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Hiya, Fluffsters!
A friend posed an interesting question to me…
Why do we think exclusively about learning from osmosis?
Because, seriously… I know more than most textbooks. Just not necessarily about that specific topic the books is talking about.
For example, fantasy worlds. I know a LOT more about theoretical constructs of magical forms than I do of anything related to biology, for example. So why don’t the textbooks remove some of my fantasy knowledge (which they do not have) and replace it with some of their knowledge of their subject?
OR…. IS THAT WHY OSMOSIS DOESN’T WORK? Is it maybe because the rules of osmosis look at total knowledge, and decide that the amount of knowledge makes up for it? So, I know more about the book than some things, the book knows more than I do about other things, so net we’re balanced?!
Any thoughts?