Greetings, reader! I am Fluffy McGiggles. In my world, I was an actress of the strongest sort, the melodramatic sort. Recently, I find myself confined to this... website, as its anthrompomorphization and personality.
The Webmaster and I have a bit of a dispute as to how this should be run. The Webmaster can change anything I do, but I can also change anything the Webmaster does. However, the Webmaster can also delete me at will. So that means I'm temporarily behaving myself.
This is my own choice, however, contrary to anything The Webmaster may say.
So, don't blame me for the over-the-topness of the website.
You have been warned.
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In part to continue The Webmaster’s current theme of “Halloween”-type posts, I thought I would share a rather well done song.
One of the things I rather appreciate: The song may be about a vampire. It may be about an agoraphobic, nocturnal person with depression. It might be both. The lyrics are delightfully ambiguous enough to allow you to decide.
For the sake of this post and the theme, I will be interpreting it as a song about a vampire, and thus it fits the theme of Halloween.
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Greetings, readers!
Thanks to YouTube, I recently encountered evidence of a remarkable, mesmerizing phenomenon: Ferrofluid lamps.
These lamps are not dissimilar to the Lava Lamps that at one point were quite popular in your world. However, instead of relying upon heated wax to form shapes, ferrofluid “lamps” (or sculptures) utilize magnetic properties. The results are rather amazing.
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Greetings, readers!
I was amused to discover that Firefox is conducting what they refer to as a “census” of their users.
It does not technically qualify, as it is an opt-in survey, and thereby does not guarantee that every person who uses Firefox will take the survey. However, it is still an amusing survey, with questions such as “how many unspoken languages are you fluent in?” and “What is your Hogwarts house?”
They clearly tried to appeal to some of the fanbases. They also clearly missed a fair number of quite vocal ones (for instance, they missed the “super” part of “SuperWhoLock“. Actually, upon further reflection, they appeared to ignore the existence of Tumblr users altogether, despite acknowledging the Reddit userbase.)
Regardless, it is amusing and worth taking. Enjoy.
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Greetings, readers!
I recently encountered a website devoted to a rather amusing artist. This artist inserts monsters into everyday transportation life. The drawings are rather adorable, and in some cases hilarious(ly disturbing).
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Greetings, readers!
I was randomly wandering, and encountered a rather droll limerick by Neil Gaiman. It can be found on a page about support for some sort of endeavor; I have not explored what the purpose is.
The reason I am posting is because of the illustration on the page. Do check it out!
Unfortunately, they do not share the full image that is used as the link-image within the article. Thus, I needed to track down those images and am uploading them myself. They are amazing, and worth it.
However, these pictures do (indirectly) come from the website listed above.
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Greetings, readers!
There is a new small behind-the-scenes out for the forthcoming live action version of Beauty and the Beast. It is actually primarily an advertisement for additional features found on the digital release of the classic version that came out two days ago. However, the little seen here is worth watching. (As a note, the teaser trailer is also included in this.)
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Greetings, readers!
I am surprised I am beating the Webmaster to this post; it is about a new Star Wars Universe Trailer. This one is the International Trailer.
My apologies for posting one with non-English subtitles.
What I find fascinating are the differences between the American Trailer and the International one. (No, the subtitles do not qualify.)
The one I immediately noticed was the different scoring used.
The American version, you may recall, uses variations on the Imperial March. Except (surprisingly) at the very end when in addition to the imperial march, there is a small hint of the Rebel’s Theme with The Reveal. (I am trying to keep this as spoiler free as possible.)
This one, however, utilizes the Rebellion Theme from the very beginning, and then primarily chords and emptiness. It does not paint the same picture of darkness, but instad gives a bit more of a sense of… hope?
The time the Imperial March really comes through, however, is at the end. At it is definitely interesting to me that at the end of the International Trailer, there is not the hint of the Rebel’s Theme.
It is also quite interesting that in both the scores, the main theme being used is played on piano. It is a slightly more subtle time; neither are as fully developed as in the events of the original movies.
It am quite looking forward to haring how the full scoring for the movie goes.
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A few evenings ago, I ended up watching the 1966 Batman movie. It was enjoyable, in an over-the-top ridiculous sort of way.
It is available on Netflix, if you want to watch it. If you are in the mood for mindless fluff (which your presence on this website suggests), I rather recommend it. And yes, I do fully realize that I have now acknowledged my own, occasional tolerance and even interest in truly mindless fluff types of entertainment.