Monthly Archives: August 2016

I’ve now seen multiple ads for “premiers” of ads…

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I am getting somewhere between amused, annoyed, and confused. I remember a day when trailers were considered advertisements. And now, there are advertisements for not just trailers, but for premiers of trailers.

What. Is. Going. On?!

(And don’t say “the Olympics.”)

Anyway. Have a great Thursday!

Crazy, spoilerific theory about Harry Potter & The Cursed Child

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As you’re aware, I recently got (and then finished (that’s an update)) the new Harry Potter story. I enjoyed it! A LOT.


So, I have this new theory about the story…

As you’re aware, this one deals with Time Travel. Back to Harry’s 4th year. And you have alternate realities and stuff, pertaining to Cedric Diggory’s death.

Now, here are some things for you to think about:

1) This story is of British origins.

2) This story deals with Time Travel.

3) Doctor Who is British.

4) Doctor Who (obviously) deals with Time Travel.

5) The Tenth Doctor shows up in Harry’s 4th year at Hogwarts as Barty Crouch Jr. as Mad-Eye Moody.

6) We know that Mad-Eye / The Doctor helped Cedric with some clues.

7) We also know from Harry Potter and the Cursed Child that Cedric must be a winner at the Tri-Wizard Tournament, or the timeline we know does not occur.

With all of these pieces of evidence, I have a theory.

I think I see where this is going, and I do not think I approve.

Somehow, Fluffy, that does not surprise me.


My theory is that originally, The Doctor was going along, doing his normal thing with Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey stuff.

Then, Albus and Scorpius start messing with a fixed point in time. The Doctor then comes back to Earth (per usual), realizes that he alone knows that there’s Timey-Wimey stuff happening, and must take the place of somebody who will be able to help shape events. He then does what we see in the fourth year, all for the sake of helping defeat Voldy.

So, we have The Doctor needing to play an insane man (weird, right?) needing to impersonate a professor, all in order to defeat Voldy.

(The Doctor’s technology also partially helps explain the amazing trunk, too.)

Poor doctor. His role in Harry’s 4th year (and in defeating Voldemort!) was never properly understood.

I… No. That is not even worth addressing.

Haha, success!

And with that, I bid you a happy Tuesday!

So, I seriously miscalculated on some purchase-sizes…

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In the category of Amazon Purchases… at one point fairly recently, I got a new salt & pepper grinder. (It was inexpensive, I didn’t have one, and I’m happy I got it.)

Unfortunately, the thing didn’t come with any sort of indication about how much it held. So for getting the fillings, I was left on my own to try to guestimate how much grinding salt and peppercorns to get.

Due to other good deals on amazon, I got two 14-oz containers of Sea-Salt. (It was cheap.)

I also got a pound of peppercorns.

It turns out, my grinder an hold probably about only 2-3 ozs of each.

So, I’m now set for salt and pepper. Possibly even for the life of the grinder.

Have a lovely day!

Ok, this is actually too accurate about earthquakes…

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So, College Humor made a video about “what to do in an earthquake.”

It is WAAAAAY too accurate about the modern-day response…

I’ve been in places with earthquakes a fair bit, especially when I was younger. One that I remember, was having enough time to go under my desk, think “Wait! My computer!”, reach up to grab my computer (it was my first laptop), and pull it down again. And then it was over.

That was one of the longer earthquake experiences. (Obviously, THAT part in the College Humor video are a bit out of proportion…)

I think there was also a time when it was me and someone else in the room and, just like in the video, we alternated between standing in the archway, getting underneath the piano bench, and crouching next to the couch. At which point it was all over.

That was also one of the longer earthquakes.

Actually, the most recent one I didn’t sleep through was short enough that it wasn’t until I heard someone else ask, “Was that an earthquake?” that I was aware it was an earthquake. (I didn’t leave my seat on the couch. I think I was actually writing a fluff-post at the time… The dog also didn’t twitch. At all.)

And I still have No. Flippin’. Clue. What to do.

Back about twenty years ago, the advice was to go under a piece of furniture, or stand in an archway. It protects you from falling debris. And then research suggested that you’re actually more likely to be crushed by that same piece of furniture than you are to be saved by it… if you’re under it. On the other hand, if you’re next to it, as the furniture gets crushed, it still provides a bit of vertical height, which then allows the debris to make a triangle of space over you. Or something.

And then the CH video completely accurately represented the “stand in a doorframe” thing.

Yep, this is definitely a video that is “funny, because it’s true.”

Have a lovely Sunday!

New Simon’s Cat! Fish Tank.

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Wow, this is the week for updates from some of my favorite YouTube artists!

Ok, so the Hillywood Sherlock Teaser was barely over a week ago. I’m still counting it. (And no, I don’t really even mind that Fluffy posted that one before me. She did a pretty reasonable job explaining why it was a good trailer. Maybe a bit wordsy, but whatever.)

And there was also a Lindsey Stirling video that came out.

And as of yesterday, there’s also a new “Simon’s Cat” video!

It’s called “Fish Tank.”


New Lindsey Stirling Video — Pete’s Dragon inspired(?)

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I think I’ve shared some of Lindsey Stirling’s works on this blog before. She’s a talented musician, and I like some of her work.

Anyway. This week, she released a new video. It’s got a nice sound to it, even if she isn’t as featured as usual.

It’s also… Pete’s Dragon inspired? I’m not quite sure how that works, since the new release (which it’s based off of) isn’t even out yet. But, there ya go. Who knows.

Anyway, happy Friday!

Droll, campy entertainment from a few nights ago

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A few evenings ago, I ended up watching the 1966 Batman movie. It was enjoyable, in an over-the-top ridiculous sort of way.

It is available on Netflix, if you want to watch it. If you are in the mood for mindless fluff (which your presence on this website suggests), I rather recommend it. And yes, I do fully realize that I have now acknowledged my own, occasional tolerance and even interest in truly mindless fluff types of entertainment.

Have a lovely day.

New Honest Trailer! The Bourne Trilogy

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Hey there!

In large part to help me spread out my enjoyment of the new Harry Potter story, I spent a bit of time on YouTube last night. And one of my discoveries is that there’s a new Honest Trailer! This one’s for the (original) Bourne Trilogy.

As a full head’s up: The original material is PG-13. I think the “trailer” is about that level. It’s certainly nothing above that, and may be well below it.

Anyway. Enjoy! Happy Wednesday!

Halfway through the new Harry Potter story!

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For those of you who don’t know, the “special edition, rehearsal script” for “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” came out on Sunday. My copy arrived yesterday. I am deliberately spacing out my reading of it… so I only read the first half last night.

(It’s taking a LOT of my willpower to do so, by the way.)

So far, I’m REALLY seriously enjoying it.

You should get a copy. The first half alone is worthwhile, and I’m sure the second half won’t detract.

Have a lovely week!