Monthly Archives: August 2018


Note: If this is your first time to TotalFluff, please visit this brief explanation. Thanks!


Yesterday, I rediscovered how amazing air conditioning is. You see, when we left the house into the hot weather we’ve been having recently, it was actually hotter outside than in.

And similarly, when we came inside, it was cooler!

I hope you have a lovely day, with functional air conditioning!

Some fans have “breeze” settings!

Note: If this is your first time to TotalFluff, please visit this brief explanation. Thanks!


I’m currently at a place with no air conditioning. The place does, however, have some very nice fans. And one of the features of these fans is a “breeze setting”. It randomly cycles through fan-speeds over the course of a bit more than a minute, to simulate the wind.

It’s really cool! (pun intended.)

Have a lovely day!

Vegetable Cutters

Note: If this is your first time to TotalFluff, please visit this brief explanation. Thanks!


A couple days ago, I fell down the rabbit hole of things known as vegetable cutters.

In particular, these are things you can use to do things like stamp vegetables. Like, you know. Cut cucumber into slices, remove segments in the shape of a heart, and insert a heart-shaped carrot slice into it instead.

This tool example from Amazon actually has some nice images and lovely ideas.

Preplanning can be good.


I realized something yesterday. When you know that you’re going to be somewhere without interwebz when you usually write a blog, it might make sense to prewrite the post.

In related news, I also like my phone, and its ability to connect to the internet…

Have a lovely day!