Monthly Archives: September 2018

A New Zealand New Year’s Celebration

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Greetings, readers!

I recently found out about more creative people. In particular, there was a group of friends this past New Year’s Eve who constructed their own temporary island, so that they could be in international waters and avoid alcohol bans.

The article is amusing.


Chocolate sculptures

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Some people. Some people are crazy good at art and sculptures and stuff. Even with chocolate.

For example, there’s a fantastic sculpture of a boat… and a kraken.


Release the Kraken!

Release the KRAKEN! Kraken 100% chocolate by @amauryguichon⁣

Posted by Apolonis APHRODISIA on Monday, September 10, 2018

Waffle House Measure of Hurricane

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Greetings, readers!

I recently found out that there is a restaurant chain called “Waffle House”. They seem to be a constantly open chain, and apparently have superior weather analysts. Thus, they seldom close.

I also recently found out that the United States government uses their open/closed and menu status in areas of predicted inclement weather as a metric of how severe weather threats are.

There is an interesting article about it.

Have a lovely day!

Absolutely AMAZING rhythmic juggling!

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Somebody shared an impressive video on Facebook. It’s of a guy who sorta juggles… using bouncing balls and a giant triangle. It’s really cool.


Michael Moschen performs "The Triangle"

Michael Moschen, one of the most talented jugglers on the planet, puts his mind on the subject. He carefully crafts amazing works of true art by thinking outside the box – and inside a triangle.

Posted by Injuco – the FlowArts Festival of India on Saturday, August 18, 2018

And THIS is why I count bobby pins

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Last night, I was letting my hair down. And I easily found five bobby pins.

Under many circumstances, I’d probably have let it go at that. I felt my hair a few times, and didn’t notice anything. But. I knew I’d put in six bobbies.

So, with somewhat more slightly more aggressive searching, I found the sixth pin and pulled it out.


So, count your Bobby Pins!

Have a lovely day.

A question with a weird answer

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I recently came to a realization. The question “Would you please be a contrarian?” has a weird set of answers.

If you answer no, you’re not. But at the same time, you’re answering no. And similarly, if you answer “yes”, you’re demonstrating that you’re not a contrarian by agreeing to be one.

Happy paradoxing!