Category Archives: food

Starch Three Ways

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Hello again, Fluffsters! Happy Thursday!

Once again, I’m going to be lazy and take advantage of foodish type things that happened at the cafeteria I go to regularly. Today’s demonstration is of dinner a couple days ago. I now present:

Starch 3 ways!

a meal served by the dining service- couscous, pasta, and bread.

A balanced meal. Starch is evenly distributed throughout the entire meal!

The three main parts were bread, a “chicken Parmesan pasta bake”, and couscous. In other words, starch, starch with a bit of protein mixed in, and starch with a few veggies.

I’m guessing that it qualified as “balanced” for three reasons:

1) Technically, it included vegetables and meat. Even though they were very difficult to find.

2) We have “Itallian”ish bread, a grain from North Africa, and a purely American invention. (I’m quite sure the Italians would be cringing at what’s been done to the pasta.)

3) Most importantly, it’s well balanced on the plate. The center of mass remained at the approximate center of the plate, so it’s therefore balanced.

So, Fluffsters, can you think of any other ways that this meal is able to be considered balanced?

“Food” fluff, part 2

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Once again, be prepared to be amazed by the “cooking prowess” of the cafeteria I have regular access to. For indeed, I bring you

Fluff Dessert, part 2.

Yes, Fluffsters, this is a Sequel to the Infamous Lemon Dessert.

Infamous? Really?

…I can dream, right?

But yes. The dessert I’m talking about tonight actually comes from about a week ago. But that’s ok. Better late than never, right? (Don’t answer that, Fluffy.)

The dessert, you see, is “Caramel Apple No Bake Cheesecake.” (Good to know- the flavor certainly didn’t give it away…)

A gooey substance labeled "Caramel Apple No Back Cheesecake."

Caramel Apple No Bake Cheesecake. It’s the bottom one. On the right. Good thing I took a picture, or I still wouldn’t have known what it was…

I encourage you to click the image above to appreciate its full gooey “good”ness(?).

Naturally, think of you, dear Fluffsters, I got some.

It didn’t taste bad. It tasted like some sort of cream-cheese & graham-cracker dessert, which is to be expected. There were some confusing lumps in it, which at this point I’m guessing were apples of some sort. It did not taste particularly caramelly or appley. It was somewhat sweet, and a bit sour, which I guess is expected of cheesecake.

The name, though. That’s one of the other perplexing things. Ok, it may have had cream-cheese in it. It was also probably slightly caramel or apple flavored. But no-bake cheesecake? That’s definitely confusing. It’s not in cake form by any stretch of the imagination. It wasn’t baked, though, so I guess that part works. But seriously. “Cake”? Where’s the cake part? No-bake Cheese pudding would work. Cake still does not.

A not particularly cakeish dollop of the "cheesecake."

Scary, isn’t it? And not particularly cakelike.

But I’m getting off track, aren’t I?

Oh well.  Yes. So the flavor wasn’t bad. Again, I wouldn’t suggest you actually pay anything for it, unless you’re in a mood for something with cream-cheese and this is the only option. The texture on this as well was also perplexing.

Here are some illustrations of what you can do to it with a fork:

A goupy substance stuck to a fork hovering above a plate.

Yes, the fork is above the plate. Yes, that consistency slightly scared me.

Goopy Cheescake smooshed on the fork.

Another angle of the Fork & Goo

So, all said and done, unless you’re really craving a cream cheese & graham cracker combination, or unless you’re writing a blog about it, I don’t recommend getting this stuff. It didn’t taste bad, in fact it was significantly better than the lemon dessert, but it’s still very odd.

Happy Thursday!


Mislabeled Desserts

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My cafeteria is confusing. Or confused. Or both.

You mean the place that served the mysterious “Lemon Dessert“?

Yes. This was at lunch today.

mislabeled dessert sign.

Supposedly the desserts are “Danish”, “Cinnamon rolls”, and “Cranberry Muffins.”


Those are supposed to be danishes, cinnamon rolls, and cranberry muffins? Your world does those very differently from mine…

Maybe not. I think I’m equally confused.

Well, happy Sunday, fluffsters! I hope you have an excellent week.

More “food” questions…

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Friday!

Yesterday, I once again had an experience with the dessert section where I currently am. This time, I thought the experience was amusing, moreso than disgusting. It had to do with assorted desserts. Here’s what I saw (arrows added by me. Of course.):

"assorted desserts"

I guess there are only two assorted desserts…

I would normally assume that “assorted desserts” applied to the whole tray, and that you don’t need more specifics, but apparently the folks in charge disagreed. To make matters even more annoying, one of the things I was actually curious about qualified as one of the two “assorted desserts.”

Well, that’s about all I wanted to post about today. Have a great weekend! (May your dessert endeavors be more successful than mine…)

“Food” from the cafeteria

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Today at the cafeteria, I saw a highly suspicious looking dessert. So, naturally, I needed to take a piece and snap a photo of it.

grasshopper pie: Brown & green mush

Grasshopper Pie

It tasted only marginally better than it looked. (Neither the mint nor the chocolate were strong enough to make up for its disturbing coloration.)

Of course, any time I see something “dyed a tempting green”, I think of this lovely clip from the musical Peter Pan, starring Mary Martin.

How about you, fluffsters? Any odd desserts recently?

Whipped Cream

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Hello again, Fluffsters! I hope you’re having a good week. I’m having an excellent one so far. It’s being busy, exhausting, and very tiring, but it’s also being a lot of fun.

I was realizing, however, that I need some more varied “traditional fluff” on this page.

No. You really don’t.

Yes, actually, I really do.

That is why today I am going to talk about:

Things About Whipped Cream.

1) It qualifies as fluff. Even the densest whipped cream is smooth and airy. (If it isn’t, it doesn’t qualify.) It is, in fact, part of the definition of whipped cream.

What? It’s part of the definition?

Yes. I originally thought I’d need to make up the definition to match, but it turns out I don’t. It really is part of the definition!

2) It goes great with any type of summer fruit. Peaches, blueberries, strawberries…. The list could go on, but you get the picture I’m sure.

3) It goes well with other dairy products. Ice cream sundaes, for example, are amazing. Ice cream, whipped cream, and chocolate sauce. Yum. Banana splits with whipped cream are also phenomenal.

4) Whipped cream can be easy to make. All you really need is a blender. (preferably one with a seal-able lid.) Put whipping cream into the blender, sweeten to taste, and whip it until it turns light and fluffy.

5) There are a few interesting variations. My Dad, for example, always puts vanilla into his. That stuff is amazing. It’s almost like ice cream, but not quite. And that’s only in part because it’s not frozen. Other variations of his that are interesting, and can be really good, involve putting other flavors in. I don’t remember whether we’ve tried one with peppermint extract or not, but that would also be pretty amazing.

Other variations, of course, include the “industrial” kind that sometimes don’t even have real cream in them. (Koolwhip, I’m looking at you…) These do have their place, but they aren’t real whipped cream if they don’t have cream. Sometimes store bought whipped cream can be good, though.

And so, Fluffsters, whatever your take is on whipped cream, I hope you enjoy. Happy Wednesday!

Things to do concerning Cookies: Samoas.

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Thursday!

Yes, today’s going to be another cookie day. Another Girl Scout Cookie day, even. But that’s alright, because Samoas are probably my favorite type of cookie. So…

Here are some things you can do that relate to the Girl Scout cookies Samoas.

1) Eat them. Obviously. For those unfortunates out there who haven’t had them, here’s a basic description of a samoa. It’s doughnut shaped. (A very small doughnut, of course.) It’s got sortof a thin plain cookie base. And then on top of it is a layer of caramel, mixed with shredded coconut, chocolate, and covered in even more caramel and chocolate. In other words, pure amazingness. So yeah. Eating them is a very good choice.

2) Dip them in your coffee. And then eat them. (You can pull through my reasoning for point 1.)

3) Freeze them. And then eat them. If you’ve never had a frozen samoa, you’re missing out. Seriously, you need to try one. Careful not to chip a tooth- frozen caramel and coconut and chocolate and cookie all mixed together can be surprisingly hard. But all the same, it’s totally worth it. In fact, you might even want to try this if you’ve got a little one who’s got a loose tooth! What better way to lose the loose tooth than by eating a cookie? (And a Samoa, at that!)

4) Put the box on display for all to admire. My family & I, at least, would totally admire them you lucky person, you.

5) Dress up like one. Seriously, it’s a thing. It’s primarily used by younger girls who are trying to sell them (last time I checked, anyways) but it’s still pretty cool. And amazing. And worthwhile. And I’m rambling here, aren’t I?

Well, anyways, have a great rest of your week! If I missed anything you can do that relates to samoas, please let me know in the comments below!

Things to do concerning Cookies (1)

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Sunday! I hope you have a blessed week.

This upcoming week, I’m going to be traveling a bit. So I’m going to be doing a series on things I’m fairly comfortable with: Cookies. And things to do having to do with them. (That will make more sense as we go along. Hopefully.)

Somehow, I doubt it. Did you even study your own language? That sentence looks like you murdered your language.

If you’re talking about the last thing I wrote, it’s not technically a sentence- it’s a fragment.

But anywho. Without further ado:

Things to Do Concerning Cookies (1): Chocolate Chip

Today I’m going to be looking at Chocolate Chip Cookies, and a few things about chocolate chip cookies.

1) You can change the recipe. I actually have listed my personal recipe adaptation in the recipes section.

2) You can eat them. This should be obvious. My personal preferences include a nice glass of milk. Or maybe coffee. Sometimes both.

3) Zap them, and then eat them. If you’re at a cafeteria, for example, odds are incredibly slim you’ll get cookies fresh out of the oven. But nothing can beat a freshly baked cookie. (Except maybe for beaters- that would likely do the trick.) So,. here’s the solution. Stick a cookie in the microwave. I think about 5-10 seconds is plenty. Or, if you have access to one, stick it in a toaster oven. That reheats the cookie, and gives it the sense of being freshly baked. Again, I highly recommend a cup of milk. If you’re lactose intolerant, almond milk is a wonderful alternative. (I’m not, I don’t think, but my family is. So I’ve discovered a love of almond milk. It does go nicely with chocolate chip cookies. It’s not quite the same, but still really good. Especially if you get the vanilla flavored stuff.)

4) Give them to friends. The cookies, that is. Just to clarify that we weren’t talking about almond milk still. So, yeah. I’d take the cookies, put them in bakers’ bags, and then give them to friends. (Only if you’re feeling generous.) If you’re feeling really generous, you can even give them to professors, teachers, or people you don’t even know/like.

5) Photograph them and put them on Facebook. Because there aren’t enough people using Instagram.

Anyways, there you go! Five things to do that relate to chocolate chip cookies. Have fun! (And tell me how your cookies turn out, if you make any?)

Fabric Finds: Food

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Tuesday!

I’m just going to dive right in.

I’ve mentioned I like to sew, right? I mean, I made that DIY flower wreath, and all. One of my goals in life is to eventually make my version of the Pirates Elizabeth Swan dress, and actually wear it somewhere. (That’s not likely to happen for a while since materials are incredibly expensive, and the pattern quite complicated. But I can dream, right?)

Anyways, today’s post is a discussion of fabric. More to the point, a discussion of food themed fabric.

Until yesterday, (well, today as I’m writing this) I didn’t even know fabric with a food theme even existed. But due to exploring, I came across an entire section of food printed fabric.

This sparked a desire I never even knew I had.

I now really want to make a waffle-print skirt. Or dress. Or maybe a skirt/handbag combo.

Actually, I’m not picky. A similar sort of thing with pancakes, donuts, sprinkles, and, especially, CheeseIts. Not Bacon & Eggs, though. That’s just silly. (The grilled cheese, though… That’s tempting!) I can only imagine what my school would have done if I’d walked into the cafeteria wearing anything made from “Michael Miller Bon Appetit Accounts Flax” fabric. (Bon Appetit’s our cafeteria supplier.)

Fresh Strawberry fabric actually looks like it might make a really cute summertime outfit. Especially for a younger child. As would basically anything watermelon.

And personally? A coffee print would make a wonderful computer case holder. Or bag for a college student. (Wouldn’t you agree?)

I was, alas, unable to find any prints with eggplants or steak on I don’t know what I’d have done with a fabric with either of those foods on them, besides laugh, but even laughing would be worth it.

How about you, Fluffsters? Any favorite food-fabric you’ve seen that you love? (Or hate? I don’t mind either!)

Or have you seen any clothes made from some of these novelty fabrics? I’d love to hear about it!

Have a great rest of your week!

Good Birthday Cakes

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy July 27th!

New way of starting your greetings?

Only when it’s my birthday.

That makes sense then, I suppose. Because your birthday has become like a holiday; is that correct?

Well, it’s at least a day that I’m excited about.

Fair enough.

But that leads me to today’s topic:

My Favorite Types of Birthday Cake. (In no particular order.)

So, just a bit of background. I really like all of these kinds. It’s really hard for me to choose which type is my favorite. So if there’s any difference in the ordering, it’s purely coincidental and only reflects the order in which I thought of and wrote about the different types of cakes.

First: flourless chocolate cake. I’ve made this for people more often than I’ve had it for my own birthday cake. But it’s a really good cake. How can you go wrong with something like 8 ounces of dark chocolate per cake?

At some point, I’m going to need to upload my favorite ways to make flourless chocolate cakes. But for now, here’s a link to the epicurious cake recipe I use, and the AllRecipes Ganache. If you use the ganache as the frosting, it’s really amazing. The cake itself is already very chocolatey. Add a combination of boiling cream and pure bittersweet/dark chocolate, and it’s one of the most chocolate chocolate experiences you can have.

1) Pineapple Upside Down Cake. I haven’t made one in a while. But it’s really good. Nice and perfect sugary-sticky-sweet-maraschino-cherry-and-canned-pineapple goodness. It can also be a thing of absolute beauty.

It doesn’t come with frosting or an icing, which can be a downside. But the crustiness of the cake itself is wonderful, and doesn’t actually need one.

Alpha) Carrot Cake with cream-cheese frosting. This is another one of my favorites. If it’s fresh, then recipes with a bit of pineapple in them are really good. Yes, I do like pineapple. How could you tell?

Now, a small confession: I really like stale carrot cake.

What is wrong with you?

Haha, very funny. I know, it’s a bit odd. But it’s really good! If you wait for a few days, the frosting gets a bit of texture to it. A bit of crunch, that is, which is something I really like with this particular flavor. It’s sort of almost like carrot-cake croutons. Admit it, those sound like they’d be good.

Uno) Ice cream cakes. I like both BaskinRobins’ ice cream cakes, and ColdStones. If there’s the possibility of mixing flavors, like Cold Stones does, I really like their Strawberry, with either white chocolate chips or Kit-Kats. (I haven’t checked to see if they let you use a sorbet. If so, I’d go with either lemon or raspberry sorbet with white chocolate chips.) For the straight ice cream flavors, I really like mint chocolate chip. It both tastes fresh, and like chocolate. Where even can that go wrong? (Unless the mint tastes like toothpaste. That’s a problem.)

Chief) Mud Pie. Not technically a cake, but I don’t know if ice cream cake really counts as a cake either. Mud pie is another one of my more favorite desserts. The coffee ice cream and rich chocolate flavor combine in a perfect flavor harmony. It’s like eating a sugary coffee drink. When done right, it truly is a thing of beauty.

S, what about you, Fluffsters? Do you have a favorite birthday cake? I’d love to read about them in the comments below!

Happy Saturday!