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As you may recall, I had a very time-constrained thing recently, and so ended up pre-writing some number of fluff-posts.
I’m now writing this post on an exhaustified brain, (well before it’s being posted) after having finished The Thing, and before getting enough sleep. And I have to say, even though I’ve dealt with my brain being too tired before, it’s still kindof amusing and very unexpected what it’s up for doing.
Especially when considering what it’s not willing to try.
So first, some things I’m too tired to do:
a) watch silly, mindless TV. The very idea of watching anything completely mindless makes my brain curl up into a ball and scream “NO!!!!” at the top of its lungs. (Fortunately, it doesn’t have any of its own, and it hasn’t commandeered mine to yell… yet.) So, yeah. No mindless TV shows. This includes cartoons, “family feud” or “Jeopardy” type shows, and so on.
2) Get involved in a good story. So, no reading a good book, Doctor Who, etc.
last) Go to bed. I should. But I also kinda really want to decompress. You know.
Now, here are some things that my brain does want to do.
1) Watch YouTube-available college lectures on creative writing.
1b) Watch video analyses on YouTube about film-making.
So basically, my brain is too tired to let me go to bed or enjoy something mindless. But it does want to do something educational.
I’m so confused.
Anyway. Happy Friday!