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Greetings, readers!
I do not recall if I have shared information about this with you before or not, but it recently came up in my random perusals, and it is seasonally appropriate. A woman from a few decades ago built dollhouse replicas… of crime scenes. The pictures are quite remarkable.
(As a note: The link I encountered had an odd layout. Do not try to exit out of the “pop up” window– the popup is what you are interested in.)
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Greetings, readers!
In part as an attempt to help you with any Halloween attire you want, and also in part to demonstrate a few cultural differences you may not have considered, I thought I would share with you a rather fascinating video about how walking styles change based on conventional footwear.
Specifically, the “Heel-toe” method commonly used on your world is primarily due to how soles are made in modern times; previously, well, I do not want to spoil the video for you.
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Greetings, readers!
I was recently informed that there are issues with the commonly used measuring cups. More importantly, an inventor decided to fix the issues and create a new style of measuring cup.
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Greetings, readers!
Somebody wrote on the science of why water heated in different devices results in different tastes in tea. Specifically, the authors address why microwaved water is suboptimal for tea.
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Greetings, readers!
There is a lovely set of bird photographs available for perusal; they were winners from various categories. They are masterfully done, and some of them are quite amusing.