About Fluffy McGiggles

Greetings, reader! I am Fluffy McGiggles. In my world, I was an actress of the strongest sort, the melodramatic sort. Recently, I find myself confined to this... website, as its anthrompomorphization and personality. The Webmaster and I have a bit of a dispute as to how this should be run. The Webmaster can change anything I do, but I can also change anything the Webmaster does. However, the Webmaster can also delete me at will. So that means I'm temporarily behaving myself. This is my own choice, however, contrary to anything The Webmaster may say. So, don't blame me for the over-the-topness of the website. You have been warned.

Author Archives: Fluffy McGiggles

Ringing In the New Year (Pt 1)

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Greetings, readers!

From what I understand, “Ringing In (or out) the New Year” is a tradition some follow.

In honor of that, TotalFluff will be running a series with a different Carillon (or Bell Tower) YouTube video between now and the beginning of the new year. The first is a playing of the Harry Potter theme.

I hope you enjoy and have a good Thursday.

Where do they get the electricity?

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Greetings, readers!

I recently encountered an image that has been used by Microsoft as a background for log-in pages.

(I am including a screencapture someone took.)

Stunning display of electrical trees in their natural environment...

Stunning display of electrical trees in their natural environment…

It is quite lovely. However, I do have to ask… where is the electricity for the tree coming from?

And on that unnatural note, I leave you with a wish for a lovely Wednesday.

(Another) Stunning Version of Carol of the Bells

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Greetings, readers!

I know that there has already been a version of Carol of the Bells shared this December. I happen to rather love that carol, however, and so I am sharing yet another.

This is a more conventional one, with a full choir.

I hope you enjoy, and have a lovely Tuesday.

Re-sharing a Favorite Christmas Hymn: How Great Our Joy

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Greetings, readers!

As you may recall, last Christmas Eve I shared a favorite seasonal song: How Great Our Joy.

The version I shared was a Cambridge Singers version. It had a lovely tone to it.

However, I found a more traditional harmonization version. It again is not as beautiful tone-quality, but it is still worth listening to.

I hope you have a lovely Sunday.

The best part of the new Jungle Book was the Credits

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Greetings, readers!

Last Sunday, I ended up watching the new Jungle Book movie that came out this year. It was a very pretty movie. However, the most entertaining part was — I kid you not — the beginning of the credits. The movie was that dull.

Furthermore, they tried too hard to both use the old movie and the book, and thereby ended up ruining bot. It had minimal story value from my perspective; it seemed to take the worst part of the old movie, and ruined the best parts of the original story.

If you do end up watching any part of the movie, you I would recommend watching it on a speed through until you get to the credits scene. That way, you can still see the CGI beauty, and then you can get the entertainment value of the cutesy animals in the credits.

Needless to say, I do not particularly recommend this film.

Have a lovely Sunday.

A look behind the scenes of some lovely music

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Greetings, readers!

TSFH music has been shared on this blog before. The Christmas Medley the Webmaster is particularly fond of is one of theirs, for example.

Recently, they released a “behind-the-scenes” video of a recording session. It is basically just a music video of the song they were recording and some footage of the musicians. It is still absolutely stunning, however.


“Holiday Hole”

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Greetings, readers!

Last Friday, as some of you are probably aware, was “Black Friday” in the United States. A number of companies provided fairly sizeable discounts, or interesting opportunities.

Others provided satire. For example, there was the opportunity to essentially throw one’s money down a hole. That is, a particular company provided the opportunity for people to support digging a hole. The hole became larger as donations increased.

There was no purpose for the hole.

I found it rather amusing, and also a bit depressing that people would, actually, throw money down a hole like this.

I hope your Monday is not as wasteful.

Disappointment Island Exists

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Greetings, readers!

I recently became aware of the fact that your world has an island named “Disappointment Island.” I do not know what the poor landmass did to deserve such a name, but I thought it rather… amusing.

I hope you have a non-disappointment-filled Sunday.

Another Christmas Music Reminder

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Greetings, readers!

As The Webmaster reminded us yesterday, it is now officially Christmas Music (and other Winter Holidays’ music) season. Thus, it is now reasonable to remind you of the existence of “Corde Natus Ex Parentis”, or “Of The Father’s Love Begotten”

Enjoy your Saturday.

National Turkey Pardon

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Greetings, readers!

I was examining traditions pertaining to the American Thanksgiving (which is tomorrow), and was reminded of a peculiar tradition. Apparently, every year the president “pardons” an official Thanksgiving turkey.

The White House has more information about this tradition. It is quite interesting!

Have a lovely Thanksgiving Eve.