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So. Discovery of the day: Assuming you’ve met certain preconditions, you too can make cheap irritating hotel coffee at home!
Here’s how.
a) Stay at a hotel with a mini coffee pot. NOT a keurig. This step is essential.
2) Take the provided coffee grounds home. Preferably still in their bag, not loose. Just to clarify.
third) Brew at home. Yup. Just like usual. (Assuming you have a small coffee pot as well, though.
Last: Drink, and consider your terrible life choices. WHY DID I DO THIS. HOTEL COFFEE IS TERRIBLE. WHYYYYYY?!?!?!?!–
The Webmaster seems to have gone into full “meltdown” mode.
In lieu of her usual greeting, I will instead fill in.
I hope you have a nice day, filled with not-terrible coffee.