Greetings, reader! I am Fluffy McGiggles. In my world, I was an actress of the strongest sort, the melodramatic sort. Recently, I find myself confined to this... website, as its anthrompomorphization and personality.
The Webmaster and I have a bit of a dispute as to how this should be run. The Webmaster can change anything I do, but I can also change anything the Webmaster does. However, the Webmaster can also delete me at will. So that means I'm temporarily behaving myself.
This is my own choice, however, contrary to anything The Webmaster may say.
So, don't blame me for the over-the-topness of the website.
You have been warned.
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Greetings, readers!
Are you aware of the BBC show “Sherlock”? For those of you who are unaware, it is a BBC production of Sherlock Holms, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Under normal circumstances, it is a modern-day retelling.
This Christmas, however, they are releasing a Christmas Special set in the Victorian Era.
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Greetings, readers!
I am not sure if you are aware, but a new season of Doctor Who has been coming out these past few weeks. (There are spoilers ahead– be warned.)
One of the things of note: Sonic Sunglasses.
Apparently, I am not the only one who is fairly taken aback by such a device. There is even an online petition to remove the Sonic Sunglasses, and to return to the Sonic Screwdriver.
Furthermore, Steven Moffat (one of the creators and directors) has responded with an explanation.
Even though it seems as though we are stuck with the sunglasses for now, I am pleased that there is a high probability of the Screwdriver coming back.
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Greetings, readers!
Someone recently indicated to me that your world is going to be opening an amazing-sounding amusement park within the next few years. It is called “The Void.” It is a park built around virtual reality. They will be building with virtual reality technology in mind, and creating surfaces so that you can interact with what you see in the headset.
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Greetings, readers!
I was randomly re-watching various things with European actors. For a few instances, the actors are supposedly Americans, and thus need to (try to) adjust their natural accents.
I always find it amusing when that happens, as they do not entirely succeed.
For example, the trailer for “Gracepoint” (which is a remake of the BBC show “Broadchurch”) includes David Tennant doing a reasonably admirable job of an American accent. However, you can still catch some of his native accent throughout. (He does not come into the trailer until about a minute in. Minute 3 is one of the more noticeable points.)
That was one of the subtler times.
There is also a 2-part episode of Doctor Who that features a British actor somewhat trying to sound American. The episode is “The Impossible Astronaut.” The actor is Mark Sheppard. The character is former FBI agent Canton Delaware III.
Once more, the actor does an admirable job of impersonating an American accent. However, there are quite a number of times that his native London accent show through.
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Greetings, readers!
In case you were not aware, there is a new movie coming out based upon a book called “The Martian”. I read the book last summer, and greatly enjoyed it.
Yesterday, an official trailer was released. As a full disclaimer, the trailer does contain a “PG-13” word or three in it.
I am very much looking forward to this movie coming out. It has the potential to be entertaining.
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Greetings, readers!
Today, I ran an experiment on a search engine. I have seen the Joss Whedon show “Firefly”, and for some reason the word “Saffron” came to mind. Thus, the character “Saffron” came to mind, but I could not remember the weird mash-up Captain Mal calls her. I remembered it started with “Yosaf”, so I started entering that into the search engine. The engine provided, and brought “Yosaffbridge” as the first suggestion.
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Greetings, readers!
Apparently, some police in your world have found a novel way of “dealing” with drug dealers. They take tips from others, looking to eliminate the competition.
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Greetings, readers!
Recently, a professor’s extra credit question on an exam has been making the rounds. I highly approve of this question, and do not think it cruel at all. It is an excellent study in game theory, and I would greatly enjoy seeing the data on this. It would be further interesting to analyze whether or not there were differences (in general) from students who did better or worse in the class over all.