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There’s a fairly new trailer for “Ready Player One”. It looks like the visual effects should be excellent.
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There’s a fairly new trailer for “Ready Player One”. It looks like the visual effects should be excellent.
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There is a zoo. (Somewhere.)
And in that zoo, there is an adorable creature of future epicness. (Read: baby polar bear.)
But currently, it is a bundle of sweet white fuzz.
And that bundle made its first appearance outside a couple days ago, apparently.
Enjoy the video footage!
The first emergence of Britain's Polar Bear Cub
The moment you've all been waiting for, here's the cub first emerging from the den under Victoria's watchful eye! #BritainsPolarBearCubPlease note that Victoria and her cub are still not visible to the public, but keep an eye on our social channels where we'll be announcing when you can pay this beautiful new arrival a visit. In the meantime, check out our keepers latest update on the cub here:—keeping-up-with-the-cub/
Posted by Highland Wildlife Park, Kincraig on Sunday, March 18, 2018
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Greetings, readers!
I was recently informed that Google Sheep View exists.
It is apparently a website devoted to instances where Google Street View includes sheep.
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There is a new Infinity War trailer that came out a couple days ago. It makes it look like the movie should be really good. (The trailer’s also pretty good!)
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Somebody made a Google Response Question Thingy for Milennials. It is amusing, and has apparently gone viral.
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Simon’s Cat uploaded a new video yesterday. This one stars a Tree.
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I’m near a cute pup again. And I got a picture of her being sleepy and adorable.
So here it is. Enjoy!
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So. New question. Which is more celebratory of pi day: Using a circular pan to make a pie? Or using a Pi-Shaped Pan to make a Pie?
I’m currently leaning towards “both”, but, you know. If given an actual choice, I’m not sure which I’d choose.
So, thoughts?
Happy Pi Day!
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Greetings, readers!
I recently encountered a rather droll YouTube channel about music theory. More accurately, it is about questionable music theory.
As an example, they have a video on reading music.
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Somebody shared a fantastic article on “unsuccessful self-treatment of writer’s block.” It’s in a peer-reviewed journal, and the link also has reviewers’ comments.