Category Archives: cooking

Fun Fact about Olive Oil!

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So, I made an interesting discovery the other day. Pertaining to Olive Oil.

And cookies.

And Play-Doh.

I am not entirely sure I like where this is going…

Yeah, I’m not I liked where it went, either…

Because, you see, I was making cake-mix cookies the other day, but didn’t have any vegetable oil. So I ended up using olive oil.

And it turns out there’s a reason the recipes don’t call for olive oil. Because, you see–

–Olive oil makes it taste like play-doh?


How did you guess?

It was the logical conclusion, given your progression of the “fact” pertaining to olive oil.

…I suppose.

Yup. So. Fun fact about olive oil: You can use it to make play-doh-esque cookies!


Have a lovely Saturday!

Another recipe from The Student

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Greetings, readers!

There is still a delay where the 1,000th post from The Webmaster is concerned. And thus, it is up to me to inform you that The Student has published another recipe on the sister site. This recipe is (another) pasta dish. It looks pretty reasonable.

Enjoy, and have a lovely Thursday.

ANOTHER post from the Sister Site?! — recipe

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So, The Student over at the cooking site has been really prolific in the posting recently. As in, there’s another post up today.

This one is actually a recipe, though. For a vegetable pasta dish thing. So, it’s not just discussion of cast-iron.

In fact, I don’t see the new skillet mentioned even once in the new post.


Anyway. Have a lovely weekend! Maybe do some cooking or something.

ANOTHER post from the Sister Site about Cast Iron

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It seems as though the sister site is possessed by a cast-iron fanatic. At least for now. Whatever.

There’s a new post up about the cast iron skillet. This time, there’s an actual demonstration of it being used; The Student made an individual serving of “pull apart” skillet bread.

Anyway. Have a lovely Thursday!

Cold Rice Leftovers are Surprisingly Good

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, recently, I’ve been doing some “cooking.” With rice and beans and stuff.

Basically, I’ve been taking a variation of The Student’s Vegetable Soup rice (using about the required amount of water, rather than soup-worth of water), refrigerating it for a while, and eating it cold the next day, with some shredded cheddar mixed in. And sometimes some chicken.

It’s (surprisingly) good! Especially given how hot it’s getting recently.

(Remember, I’m currently living in a place that has slightly different seasons than some are accustomed to.)

Anyway. Have a lovely Friday!

Happy Pi Day Again!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

Happy Pi Day!

Even though this 3/14 isn’t quite as epic as Last Year’s, it’s still worth celebrating.

Today, I’m celebrating with Pie Crust Cookies.

pie crust cookies

Neither Pie, nor Pi, but still good.

So, they aren’t Pi. Or Pie. Or even round, which is kinda one of the things about Pi.

But they’re still good, and that’s what counts. Right?

Have a great Pi Day!