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I needed to get up early, and I took a picture I like.

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I needed to get up early, and I took a picture I like.
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I’ve seen a video of a slightly creepy looking bug puppet thing making the rounds. And I finally watched it. And it is so cool.
The puppetry itself is pretty amazing.
So, enjoy!
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Somebody on Facebook shared this, and it was too funny not to share as well. It’s about monks drawing things.
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I recently rediscovered that video game music can be epicly fantastic. In this case, I rediscovered with the soundtrack to “The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion”.
I haven’t actually played the game, but it was lovely music.
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My interwebz recently got an upgrade, and I’m liking that. A lot.
One of the biggest indicators: It used to be that I would keep my smartphone on the “data” option, rather than connecting to the wifi at home, because it was faster.
I don’t do that anymore (as of right now) because it’s finally faster. Yay!
Have a lovely day!
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I’m currently in a place that may be affected by a hurricane going through a ways away.
So, here are some things I’m doing to prep.
a. Water. I bought some jugs of drinking water, and I also have a nice Camelbak filter. That way, I can definitely have coffee. (Assuming electricity doesn’t go out.)
2. Food. I have peanut butter and chocolate chips, so I should be just fine. (And hey, excuse for chocolate and peanut-butter! Yay!)
Last. Entertainment. I’m currently charging ALL my electronics, so I should have plenty of batter life for playing games. I mean, reading the things I’m supposed to read. That. You know. (But really though.)
Happy Weatherings!
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Recently, somebody tried to buy their way to the top of the NYT bestseller list. The person was caught.
There’s a really interesting article that included tweets from folks figuring out what was going on.
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I have no idea who posted first, but some folks have started posting “reenactments” of the recent eclipse… using pets.
So, the eclipse is now fluffy!
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I was recently shown a YouTube video of a historical reenactment of how women were dressed in Georgia, late 18th century. Because apparently that’s a thing.
Anyway, it was kind of interesting. If for no other reason than because it existed.
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So, for some reason, the ImprovEverywhere Foodcourt Musical came to mind. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s worth watching.