Fun fact: Five is one of my favorite numbers.
There are several reasons for that.
5.a) It’s a prime number. And primes are just fun. They’re distinctive, and they stand on their own.
5.ii) It’s never overpowered. Take any number. Multiply it by 5. There’s a 50% chance it ends in a 5, too! The only other number to not get overpowered like that is 10. And 10’s–you guessed it!– a multiple of 5! (Ok. So, even numbers won’t actually end up with a 5 in them if you multiply them by 5. But, whatever.)
5.third) It’s easy to identify a multiple of 5. (When in base 10.) Does it end in 0? It’s a multiple of 5! Does it end in 5? You BET it’s a multiple of 5! Seriously. 5 and 2 are the only numbers where if it ends in that number, you know it’s divisible by that number. How fun is that?
5.penultimate) 5 years can be weird. Despite the fact that 5 *365 = 1825, there have been 1826 days since five years ago, due to leap years and such.
Yup. 5 years ago today, the first post was posted.
Since then, there have been other random posts. So, in no particular order, here are about 5 posts that have happened over the past five years!
1. Did you remember that New Zealand tried to ban pet cats? I’d certainly forgotten until just now.
2. There’s a nice list of potential alternate activities for Superbowl Night. Given that that’s going to be relevant again, you might want to look at it!
3. Fluffy made a great post about Pi Day for The Epic Pi Day.
4. Fluffy also shared information about how many of anything with caffeine you need to have before it’s lethal.
5. And, I pointed out the danger of words.
With all that, happy five years! Thank you for reading!