About Fluffy McGiggles

Greetings, reader! I am Fluffy McGiggles. In my world, I was an actress of the strongest sort, the melodramatic sort. Recently, I find myself confined to this... website, as its anthrompomorphization and personality. The Webmaster and I have a bit of a dispute as to how this should be run. The Webmaster can change anything I do, but I can also change anything the Webmaster does. However, the Webmaster can also delete me at will. So that means I'm temporarily behaving myself. This is my own choice, however, contrary to anything The Webmaster may say. So, don't blame me for the over-the-topness of the website. You have been warned.

Author Archives: Fluffy McGiggles

Tips for “The True Love”- A Companion to the Evil Overlord List

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Greetings, readers!

I recently discovered a rather amusing list, that seems reminiscent of the “Evil Overlord” list. Instead of tips for the villain, however, it is tips for the poor soul who gets the role of “true love” of the story.

As with the Evil Overlord list, the items listed are in response to frequently used plot devices that seem a bit… fixable.


Very nicely done Spoiler Free Teaser Trailer for a parody

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Greetings, readers!

As you may recall, there is a YouTube channel that the Webmaster is moderately obsessed with: The Hillywood Show.

They do high quality performance art, so I also have been watching their recent creations with interest.

The new one (in a manner of speaking; it is not a full production) is a trailer for the parody they are in the process of making.

Here are two of the things I appreciated about it:

  1. It is spoiler free. I was almost hesitant to watch the trailer, except for the fact that, from what I can tell, the Hillywood Sisters are extremely proficient at not “spoiling” any of their work. As the parodies are generally fairly short, however, providing a trailer without spoilers takes tremendous talent. Even the “reveal” that there is, in fact, a Sherlock (which everybody expected for a Sherlock parody), it is not obvious who plays the role.
  2. It still shows incredible attention to detail. I am guessing the papers shown in the parody were prop-pieces used in the parody itself, and not simply taken from footage of the show itself. Of course, the wording of the texts at the end was perfect. What highlights some of the sound detailing, however, is the identical texting sound indicator used in the trailer.

I am very much looking forward to seeing what the final product will be. The shown costuming, props, and sound effects thus far indicate a continued attention to precise detail that (to an extent) defines the Hillywood Style.

Have a lovely weekend.

Benedict Cumberbatch is bending reality again.

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I think I officially have a love/hate relationship with San Diego ComiCon. On the one hand, I hate it because there is practically no way I anticipate being able to go anytime in this next decade or three. On the other hand, THERE IS SO MUCH AWESOME STUFF THAT GETS DEBUTED THERE!!


I mean, seriously. Benedict Cumberbatch. It’s not good enough that he’s got an amazing name, plays an incredibly popular “high functioning sociopath” who can basically read through reality, plays a dragon, and is generally fantastic in general… he now gets to play a wizard who bends reality.

And there’s an awesome swoosh-cape.

So, yeah. The trailer made me happy.

Hve a lovely day!

Intriguing upcoming BBC show that looks droll

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Greetings, readers!

I recently read an “Entertainment Weekly” article about an upcoming BBC television show: Dirk Gently. It apparently is based off of books written by the same author who wrote “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” The description is also fantastic looking, involving a corgi, and a gang of anarchist vampires.

I am not entirely sure what to make of this, but I believe it definitely qualifies as fluff.

Have a lovely Wednesday.

1 week Update on Pokemon Go: It’s still there.

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Greetings, readers!

As you may recall, last week I briefly discussed “Pokemon Go.” I also mentioned that I expected the hype to start decreasing by today. I do not think it has happened. There has been enough news and enough interesting things pertaining to the game that it has been kept in the public’s eye for this week. I will continue to watch this phenomenon next week.

Have a lovely Sunday.

A new phenomenon: “Pokemon Go”

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Greetings, readers.

If you have been on any social media platform at all within the last 72 hours, you are probably aware that there is something called “Pokemon Go” that was just recently released.

For those of you who have been wondering what it is: It is a video game for mobile devices that interacts with the real world, and with real world movement.

From what I have gathered from a cursory overview, the Pokemon franchise is a set of games wherein players try to “capture” wild pokemon (cute animated monsters). The player then trains them to fight.

Also from what I understand, it is not nearly as amoral as that description makes it sound.

This new iteration is enabling (and requiring) real-life, real-world interaction in order to make the game work. In order to find wild pokemon, players need to walk around the real world. The ap has an augmented reality feature, which thereby makes the pokemon appear in particular places. Players may also need to use physical movement in order to capture the pokemon. Also, the locations are the same for everybody. Thus, there are apparently “game-critical” stations that have been receiving a fair bit of pedestrian traffic recently.

In all, it is an interesting phenomenon. I expect the hype to start dying down by next week, but as this franchise is children-friendly, I expect this to be one of the more talked about and utilized summer activities.

Have a lovely Sunday.

Another Free E-Book Worth Reading

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Greetings, readers!

I hope you are having an excellent Sunday.

If you are bored, I have a solution for you.

The same author (and publisher) of the book I mentioned a few days ago have another “first-in-a-series’ book available for free. This one is a sci-fi war story. It is called “On Basilisk Station“, and it is the first of the “Honor Harrington” series.


Free Book I HIGHLY Recommend

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Greetings, readers!

I was recently reminded of a marvelous fantasy series. The first book is available for free from the publisher’s website and Amazon.

It is called “Oath of Swords“, and I highly recommend it. The series does a fantastic job of setting up a world, and working within its bounds. It is excellent fiction.

And as it is officially two days into Summer, now is at least as good a time as any.
