Monthly Archives: June 2017

Roller Coasters with VR!!!!

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So, technology is so cool. There’s now a roller coaster in Sea World, Orlando, that has revamped a ride… with virtual reality. An article has a video included, and it looks pretty fantastic. With the VR element, the ride turns into an underwater thriller thing.

Doesn’t that sound cool?

Anyway. Have a lovely day!

Another Craigslist ad

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So, I just realized. It turns out that I never wrote a post about my favorite Craigslist ad. (I realized this after sharing the Furniture one.)

This one was actually popular enough that it got both reported, and preserved for all time. (I did actually see this one on Craigslist. So, it happened.) But anyway. It’s an ad for a Piccolo. A very *special* piccolo. (Although all are “special”.)

You have been warned!

A Peter Hollens video I actually enjoyed

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Greetings, readers!

One of the very popular artists on YouTube, Peter Hollens, created a Disney Villains music medley. Normally, I am not a fan of his solo style. (His work feels “draggy” to me. It is a popular style, but one I am not overly fond of.) However, this one works well, especially as his collaborator is quite enjoyable.

Also, the Disney Villain songs are pretty decent.


AMAZING musical composition

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Greetings, readers!

I recently encountered an astonishing Facebook video. A musician composed a song in ten minutes, with a live orchestra.

It is well worth watching. Enjoy.

"So I want you to know, we have not rehearsed anything here." —Dr. Charles LimbNSO Artistic Advisor Ben Folds composes a piece LIVE with the National Symphony Orchestra and conductor Edwin Outwater during #SoundHealth in Concert: Music and the Mind, presented with the National Institutes of Health (NIH). You have to see it to believe it ↓

Posted by The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts on Friday, June 23, 2017

A YouTube video that’s become popular

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Yesterday, somebody shared a link about a supposedly satisfying YouTube video about a guy polishing a rusty knife. I really doubted that, but I checked the link anyway. And they’re right. The video is oddly satisfying. In part because the YouTuber frames it as a story of Justice. And also in part because he shows off how nicely the knife cleans up. (And it is gorgeous!)

So, take a look! I was surprised at the fact that I liked the vid. You might too!

Apolitical Politics: Ideology Generator

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Greetings, readers!

As you are aware, the Webmaster and I usually keep this website politics free. However, I recently encountered a website that I believe still works. For, you see, it is a “political ideology generator.” You can click the button, and see what type of ideology you get.

My favorite so far is the Marxian Anarcho-Capitalist.
