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Hiya, Fluffsters!
So, I was recently reminded of one of my absolute favorite Christmas songs. It’s by Peter Schikele. I hope you enjoy it!
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
So, I was recently reminded of one of my absolute favorite Christmas songs. It’s by Peter Schikele. I hope you enjoy it!
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Greetings, readers!
Today’s less common seasonal piece is “Psallite Unigenito.” It is a lovely, older piece.
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
So, there’s a movie coming out in a week that I’m really excited about.
And that got me thinking. There was a movie that came out three years ago. And it had an epic credits song. And since it came out during the season we’re in, but a few years ago, it counts as Seasonal Music!
Uh, Webmaster? I am not sure it actually doe-
Hush. It counts.
Anyway. So, here’s “Song of the Lonely Mountain” from the Hobbit. It counts, ok?
Have a lovely weekend!
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Greetings, readers!
Today’s less popular seasonal song is a Christmas Carol in Spanish. It is really cool sounding, and I hope you enjoy it.
Have a lovely Thursday.
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Greetings, readers!
Today’s less common seasonal song is another chant style piece. It is “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence”.
This one is a bit more complicated in terms of its seasonality. Although it is frequently classified as a “Eucharist” hymn, it also has a verse with Christmas symbology and is therefore used more frequently as an “advent” hymn.
Regardless, it is lovely. I am taking advantage of its semi-advent-status to post it here now.
Have a lovely Wednesday.
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Greetings, readers!
Today’s Seasonal Piece is another King’s Singers performance: “Born on a New Day”.
As with all their performances, the King’s Singers have a lovely tone quality to them. This song is also quite lovely. It is simultaneously relatively cheerful, nostalgic, and peaceful. I rather like it, and I hope you do, too.
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Greetings, readers!
Technically, although it is Christmas season, it is not yet Winter. I am going to ignore that for the moment, however, and share with you a lovely (semi) seasonal piece: Rutter’s “Blow, Blow thou Winter Wind”.
It is a lovely piece that deserves more attention. The flute part especially adds to the timbre quite nicely
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Greetings, readers!
Anther one of my favorites is (originally) a “plainchant” piece: “Of the Father’s Love Begotten”.
This version is not (technically) plainchant, but it is lovely.
It also is easy to find in Latin, which makes it excellent soothing, not-as-distracting music.
I hope you have a good Saturday.
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
I figured I’d jump on board with Fluffy’s series of “less common seasonal songs” with one I shared last year. It’s the “Christmas Donkey” song. Hence the title of “Christmas Donkey Edition”.
Yeah, about that title…
Wait. “They aren’t all good edition”?
Fluffy, did you change it?
I decline to state.
Anyway. Yup. Here it is again.
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Greetings, readers!
I am continuing the series on “Less Common Songs for the Season.” Today’s is another non-English song: Noel Nouvelet. I discovered this one last year, actually, and it has become one of my favorite less common seasonal songs to listen to nearly repeatedly.
There are two versions I am sharing today; they each have their own, separate feel.
The first is slightly slower, more mysterious, and beautifully haunting:
The other is another King’s Singers song version.
I hope you enjoy.
Have a lovely Wednesday.