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There was another absolutely lovely sunset last night.
Enjoy the pretties!

Nice tree, again!

Pretty reds!

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There was another absolutely lovely sunset last night.
Enjoy the pretties!
Nice tree, again!
Pretty reds!
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There was a gorgeous sunset last night. Naturally, I took some pictures.
Isn’t it pretty?
I like the framing with the tree. 🙂
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As you may remember, the most recent question I asked is about what even makes a good question.
And today, I’d like to propose that part of what can make a good question is that it’s a bit surprising. Sure, you can ask a “favorite color” type of question. But that’s asked so often, you probably have a canned answer.
Unexpected questions, on the other hand, have the potential to help you think.
What do you think, though?
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I have a new favorite Internet Celebrity. Who doesn’t actually exist. Yet. Well, he (it?) kindof does. But not really.
You see, it’s a “space roomba”. With a knife taped to its back. Named Stabby.
And his story is delightful, and well worth a read.
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There’s a new post up at the Sister Site. It’s on “Caramelized Sugar” Chocolate Chip Cookies? Because apparently it’s possible to caramelize sugar, and then bake with it. Which sounds sweet. (Yes, pun intended.)
It looks like a great weekend activity.
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I encountered this video on my Facebook feed, and had to share. It’s Benedict Cumberbatch (<- yes, I can spell it without needing to look it up first) and he does a performance of "I'm a little teapot". And it is excellent.
(Note: This is not an endorsement of the thing being endorsed. Just of the quality of the video.
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Remember Lucas the Spider’s song yesterday?
Well, somebody composed an arrangement of the song. And it is FANTASTIC. Like, even on its own.
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So. You remember Lucas the Spider?
Well, he’s apparently a bit of an internet celebrity now. And he has hopes and dreams for the future. Specifically, he wants to be a musician.
And it’s really cute!
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So. Somebody made an instrument. With Furbies. And it is simultaneously hilarious, disturbing, and TOTALLY FLUFF WORTHY. (And it almost reminds me of the Muppaphone.
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As you may remember, I’ve been having some “question” posts this year.
And today, my question is: What even makes a good question?
One thing that comes to mind is that it isn’t just a yes/no question. (Those are a bit too easy to answer.)
What are your thoughts?
Have a great day!