About Fluffy McGiggles

Greetings, reader! I am Fluffy McGiggles. In my world, I was an actress of the strongest sort, the melodramatic sort. Recently, I find myself confined to this... website, as its anthrompomorphization and personality. The Webmaster and I have a bit of a dispute as to how this should be run. The Webmaster can change anything I do, but I can also change anything the Webmaster does. However, the Webmaster can also delete me at will. So that means I'm temporarily behaving myself. This is my own choice, however, contrary to anything The Webmaster may say. So, don't blame me for the over-the-topness of the website. You have been warned.

Author Archives: Fluffy McGiggles

Less Common Songs for the Season — Noel Nouvelet

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Greetings, readers!

I am continuing the series on “Less Common Songs for the Season.” Today’s is another non-English song: Noel Nouvelet. I discovered this one last year, actually, and it has become one of my favorite less common seasonal songs to listen to nearly repeatedly.

There are two versions I am sharing today; they each have their own, separate feel.

The first is slightly slower, more mysterious, and beautifully haunting:

The other is another King’s Singers song version.

I hope you enjoy.

Have a lovely Wednesday.

Brief Interruption from Less Common Songs — TSFH Edition

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Greetings, readers.

I know it is normally bad form to interrupt a series after only a single day of it. However, this is absolutely worth it. Trust me.

A favorite music group of mine (Two Steps from Hell) released a Christmas Medley recently. (About two weeks ago, to be precise.) Thus, it is worth sharing.

It is made of more common songs. However, it is one of the best Christmas Medleys I have ever heard. (Possibly in part because they do not include “Silent Night.”)

I especially appreciate what they did with “O Holy Night.”

I hope you enjoy.

Less Common Songs for the Season — Gaudete

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Greetings, readers!

Now it is in the Christmas Season. Therefore, music recommendations are permissible.

To start off with, there is a beautiful King’s Singers version of Gaudete. What may make it even better for you is that it is not in English. Thus, for those of you who cannot work while English-lyric pieces are playing, you can still play this in the background.

Happy First of December!

I am not exactly giving Christmas Music Recommendations today

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Greetings, readers!

The holiday season is almost here. However, it is not yet December 1, so I am not letting the Holiday posts start just yet. I gave a fairly lengthy explanation of that last year, so I will just direct you to that post.

I hope you have a reasonable Monday.

Christmas Music Timing Debates

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Greetings, readers.

This is the second Fluff Post after the American Thanksgiving of 2015. There are also two more fluff posts to go before December.

This brings up the question: When are Christmas Music recommendations acceptable?

On the one hand, it is after Thanksgiving. From what I understand, that is often an indicator of acceptable times for Christmas music and decorations.

On the other hand, it is not yet December. December 1 is another reasonable time to use for a gauge of when it is acceptable to start Christmas Season Festivities.

I am as of yet unsure which way I fall.

What do you think?

Obligatory Post about New Captain America Trailer

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Greetings, readers.

I think I may be obligated to inform you that there is a new Marvel trailer out.

It is for the upcoming Captain America: Civil War movie.

The video is below.

I am not particularly thrilled about this. It looks like it will once again be a ham-handed political commentary that most people will not even recognize, per usual with the Captain America movies.

Take “Winter SOldier”, for example. That was clearly a discussion of the tradeoffs between moderate Liberal Internationalism, and over-the-top, taken-to-its-extremes to the point of almost being a Straw Man representation of International Realism. (In case you could not tell, I found that movie annoying. However, I have only seen it once. It is possible that it is not as bad (philosophically speaking) as I am remembering.)

Thus, my obligatory presentation of the trailer. I am not especially excited for this movie; I expect that there will once more be unfair, ham-handed misrepresentations of political theory for the purpose of exploring Hollywood’s philosophical preferences. Worse, people are going to love it.

Have a nice Friday.

Noteworthy Thoughts about Music

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Greetings, readers!

I had a few thoughts about jokes and music I decided to share with you.

It seems to me that you could have some problems with musical puns for a variety of reasons:

  1. They are annoying when they fall flat.
  2. You need someone with a sharp sense of humor to pickup on them.
  3. They need to sound natural.

However, when they work, they are note-worthy.

I hope you have a lovely Thursday.

The Disappointment Known as “Supergirl”

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Readers, I am disappointed.

I decided to watch the first episode of the new series “Supergirl” recently. I had seen commercials for it, and it looked like it might be potentially interesting.

My response, however, was significantly less than enthusiastic.

It started off well enough. The scene at the very beginning was emotional enough. The young actress did a reasonable job of portraying a young girl saying goodbye to her family for forever.

After our heroine arrived on Earth, however, things went downhill. Granted, it was nice that she saw her cousin. However, if family was truly important, her cousin (Superman) should have taken an active part in her adjustment to life on earth. Instead, she gets placed with foster-parents who supposedly helped Superman figure out some of his powers and things, and their daughter. This leads to one of my biggest problems with the pilot episode:

The sister relationship.

As mentioned, we meet the adopted sister (who obviously is jealous of our heroine) only very briefly.

The producers even threw in the “staring moodily out window through the curtains” scene to indicate how the two “sisters'” relationship would start off.

Naturally, our heroine does not notice her new sister being less than thrilled, as far as we can tell. Actually, that is the extent we see of the “Younger Life” of our heroine. And that is all we see of developing relationships. Everything else is just assumed.

This is one of the big problems in the show, from my perspective. The writers appeared to want to have the sisters’ relationship be one of the main parts of the show. Our heroine reveals herself as a potential superhero only when her sister’s plane runs into difficulties. Our heroine angsts dramatically when her sister has a less than exuberant response. To audience members, it is clearly because the sister is jealous. Our heroine makes no comment about that, and simply continues to bubble. (That is not unreasonable– she is still on a flying-and-saving-people adrenaline rush.) The sister makes no comment about jealousy, and neither does our heroine.

Later, when our heroine is upset about not having performed as well against a villain as she would have liked, it is her sister’s total tell-not-show explanation of sister’s jealousy that leads our heroine to be ok with superhero-ing again.

The dialogue in that scene was painful.

And much of the painfulness could have been avoided by even a three-minute montage of our heroine growing up, and sister trying to hide jealousy when our heroine used her powers. Instead, we do get the sister needing to tell her jealousy.

Okay, to be fair, the entire thing could have been made better if there had been a montage of the sister’s jealousy during the ridiculous exposition bit.

But no. It stayed boring, stilted, and over-dramatic.

We have no basis for judging whether the sister actually gets along well with the heroine, or whether it is all another act. Similarly, I expect that the jealousy is “magically cured”. That causes me to be further annoyed.

My problem is not only with this sister relationship, however. Another problem lies in the very thing it is touted for:

This is supposedly a feminist show, and therefore worthwhile?

Please note, I was originally excited, in part for this very reason. I do not know of any reasonable female superheroes that have their own shows or movies. (I have heard mixed reviews of Agent Carter, but I have not watched it. Furthermore, I do not know if she qualifies as a true “Superhero”, since I do not know what her special talents are.)

My excitement, however, was based upon the assumption that the story would still be even somewhat reasonable. It is unfair to have a show that is not particularly excellent be praised as “worthwhile” simply because it stars a female. Deliberately calling attention to that fact may be part of the problem. There should be a natural quality to it.

Instead, this show appears to be relying on its “It is feminist!” message in order to get viewership. This is a problem.

What this show actually needs is good storytelling.

So far, this show has not delivered. I will consider giving the second episode a chance to redeem the show, but I do not go in with high expectations.

Hopefully the Marvel/Netflix Jessica Jones provides better.

Pumpkin Carving… with a rifle

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Greetings, readers!

As you are aware, it is October. And thus, in the United States, we are in a month associated with Halloween and activities like pumpkin carving.

Last night, I encountered a rather remarkable video of pumpkin carving.

I am sharing it below. Enjoy, and have a lovely Sunday.

Two movies that shall not be named have left Netflix

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Greetings, readers!

Today, I am very pleased to inform you that two movies that I officially deny the existence of are officially not on Netflix. If such movies were to have existed, they would have been based upon books. One of them would have been horrible because it followed its source material and thereby turned Vampires “romantic.” The other would have been horrible because it did not follow the book Ella Enchanted.

Now, when I visit Netflix, those two movies I deny are officially not there, and it pleases me.

I hope you have an excellent Friday.