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Friendly reminder that Shatner did a PSA about deep fried turkeys, and then somebody made it into a remix.
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Friendly reminder that Shatner did a PSA about deep fried turkeys, and then somebody made it into a remix.
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A lot of the music I’ve been listening to recently is from one of the “Epic Trailer Music” composers. And it’s starting to pay off! For one of the new Netflix trailers (Death by Magic) I correctly identified the background music. (Casablanca, by TSFH.)
I also incorrectly identified the piece in the theatrical trailer for Aquaman. But I did identify that I knew it. (Turns out that it’s “None Shall Live” by TSFH.)
So, yep! That’s fun.
(And enjoy those pieces! They’re fun and epic, and worth looking up.)
Have a lovely day!
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There is a comedian on Twitter: James Breakwell. He does parent humor, and is worth reading.
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Greetings, readers!
I was recently informed that there is a Twitter account for a dinosaur. This dinosaur is leading a D&D campaign.
It is being rather amusing.
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Disney is making a Live Action version of Dumbo. The new trailer is out.
And I’m really not sure what to think…
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Somebody has a really impressive birb.
Well worth a watch. (Sound on.)
Vean esta maravilla. Asombroso.
Posted by Hugo Santaromita on Tuesday, July 31, 2018
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Recently, there was a piece of music that got stuck in my head. More to the point, there was someone who was using a song in the background, and I knew I recognized the music, but I couldn’t remember what the piece was.
I did, however, remember that it’s in “Epic Tea Time with Alan Rickman“, which also had the credits for the score.
And that’s how I remembered that the piece was from “inception”.
Have a lovely day!
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Apparently, some birds are able to make and then use tools to get things they want. It’s rather interesting.
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There’s a youngish magician who has a crazy impressive magic trick, with cards and ribbons. Enjoy!
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As a follow-up to Lucas’s Spider web… he actually finds a new potential friend. Enjoy!