Brain is like, “Yeah, maybe, but I dunno.” And Lungs are all like “Fine! I’ll KILL YOU!” And Brain is all like, “Wait, what? No need to actually get violent.” And Lungs say, “You have been warned! We have now DESTROYED SOME OXYGEN! If you don’t cooperate, YOU’LL BE NEXT!” And Brain says, “Ack! I didn’t mean it! Don’t give me Carbon Dioxide Poisoning! Here, you can breathe!” and that’s how the civil war ends. And if you’re not careful, the liver will get involved. And your spleen.

You know, I think that may have beat out even your Creeper Rainbow post…

Pft. You.

Anyways, this leads to:

1b) If you don’t breathe, you don’t live very long. This, in my mind, is a problem.

I think I’ll actually not argue with that one…

…Thanks. I’m glad you agree that not-dying is a good thing.

2) If you do breathe, your lungs are happy. And if your lungs are happy, they form alliances with your brain, and your happy hormones. And stuffs. So happy lungs = happy you. So breathe, and make your lungs happy!

3) Breathing is music. Breathing naturally has a rhythm to it (at least when you’re not paying attention to it.) Rhythm is an element of many forms of music. So breathing is clearly music. And since music has all sorts of comforting elements, it’s as though your lungs are calming the rest of your body. So your body might be saying “I want to DESTROY!!1one!” and your lungs are saying, “Ooh, listen to this pretty music.” So your body goes. “Oh. Whoops. No destroyingness today! We’re HAPPY!”

Seriously. Why. Do. I. Try.

Webmaster, what are you even thinking?!

Uh, “thinking?” Define this “thinking” you write of?

…You know, that actually explains a lot.


5) If you don’t breathe, your lungs and nose and mouth stop talking to each other. And you have no idea about resolving conflicts between those three! It’s an absolute nuisance. Breathing keeps them communicating with each other, which is comfortable.

So there you go, Fluffsters! Reasons why the boringness of breathing is actually comfortable.

And don’t forget, I’m really, genuinely looking for feedback on my new CafePress store! Please?

Boring Things I’m Calling Comfortable (3/6): T-Shirts

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Greetings, Fluffsters! Happy Tuesday! I hope you had a great Memorial Day yesterday. (If any veterans or troops are reading this, thank you for your service! I greatly appreciate it.)

As you may recall from yesterday’s post, I’m turning this week into a series on boring things that I’m calling comfortable for the sake of the “comfort” challenge.

So, remind me why you signed up for it?

Because I thought it would be a good idea… I didn’t realize how boring it would get. Or that my target audience is so totally different from the usual readers of those sorts of things!

…So why are you still doing this?

Well, I’m not going to stop with 4 days to go! Anyways, I have a few ideas that will work for these posts.

Ok. You’re the Webmaster.

Thank you.

Anyways. Today’s topic is


T-shirts are comfortable for multiple reasons.

1) it’s good to wear clothing. It can be cold outside. T-shirts help protect your skin from weather. Going without a shirt would just be awkward, too.

2) T-shirts can be loose, and nobody cares. It’s a t-shirt. The only thing people care about with t-shirts is whether it says something cute or is a good color. Lime green, for example, is seldom a good color for a t-shirt. Just FYI.

3) They can be light-weight or heavy. If you get a light weight t-shirt, it can be a much cooler garment than other types of shirts. If you get a heavier one, it can be warmer than others.

4) No buttons. Self explanatory.

And this topic was a nice segue into another topic: I have opened a CafePress store! Right now, everything in it is on sale. Prices on most of those items will be going up a bit on Saturday.

But here’s where you come in: I want feedback. What sorts of things do you want to see in my store? More quotes? More images? Do you have a quote you want me to turn into a t-shirt? A favorite blog post you want me to turn into purchasable format? I want your opinions, Fluffsters!

Leave your comments below, and I’ll read ’em! Or if you’d rather contact me privately, you can reach me at Webmaster [at] (No spaces, of course. 😉 )

I look forward to hearing from you, Fluffsters! And again, Happy Tuesday.

Things That Are Comfortable

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Less than 10 days left in this theme-challenge! Yes!

Anywho. I’m going to list a few things that are comfortable, because I’m sortof not thinking of anything else to write, at the moment.

1) Sleep. Sleep is very comfortable. Unless you’re in a bad position, or having a nightmare. Then it’s not. But it often is. Oh, and when you’re dreaming of falling, that’s also not comfortable. And I’m sure there are other instances as well when sleep is comfortable…

Seriously, do you have to prove yourself wrong all the time?

Probably not. I just don’t want to be sued for false information!

Would that require readers?

Shh! Don’t scare them off!

Anyways. As I was saying. Another thing that’s comfortable is lotion. Especially if it’s high quality. And not too slimy. And when you’re not then going to be either eating an apple or opening a door.

Although I guess that if you’re eating, it’s still comfortable. It just tastes nasty.

Soft puppy-dogs are also comfortable. Especially if they’re snuggly. 🙂

A smiley? You actually used a smiley?

Did you seriously just say three things over the course of four questions? That takes talent, Fluffy!

And the last thing for today is:

3) Velvet. I love high quality velvet. It’s so soft and squishable! And smooth, and just soo comfortable to feel and hold and wear and, yeah.

So, what about you, Fluffsters? What’s something you find comfortable that’s not on this list?

Three Types of Comfortable Showers

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Greetings, Fluffsters, and welcome back to today’s… FLUFF OF THE DAY!

This is your host, the Webmaster, and this-

What the Redivka is going on?!

no, No, NO! You got the line wrong! You’re supposed to wait for me to say “and this is my sidekick: ”

And then you say, “Fluffy McGiggles!”

“Sidekick”? I’ve been demoted to SIDEKICK?!

And you still didn’t answer what’s going on!

Actually, it’s something of a promotion to get up to sidekick!

But as I was saying.

Today’s episode will feature showers. Yes, folks, you read that right! Showers! I am going to talk to you about

3 types of comfortable showers

This will categorize showers into three types, based on temperature!

You realize you’ve sunk to a new low, right?

You’re just jealous you didn’t think of this first.

As I was saying:

1) Scalding hot. These are especially good for when you’ve been working really hard and it’s cold outside. You can feel the ickyness essentially melt off. Also useful for when you’re just really freezing. There’s nothing like a few hundred gallons of nearly scalding water being dumped on top of you to warm you up!

2) Fairly warm. These are good for normal times. Nothing particularly exerting, and when it’s not too cold where you are. I don’t think I really need to say too much more here.

You actually, really didn’t need to say anything at all.

3) Cool to Cold showers. Absolutely perfect when you need to cool down, but don’t have access to a pool or something. As with warming up, there’s no better way to cool off than dumping frigid water on your head! It really works.

Anyways, how about you, Fluffsters? Any particular category of shower that you’d add?

Why my bed is so comfortable.

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Hello, everyone! Happy Wednesday. I guess. I just really don’t want to get out of bed right now…

Please don’t tell me you’re writing a fluff post about why you’re not getting out of bed…

Ooh, that’s a good idea! Thanks, Fluffy!

Seriously?! No. Please, no!

You bet! And if I turn it into a list, I bet some people will even read about:

5 reasons why my bed is so comfortable.

Blast. You’re actually doing it. When will I learn?

5) The blanket. My blanket is really great! It’s warm, and soft, and cozy, and just comfortable.

4) The Pillow. It’s soft. It lets my head sink in. And did I mention it’s soft? So yeah. It’s super comfortable. Combined with the blanket, and it’s practically perfect.

3) I’m really tired. I have not been getting enough sleep. It’s exam time, which means lots of late nights, and packing and stuff. Tiredness makes my bed really comfortable!

2) The environment. It’s nice and cool, and still relatively dark, and just very nice. And relaxing. And relaxing is comforting. And comforting is comfortable. So the environment is a comfortable environment!

1) It’s not comfortable outside my bed. I’m not the tidiest person, so I need to do a bit of acrobatics to get out of bed without stepping on anything. I’d just as soon not do the acrobatics, or step on anything. The best way to do that is to stay comfortable in my bed. So, all in all, staying in bed seems like a pretty good idea!

So, how about you Fluffsters? What’s the number one thing that makes your bed extra comfortable?

Top 5 Comforting Activities

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Hello, Fluffsters! Once again I am ignoring the prompt, but not the theme. Today, I’m going to talk to you about some of my more comforting activities.

Let me guess: Asking people weird and bizarre questions?

That’s more of a fun activity, rather than a comforting activity.

You sure fooled me, with how often you do it!

Oh, right! That does remind me, though: If you could have any superpower, 1) what would it be, and 2) how do you use it to take over the world?

While you’re thinking about that, on to today’s content!

5 most comforting activities.

1) Napping.

Wait, what? That’s not an activity!

Sure it is! You’re alive when you nap. And when you’re alive, you’re doing lots of stuff. Like breathing. And possibly dreaming. And dreaming is an activity. So napping is an activity. QED.

Moving on.

2) Crocheting. I’ve already told you that I like to crochet. I still need to figure out how to upload the pattern, and possible totally finish the critter, too… Hmm. Anywho, there’s something soothing, fun, and comforting about having the yarn in your hands, and seeing a creation come into existence. It’s really comforting.

3) Playing my flute. Deep breaths, pretty sounds (except for when you’re playing Hindemith…) and the feel of silver in your hands? It doesn’t get much better than this.

4) Reading. Especially old favorites. It’s like visiting an old friend, without needing to leave the comfort of either your house or your library. As I’ve said, I particularly like fantasy. So some of my old fantasy books are just an amazing comfort to me. Especially on soggy days, with a cup of hot chocolate. There are few things that can beat that!

5) Doodling. Not dissimilar to crocheting, there’s something really comforting about seeing something come to life on a page. Of course, I’m not very good at it. So sometimes it’s more distressing than comforting, especially when I have a particular image in mind that I just can’t draw. Actually, it’s sort of the same with writing. I see things clearly, but I can’t express them overly well. But when I can, that’s an amazing feeling. And so comforting!

So, Fluffsters, what about you? Anything in particular you find really comforting?

Forms of Chocolate Comfort

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Saturday!

Today, I am going to talk about some of my favorite forms of chocolate.

How… thrilling.

Please tell me that you aren’t going to propose moldy chocolate as one of your favorite forms…

Eww. That’s just gross. Can chocolate even mold?

You know, I have no idea.

Huh. Anyways, back to the fluff, not the fuzz.

Three Fantastic Forms of Chocolate

One) Dark Chocolate. In large chunks. I’m not quite to the point of liking baking cocoa, but almost. There’s a delightful taste that pure chocolate has. Regardless, the 72% dark is wonderful

I’d add chiles to that. Dark chocolate with chile in it, or cayenne, is simply amazing. It’s both sweet and spicy. And sharp and smooth, and so good.

…No. Just, NO. Chocolate should be fairly sweet. Or at least smooth. NOT spicy!

…Says the person who doesn’t object to fluffy cups…

…You’re never going to let me live that down, are you? And those are completely different!


b) in Hot Chocolate form. Maybe with a bit of peppermint. And a LOT of whipped cream, if possible! And maybe some chocolate sprinkles? Ooh, now I’m wanting it to get colder out again so I can justify a huge cup of hot chocolate!

3) As a flourless chocolate torte. I am seriously going to need to upload that recipe soon… Add a ganache on top, and that’s a dessert to die from!

Die… from?

Oh, yeah. Hasn’t happened yet, but yes. It’s so rich. It’s basically chocolate 3-7 ways. Especially when I make it.

You see, my rule of thumb for baking is “add more chocolate-chips!” (Or dark chocolate M&Ms.) Sometimes both.

Some time, when I make the torte, I really want to have a bit of fun with chocolate sprinkles, too. Seriously. If the recipient of the cake can have a slice of flourless chocolate cake that has a widest section of more than 1.5 inches, and is perfectly fine after, then you’re making the cake wrong. And it therefore needs more chocolate.

I’m suddenly understanding why you said “from.” Webmaster, I’m just as glad I don’t need to live en your actual world. I don’t want to worry about surviving desserts!

Well, anyways.

Happy Saturday, everyone!

What’s your favorite form of chocolate?

The Smell of Comfort: NaBloPoMo 8

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Wednesday! Wow, how did it get to be Wednesday already?

Anywho. Today’s Blog Post on Comfort prompt asks:

Do certain smells make you feel instantly comfortable?

For me the answer is “Yes.” At home, we have three of the loveliest scents during the spring.

The first is the scent of citrus blossoms. It is one of the most beautiful scents in the world. And we have at least three citrus trees that normally bloom each year.

Seriously, the scent of citrus blossoms is one of the most beautiful things in the world. It’s made that much better because it also means “home” for me.

The Second “comfort scent” is the smell of jasmine blossoms. Those also grow at home.

I think I’m detecting a theme here…

Yup. Jasmine is a very close second for favorite scent. In fact, some days I’m totally tied between night-blooming jasmine and the citrus blossoms. The Jasmine has the advantage of blooming around the entire neighborhood. So whenever I would take my two puppies on walks with my sister during a certain time of the year, the scent would be heavenly. It’s got such a delicate scent!

The third “comfort scent” is my Dad’s spiced cider. That, more than anything else, symbolizes the coming of the holiday season. He takes a few gallons of apple cider, several tangerines, and a handful of cinnamon sticks, puts them into a big vat, and lets it stew for a while. The cent of cinnamon, warm cider, and tangerine fills the entire house. It’s seriously impossible not to relax around that scent. It’s another one of my favorites.

That sounds nice.

It was similar for me. Whenever we arrived at our newest location, my Mother would bake her specialty cinnamon cookies. Whenever we smelled that, we knew that we had found a good location to set up camp, and that we wouldn’t be traveling for a while. It was essentially as though we had come home. For after all, it was home for however long we were there.

Aww, that’s sweet!

Anyways, Fluffsters, what about you? Are there any scents that smell like “comfort” to you?

Five uses for blankets

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Hello, everyone! Happy Friday! How has your week gone?

Anywho, as you probably recall, I’m participating in a Blogher Month-long challenge. And apparently Fluffy wasn’t being overly honest yesterday when she claimed I was “sleep-typing”. I thought that didn’t make sense!

I didn’t expect you to actually believe it.

Hmpf. Anyways, it’s the Third of May. And I’m participating in the challenge. So that means that it’s time for the prompt:

Which would you rather have: a super-soft pillow or a warm, fuzzy blanket?

Oh. That’s really easy. The Blanket, without even a shadow of doubt.

Uh, that was emphatic. Why? I’d probably have gone for the pillow. They’re so squishable!

Because, Webmaster dear, blankets essentially are pillows. They’re just waiting to happen.

…What? That made, like, no sense.

Oh. Sorry. You can use a blanket in a lot more ways than a pillow. Does that make more sense?

I suppose, but I’m still not buying it.

No, seriously. Blankets are basically just like pillows, only better.

What? You don’t have any proof of that.

Sure I do. Here are:

Five ways blankets are better than pillows.

1) Soft covering for going to sleep. Pillows can’t do that.

Sure they can! Haven’t you seen full-sized body pillows? Those things are amazing!

They still don’t cover you as well as blankets. And they’re usually not as fuzzy.

…Ok, maybe.

Thankyou. Moving on…

2) Props for children of actors. There’s nothing like a fluffy blanket to imitate a cloak of invisibility.

And it keeps them out of trouble. After all, you can’t do anything naughty or your cloak of invisibility gets taken away.

That, Fluffy, sounds like the voice of experience talking…

My blanket only got taken away once. But anyways, pillows can’t be cloaks of invisibility. I’ve tried.

3) Protection from the elements. It’s much more flexible than a pillow, and it makes a lot more sense to place a protection spell on something that is more flexible.

Wait a second. What elements are you referring to?

Fire, water, and earth, primarily. For some reason, because blankets like to flap in the wind they aren’t as effective against the air. It can still be done, but it also doesn’t look as impressive. Why do you ask?

…You come from such a different world from mine. We think of the elements very differently. And there isn’t magic to worry about.

Oh. That must be sorrowful for you.

But I digress.

4) Using as a rope. All you need to do is twist it up, and tie it. Voila, instant rope.

5) As a pillow.

Ok, now that is definitely something that a pillow can do better.

No. A pillow comes predefined as to how fluffy it is. And it’s big and bulky. A blanket can be turned into a pillow, just by filling it with other fuzzy blankets and rolling them up together.

And that, dear Webmaster, is why blankets are superior to pillows. Anything you can do with a pillow, you can do with a blanket. Because blankets are just larger, easier to manage, unformed-pillows.

…Maybe. I still think I’d take a super soft pillow. Depending on the circumstance.

And I think you’re just arguing for the sake of arguing.

And you’re not?

Anyways, have a great weekend, everyone! I hope to see you tomorrow.