Category Archives: food

How to “Properly” Eat Ramen

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Greetings, readers! I hope your week is starting tolerably.

As usual, I visited YouTube last night. YouTube recommended this video for me, and I am confused.

I did not realize that there was a proper form to eating this substance called “Ramen noodles”, or that they needed to be slurped in order to be properly enjoyed.

I suppose that one can learn something new every day.

In fairness, I should post this

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Thursday! I hope you’re having a great day!

I realized that I have been a bit unfair to the place I normally eat. I’ve recently only uploaded pictures of their… “questionable” material. (I’m looking at you, “Lemon Dessert” and the dessert responsible for killing the Great Pumpkin…)

However, they actually do serve decent stuff sometimes!

Recently, for example, they served an amazing thing they’re calling “Monkey Bread.”

Now, I’ve had traditional monkey bread, I really like it, and this was not quite the traditional Monkey Bread. Even so, though, it was still really good!

It was nice and bready, and raisin-y, and had an excellent consistency and flavor.

It even looked appealing!

Monkey Bread on a blue plate

It looked better in real life… It tasted even better than it looked.

So, I can now say that I’ve done my duty, and fully disclosed that the place I go to does sometimes serve good stuff.

Have a great day!

Goodbye, Great Pumpkin.

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Fluffsters, today is a sad day. I regret to report the death of the Great Pumpkin. Last night, the place I was eating apparently decided, well, I can’t write it right now. Here is the photographic evidence of the unfairness done to Linus:

A sign advertising Great Pumpkin dessert.

Great Pumpkin dessert. RIP, Great Pumpkin.

As you can see, clearly the Great Pumpkin was turned into a… dessert.

It wasn’t even pumpkin pie.

Wait. How do you know it was not dessert for the Great Pumpkin? Or Great dessert that was pumpkin?

Well, it clearly couldn’t have been dessert for the Great Pumpkin for two reasons. A) it was obviously pumpkin mush, and the Great Pumpkin isn’t a cannibal. 2) The Great Pumpkin only flies on Halloween, so it’s ridiculous to think he’d show up on January 20th.

And it couldn’t have been a great dessert that was pumpkin. Trust me, you’d need to have seen it to fully understand, but there’s no way the dessert could have been great.

So all said and done, let’s have a moment of silence for the Great Pumpkin.

Thank you. I hope you have a happy Tuesday, despite this hardship.


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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Monday!

So, I have recently rediscovered Kumquats.

They’re weird.

Really weird.

Basically, they are an “opposite fruit.” So, they’re a type of citrus.

Odd indeed!

But they’re unlike any other type of citrus in existence. For example, they’re sortof grape shaped. Like, the big purple grapes.

But they have citrus seeds. (Unless you’re thinking of seedless oranges. Kumquat seeds are big. Especially relative to their size.)

But here’s the weird part. Whereas the skin of normal citrus is the bitterest, disgustingest part of the fruit, the skin of the kumquat provides the sweetness and the flavor. The fruit is actually very sour- slightly reminiscent of a combination of an unripe tangerine, an unripe orange, and a lemon.

But if you just pop one in your mouth, the flavor combination is fantastic. The sweet of the skin balances out the fruit.

If you have the opportunity, you should totally try one. Or twelve. They’re great.

Anywho, happy Monday! I hope your week goes great!

Bacon Doughnuts

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Thursday!

A couple of days ago, I had a very interesting experience: A mini bacon doughnut.

Two odd flavored doughnuts.

Bacon and Samoa flavored doughnuts

I also had a bit of a Samoa flavored doughnut. That was good. The bacon one? Well, it was interesting.

The problem, as expected, was the flavor. However, it wasn’t the anticipated flavor problem. The biggest issue was that the bacon was of a different type than the bacon I normally like. It tasted a bit too much like ham. It certainly was not crisp enough.

Also, the maple glaze did not come through enough in the flavor.

All in all, I’m glad I got one. It was interesting. It also made me realize how fortunate I am that the place I normally eat mostly only gets bizarre with fluff-type foods. (I had no idea until then…)

Happy Thursday!

I’m not in CA anymore…

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Hello, Fluffsters. Happy Sunday!

I think I’m not in California anymore… I went out to a restaurant with some friends, and this was what the menu looked like.

A menu with fried pickles as an option.


The top entry was what really caught my attention and made me realize I was no longer there…

Have a great week!

Reasons to be Thankful for Your Thanksgiving Dinner

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Thanksgiving!

I realized the other day that my timing is coincidentally excellent. You see, as I mentioned previously, I’ve been planning on doing a “catch you up on things a cafeteria tries to call food” post. Today is Thanksgiving. Therefore, I am going to combine the holiday with the promised post, and give you:

Reasons to be thankful you’re having your Thanksgiving Dinner!

1) This substance somewhat related to banana pudding. It tasted weird, and its consistency was definitely odd.

Weird looking banana pudding with chocolate cake in it.

Banana Pudding

If there hadn’t been cake in it, it wouldn’t have been a problem. In fact, it might even have tasted ok. The chocolatey stuff, though, really made it less than wonderful.

2) The Peanut Butter Mousse

menu listing chocolate peanut butter mousse

The menu listing

individual portion of peanut butter mousse

A small portion that I got.

You can tell it was actually ok, because there's so little of it in the serving container

You can tell that it actually wasn’t bad because there was a time when there wasn’t much in the container. It was definitely too sweet. But it had a nice, creamy consistency! It’s not pumpkin pie, or turkey and stuffing, though, so your thanksgiving will almost definitely be better.

3) This “bread pudding”. When I showed my picture to my parents, their first thought was that it looked like Egg Foo Young.

an oddly colored dish that looks a bit like egg foo young

I think it had sprinkles in it

Whatever it was (I don’t remember the name…) it was extremely sweet. It tasted a bit like bread pudding with maple syrup and icing. It was also (clearly) disturbingly colored. Not as disturbing as…

5) This odd colored muffin with frosting.

a multicolored frosted muffin. I think.

I don’t even know what this is…

At least, I think that’s what it was. On the one hand, it’s multicolored and slightly grainier, thus indicating that it’s a muffin. On the other hand, it’s frosted. Frosting implies cupcake. So is it a mupcake? I have no clue.

6) This brightly colored orange… dish.

disturbing looking orange pie stuff.

The badness of the quality came naturally to me. I’ve got SKILLS!

It tasted like dreamsicle in pie form. Not bad, but, again, weird. And, again, oddly colored. I was very surprised that I actually liked it!

4) Even MORE fluff stuff!

yet ANOTHER type of fluff!

how many kinds of fluff ARE there?

I seriously have no clue how many types of fluff the place I eat can make. It seems like there’s always one more. (I think it’s their fallback dessert option.)

So, yup. Several reasons to be thankful you have your thanksgiving dinner! I hope you have a great one!

No Pie Crust Needed

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Greetings, Fluffsters! Happy Monday!

Once again, my food service has tried to foist some “fluff” off on us. WHEN WILL THIS MADNESS STOP?

What flavor was it tonight?

…How can you be so calm? So callous? So indifferent?

It comes naturally. But you’re evading the question.

Oh, you’re right.

It was Coconut Chocolate.

Chocolate coconut flavored fluffy dessert stuff

Coconut Chocolate Mousse

It actually wasn’t too bad. And at least this time they labeled it well.

I think their recipe tonight was “take equal parts chocolate cream pie mix and coconut cream pie mix. Transfer crusts to the blueberry pies not on the screen. Mix mixes together. Serve, and call it mousse.”

It had about the right consistency and flavor for it. It was definitely stiff enough to serve as a pie filling. As with many of the others, my spoon stood upright in it with minimal difficulty.

A spoon stuck upright in a smooth fluffy dessert with no other form of support.

The Spoon stands upright. The Mousse either passes or fails, depending upon your standards.

So, yeah. This stuff wasn’t bad. But it would have been a lot better with its missing pie crust.

Have a great week!


Even MORE Fluff “Food”

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Hello, Fluffsters. My food service is once again bizarre, and serving odd varieties of Fluffy stuff.

Tonight’s was not too bad in terms of consistency. One of my friends did ask whether it was refried beans, though.

A thing of pudding with toffee chips that look a bit like beans.

“Refried Beans”. Or Fluffy stuff of some sort.

The pudding itself didn’t taste bad. The toffee chips in it were a bit bizarre. So, all in all, not worth it. Not bad, but not worth it.

See what I do for you, Fluffsters?

Anywho, happy Sunday!