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Greetings, readers!
I recently encountered a website devoted to a rather amusing artist. This artist inserts monsters into everyday transportation life. The drawings are rather adorable, and in some cases hilarious(ly disturbing).
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I was on Facebook, and somehow got directed to a fantastic looking website. Its called the “something store“. The idea is, you pay $10, for “something”, and it shows up. And then you, or whoever you ordered it for, gets “something.” You have no clue what when you ordered it. (But it’s guaranteed to be worth at least $10, or you get refunded the difference.) There are also a few things you’re guaranteed it won’t be, due to legal reasons and stuff. Also, the whole point is that they’re trying to give you a pleasant surprise, so, that’s a plus.
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Greetings, readers!
I was randomly wandering, and encountered a rather droll limerick by Neil Gaiman. It can be found on a page about support for some sort of endeavor; I have not explored what the purpose is.
The reason I am posting is because of the illustration on the page. Do check it out!
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There’s a new Lindsey Stirling video that just came out a ew days ago. It’s theoretically “the spider-man theme.” However, there have been enough versions (and I haven’t listened to the soundtracks for any of them, except through watching the movie) so I’m not sure which one it actually is.
It’s still lovely violin music, though! So, enjoy.
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Yesterday, there may have been indications of cause for concern.
Why do I get the feeling I dislike where this is going?
Possibly because this involves another conspiracy?
…Yes, that would do it. Goodbye for now.
Anyway. Sorry about that. As I was saying, there may be cause for concern. Yesterday, one of the London Tube stations found itself prey to Cat Pictures.
They’ve taken over the lines of information. (The Internet.) They’re taking over the lines of transportation. (The Subway). I can only predict that soon, very soon, they’ll be taking over the world.
Well, it turns out that there’s a half-hour “making of” video that comes with the DVD. (Note: I did NOT order a DVD of this thing. I just watched it through Amazon Streaming.) Anyway, a friendly person posted the “making of” to YouTube. (In three parts.)
It’s quite amusin, especially as the lead actor does a great job of never coming out and seriously criticizing the movie, but also manages to (mostly) avoid praising the movie. (Exception: At the very end, he does say that it’s going to be a good movie. I’m thinking that might have been part of his contract, given his other responses.) (Some of the other actors are not quite that way.)
The three parts are below.
I think one of my favorite parts is the male lead’s explanation for why people should watch this movie. (About 8 minutes into part 3.) He points out that it’s an instructional video for if the end of the world ever centers around Stonehenge.
And in terms of his actual thoughts about the movie, well, there’s a 30 second clip from an interviewish thing that basically sums it up:
Have a lovely day that’s (presumably) not the end of the world!
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Yesterday, I was feeling in the appropriate mood for a mindless disaster-flick (read: not wanting to think much, wanting to laugh, and not wanting an intentional comedy), so I ended up watching “Stonehenge Apocalypse.”
Yes, you read that correctly.
Premise: Stonehenge is a disaster device. (Ish. It’s got a lot more technobabble than that.) Our heroes must try to stop it.
Given the actors involved, though, it was basically watching Dr. Weir (from Stargate: Atlantis) and Castiel (from Supernatural) saving the world/universe from implausible scenarios… again.
It was absolutely perfect for what I wanted.
Next time you’re looking for a totally cheesy action movie, where the words “nuke stonehenge” can be used in total seriousness, I highly recommend it.
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Today, a new order that I’ve been looking forward to arrived. It’s a set of TV trays. I grew up with them, and so the whole concept of having a “coffee table” has been a bit weird for me. And especially now that I have reclining couches(!), it’s really nice having table-y things at about hand level that are right next to the side of the couch (or rocking recliner chair in my current situation) that can hold drinks. Or mint chocolate M&Ms. Or both.