Category Archives: fluffy

Fantastic Miniature Crime Scenes

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Greetings, readers!

I do not recall if I have shared information about this with you before or not, but it recently came up in my random perusals, and it is seasonally appropriate. A woman from a few decades ago built dollhouse replicas… of crime scenes. The pictures are quite remarkable.

(As a note: The link I encountered had an odd layout. Do not try to exit out of the “pop up” window– the popup is what you are interested in.)

Have a lovely day.

Differences in Walking

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Greetings, readers!

In part as an attempt to help you with any Halloween attire you want, and also in part to demonstrate a few cultural differences you may not have considered, I thought I would share with you a rather fascinating video about how walking styles change based on conventional footwear.

Specifically, the “Heel-toe” method commonly used on your world is primarily due to how soles are made in modern times; previously, well, I do not want to spoil the video for you.

It is interesting and worth watching.

I hope you enjoy.

Alternate Measuring Cup

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Greetings, readers!

I was recently informed that there are issues with the commonly used measuring cups. More importantly, an inventor decided to fix the issues and create a new style of measuring cup.

It is interesting to read about.

Have a lovely day.

Goodbye, Cassini.

Note: If this is your first time to TotalFluff, please visit this brief explanation. Thanks!

Greetings, readers!

Apparently, yesterday was a momentous day for space fans; the Cassini spacecraft finished its thirteen year mission, and destroyed itself.

It also transmitted data the entire time. The official website on “the grand finale” has more information, and some lovely final images.

I hope you have a good Saturday.