About Fluffy McGiggles

Greetings, reader! I am Fluffy McGiggles. In my world, I was an actress of the strongest sort, the melodramatic sort. Recently, I find myself confined to this... website, as its anthrompomorphization and personality. The Webmaster and I have a bit of a dispute as to how this should be run. The Webmaster can change anything I do, but I can also change anything the Webmaster does. However, the Webmaster can also delete me at will. So that means I'm temporarily behaving myself. This is my own choice, however, contrary to anything The Webmaster may say. So, don't blame me for the over-the-topness of the website. You have been warned.

Author Archives: Fluffy McGiggles

Who thought high diving giraffes was a good idea?

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Greetings, readers!

I do not know who thought of this… but somebody created an animated, 5-minute film about high-diving giraffes.

Yes, you read that correctly.

The film is below, if you do not believe me. (The “diving” starts about two minutes in.)

I hope that you have a good day.

Scything takes the lead

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Greetings, readers!

I am guessing that at this point, a number of you have seen that using a scythe to control the grass population in a yard may be more effective than the more technologically advanced weed whacker. However, in case you have not, I am mentioning it in this post.

Questions that come to my mind are: 1) Why do competitions like this exist? and 2) If scythes are, in fact, that much more impressive, why are they not used more frequently? 3) How much did the owner of the yard used pay to get the competition hosted there, so as to be able to avoid mowing it for a while? 4) Why did the scyther/reaper pass up the opportunity to dress up as Death / the Grim Reaper, and laugh maniacally as thousands of blades of grass are sacrificed to his every whim?


And with those mysteries, Readers, I wish you a good beginning to your week.

Spider Snakes exist.

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Greetings, readers!

I found out that an animal of nightmares for your world exists– a spider snake. This snake has a tail that looks like a spider when it moves, in order to attract its prey.

Personally, I do not think I would go towards something that looked like a spider– a pretty butterfly would be more effective. However, I guess that the motion is more difficult to reproduce.

I guess I am not the snake’s target demographic.

Regardless, I hope you have a good Sunday!

An old Sizzler Ad left me Essentially Speechless.

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Greetings, readers!

I do not know if you have seen this yet– I encountered it yesterday, and it seems to be gaining popularity.

It is an extraordinarily over-the-top patriotic advertisement… for Sizzler restaurants.


That is definitely similar to my reaction, although were a few surprises for me in this ad.

First, I found it amusing how “American patriotic” the music sounds. There must be something in the instrumentation of that style that is associated with American Patriotism.

Second, after accounting for the patriotism: I am quite surprised the member of the Navy did not propose to the woman he was with. (Maybe that would have been even more too-over-the-top for them?)

Third, what on earth were the creators of this advertisement doing with the creepy whisper at the end? The sinister sound clashes with the “Hooray America!” feel of the rest of the video.

But what are your thoughts, readers?

Disney vs. Grumpy Cat

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Greetings, readers!

I am sure that you are aware of Disney, and the idea of “Disnification”. (I do not know if that is what it is really called, but the term is clear enough for now.)

I am guessing you are also aware of Grumpy Cat– the cat that appears to be perpetually grumpy. Its picture has taken over the internet, to an extent.

Well, some clever person either “Disnified” Grumpy Cat, or Grumpified Disney. I will leave it up to you to figure out which happened. Regardless, the images are amusing, and you should check them out.

ePIc Day — 3/14/15

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Greetings, readers!

Today is a very special day. It is the most ePIc Pi Day of your life, in all probability– 3/14/15, which, of course, maps to 3.1415…, or the first five digits of Pi.

Pi is also approximated by 22/7. Thus, today’s goal is to provide you with a list of 22 Pi or Pie related things or links, divided into seven categories. Enjoy.

22/7 Pi

Crust Recipes (section 1):

Disclaimer: I have not tried all of these. I am borrowing the Webmaster’s bookmarks for some of them. However, since I have been living in the land of the Internet recently, I have not had the ingredients to check all of these.

1) Butter Crust Pie Recipe. This is a fairly basic one, and does not call for too many ingredients.

Oooh, yes. That’s a good one! I’ve had a lot of success with that recipe.

Glad to hear it.

2) Oreo Crust Recipe. My one contention with this recipe is that it does not indicate whether you are supposed to keep the cream-filling in with the cookies or just use the outside part. If you do figure it out, let me know.

3) Coconut Oil Recipe. Coconuts are spheres. Coconut oil comes from coconuts. Pi is used to calculate mathematical properties of spherical things. Therefore, a circular pie crust made from spherical oil produces must be more celebratory of pi.

Pie Recipes (section 2):

4) “Impossible Coconut Pie“. Again, the logic about using ingredients from spherical objects can be applied here, for why coconut is one of the superior ways to go.

5) Pie Crust Bowls. This may not typically qualify as a “pie”. But it is something that can be done with a pie crust. And this enables you to make miniature ice-cream pies. Who can say “no” to that?

6) Pie Crust Cookies. This is a very easy one. Take your leftover pie crust, slather it in butter, cinnamon, and sugar, and bake in the oven at about 375 until the cookies turn a light golden brown.

Pie Songs (section 3):

7) “I like Pie, I Like Cake”, a cute song.

Oooh, yes! That’s a fun Charleston song.

8) “The Pi Song”. This is a rather ridiculous song.

9) The “Pi Waltz”.  Somebody converted some of the digits of pi to base 12, in order to map them to a scale. (I am unsure of how they did this.) The final result was a lovely waltz. It is not necessarily accurate mathematically, but it is still a cool concept.

Previous Fluff Posts (Section 4):

Alas, there are only two previous Pi-day posts. But here they are.

10) The First Pi-Day Post. I am still a bit surprised that the Webmaster appreciates Pi Day.

11) The second one was boring. However, it is still a pi-day Fluff Post, so I will take it.

12) The Webmaster’s First Pie. This is not a pi-day post, but it is “pie”, and therefore it is an acceptable “fluff” for this post.

Beautiful Pies (section 5):

13) A lovely autumn leaf motif.

14) A very nicely done “pi pie” with numbers.

15) A punned pie.

Neat Clothes (section 6):

16) A Pi By Numbers shirt from ThinkGeek.

17) A lovely pun tee that I will not spoil for you.

18) Another lovely pun tee, from ThinkGeek.

Math and Statistics (Section 7):

19) Another amusing video, calculating pi with pies.

20) The World’s Most Accurate Pie Chart.

21) Calculating Pi. Because really, this is something of a requirement.

And finally, 22) The Official Pi Day Website. (This qualifies as mathematical, because pi is inherently mathematical.)

I hope you have an ePIc Pi Day!