Category Archives: fluffy

Amusing tooth fairy incident

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Greetings, readers!

A father recently decided to use the construct of the Tooth Fairy to not only help his son be excited about the changes he is going through (per social norms) but also decided to use it to incentivize the child to care for his teeth better.

The father did so by writing a letter to the child, as though from the tooth fairy itself, indicating that future payment would be contingent upon the child taking better care of his teeth.

The letter was quite well done, and worth reading.

Have a lovely Saturday.

Interesting tech that will likely be abused

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Greetings, readers!

Through Facebook, I was recently informed of an interesting technology on Kickstarter. It is a pocket laser engraver. The technology itself looks neat. However, I am currently wondering: How long until someone uses it for graffiti? And how would you cover something like that up?

What about you? What do you think of this tech?

Mini-Laser Burner

Burn a cool design into your favorite things with a pocket laser…

Posted by Interesting Engineering on Monday, September 4, 2017

“Real time” WWII

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Greetings, readers!

I have recently been introduced to a remarkable Twitter account.

It is the “Real Time WWII” account. They put together six years worth of tweets as though World War II was going on right now, according to the same timeline it actually followed. They tweeted through once, and have now restarted.

It actually restarted August 31 / September 1, (depending on your timezone) and is worth exploring.


Sign Language Video Game

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Greetings, readers!

I have recently been informed of a remarkable video game under development. The hero, a Mouse named Quill, will apparently incorporate American Sign Language into her communication with the player.

I think this is a rather brilliant idea, as it not only has the potential to help education (and reaching out to people), but it also fits with the world building. The mouse likely would not be able to pronounce English clearly. That was already a given in the game. However, hand-signs that are an actual language seem to flow smoothly.

What are your thoughts?

Remarkable Kickstarter

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Greetings, readers!

I was recently informed of an interesting new Kickstarter. It is for a toy called “Algobrix”.

The premise is to teach kids coding, tangibly. The campaign explains it far better than I can; you may want to check it out.

Have a happy Sunday!

“Top One-Percentile” does not mean what they think it means

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Greetings, readers!

There is an ad for a movie that I find particularly aggravating. I can usually skip past it fairly quickly, but not quite quickly enough for an utterly atrocious phrase to occur: The lead actress is in the top “one percentile” of actresses.

That means she is better than 1% of the other actresses.


That’s IT.

I understand the person presumably meant to say “percent”, not “percentile.”

The sentence is still aggravating.

How about you? Are there any ads that have been particularly annoying you recently?