About Fluffy McGiggles

Greetings, reader! I am Fluffy McGiggles. In my world, I was an actress of the strongest sort, the melodramatic sort. Recently, I find myself confined to this... website, as its anthrompomorphization and personality. The Webmaster and I have a bit of a dispute as to how this should be run. The Webmaster can change anything I do, but I can also change anything the Webmaster does. However, the Webmaster can also delete me at will. So that means I'm temporarily behaving myself. This is my own choice, however, contrary to anything The Webmaster may say. So, don't blame me for the over-the-topness of the website. You have been warned.

Author Archives: Fluffy McGiggles

Very Well Done Star Wars Fan Film

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Greetings, readers!

Yesterday, I discovered a fan-made Star Wars film that came out about two days ago. It is a very well choreographed, cinematically excellent nearly 20 minute long YouTube video that looks at Darth Maul.

Of course, this video has its problems. (Especially where plot is concerned.) However, given that it is fan-made, I choose to mostly ignore those when I recommend watching. Given some of the shots and the choreography, it is astonishing to me that it is, in fact, fan made.

I hope you have a reasonable Monday.

Another Behind the Scenes movie

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Greetings, readers!

As with last week’s serious with The Hillywood Show, today’s post is a “Behind the Scenes” for the video the Webmaster shared yesterday.

Once more, I am incredibly impressed with the time and effort that went into making the parody. I am also impressed that they got a real snake.

Enjoy, and happy Saturday!

Lord of the Rings Parody Video Diary

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Greetings, readers!

In continuation of yesterday’s post, and in part in honor of the film-making award ceremony tonight, I thought I would share with you the next link for the Hillywood Lord of the Rings Parody. This is the “video diary” of “Samwise Gamgee”, or, the actor who plays Sam in the parody video. It contains a little bit more of the actor’s perspective, and is worth watching.

Have a lovely Sunday!

Behind the Scenes for the Lord of the Rings Parody

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Greetings, readers!

As the Webmaster shared (and I confirmed) yesterday, there is a very well done YouTube channel.

The Webmaster shared a video of their Lord of the Rings parody, set to the music of “Let it Go” from Frozen.

What she did not share, and one of the things I greatly appreciate about these performers, is that they have “behind-the-scenes” videos as well.

These do not necessarily go into as much detail as I might want, but it gives an interesting look into what goes on to make their videos. It is highly impressive.

Enjoy, and happy Saturday!

Happy Valentine’s Day from Chaucer

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Greetings, readers!

As you are presumably aware, it is Valentine’s Day in your world.

I recently encountered an amusingly done Valentine’s Article. It is written in the style of Chaucer— including the spelling and word usage. Consider yourself warned.

Have a lovely day.

“Periscope” is a thing…

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Greetings, readers!

I have recently been encountering something on social media that I had not previously been aware of. It is an app called “periscope.”

It is a video app that enables you to live-stream, and send (or receive) feedback on what you are streaming.

I did a little bit of research, and found a tutorial that gives more, basic information.

Interesting definition of “communication” I like

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Greetings, readers!

I heard an interesting definition of “Communication” recently: Communication is directing the thoughts of someone else.

I do not know where the original came from, but I rather like that definition. It fits. I am, after all, currently directing your thoughts around my current words. That is also why pictures “communicate” with us. They direct our thoughts.

What do you think of this definition?