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Greetings, readers!
Happy Firday!
Ok, I can’t believe I’m doing this… but, Fluffy?
Shouldn’t it be “Friday”, not “Firday”?
I also am having trouble believing that you are the one addressing my spelling and/or grammar.
However, in answer to your question, no. Although this may at first glance appear to be incorrect, it is the appropriate title for the post.
Yes. You see, Firday is a new, alternate spelling of “Friday” that author Neil Gaiman proposed. It all started last Firday, with a fairly innocuous tweet…
To which he followed up with another tweet.
Under many circumstances, this might have been the end of it. However, a dictionary got involved…
…and they had a conversation.
Shortly after that, I started following the Merriam Webster Dictionary on Twitter.
Now, fast-forward to very early this morning or last night, depending on where you are.
Others on Twitter have gotten involved, and this conversation has continued.
And thus, today is most definitely Firday.
(My utmost apologies about some of the tweets appearing twice; I have minimal control over what Twitter decides to embed in addition to the tweet I actually want.)
And so without further ado, I wish you a Happy Firday.