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A while ago, somebody adopted a tiny kitten and put pictures up and the pictures are adorable.
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A while ago, somebody adopted a tiny kitten and put pictures up and the pictures are adorable.
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So, National Geographic got video footage of wild sand kittens, and they are adorable. It may also be the first time that that type of fluff has actually been recorded. So, you know. Worth checking out.
Have a lovely Sunday!
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There was apparently a “star wars pet lookalike” contest. And the winners are cute.
Personally, I really think that Third Place should have been first, and 2nd and 3rd tied for not-first, but whatever.
It’s still cute animals.
So, enjoy!
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Somebody shared a link. It’s about cat behavior. And I found it worth reading. (And quite amusing.)
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Somebody got a white tiger and a white lion to “get together”, and now there are pictures of white liger cubs to look at, and they’re adorable.
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Thanks to Facebook, I came across a video called “world’s worst sheepdog.”
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So, somebody shared a link the other day. It’s about a kitty. A cute kitty. Who interrupted a TV interview.
I have no clue what’s being said, but the article explains it, and the video at the end is adorable.
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I was out walking recently, and saw some gorgeous large birds. The picture didn’t come out that great, but I’m fairly sure they were turkey vultures.
Whatever they were, they were pretty!
Have a lovely day!
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There’s (apparently) a type of bird that has a natural call of “Mom”. Or “Mahm” if you really want to write what it sounds like.
And somebody recorded about 4 minutes of it.
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Greetings, readers!
There is a lovely set of bird photographs available for perusal; they were winners from various categories. They are masterfully done, and some of them are quite amusing.