Monthly Archives: August 2016

Still Bubbling over Sherlock Parody!

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So, (probably unsurprisingly to all of you), I’m still extremely happy about The Hillywood Show’s Sherlock Parody being out.

But, I’ve calmed down since I first posted about it. So I’m going to comment on some things.

1) those credits are hilarious. As in, what’s going on behind the credits-text, of course. I didn’t see any “whacky credits” like Monty Python’s or anything.

2) The sets! They actually managed to film some on-location. Speedy’s, the pool, the rocky place, and the alley in London, for example. But the spot-on, perfect apartment? That was a set they had designed. I had trouble identifying which was which during the parody itself, actually… I needed to watch the behind-the-scenes to see that.


So, those were three things that instantly stood out to me…

What about you?

Music choices in trailers are fascinating

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Greetings, readers!

I am surprised I am beating the Webmaster to this post; it is about a new Star Wars Universe Trailer. This one is the International Trailer.

My apologies for posting one with non-English subtitles.

What I find fascinating are the differences between the American Trailer and the International one. (No, the subtitles do not qualify.)

The one I immediately noticed was the different scoring used.

The American version, you may recall, uses variations on the Imperial March. Except (surprisingly) at the very end when in addition to the imperial march, there is a small hint of the Rebel’s Theme with The Reveal. (I am trying to keep this as spoiler free as possible.)

This one, however, utilizes the Rebellion Theme from the very beginning, and then primarily chords and emptiness. It does not paint the same picture of darkness, but instad gives a bit more of a sense of… hope?

The time the Imperial March really comes through, however, is at the end. At it is definitely interesting to me that at the end of the International Trailer, there is not the hint of the Rebel’s Theme.

It is also quite interesting that in both the scores, the main theme being used is played on piano. It is a slightly more subtle time; neither are as fully developed as in the events of the original movies.

It am quite looking forward to haring how the full scoring for the movie goes.

(Re?)Discovering a New Favorite Art-Form!

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So, I recently found a video of an art-form I LOVE. I don’t remember if I’ve shared this type of thing on Fluff or not. But anyway. It’s paintings, with UV Lights. So, you get a totally different effect, based on what lighting you have going on.

There’s an example in the YouTube video below. Enjoy!


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So, I encountered a video of a REALLY FUN looking Star Wars thing.

It’s a… toothpick dispenser.

I never would have guessed a toothpick dispenser could look cool.

Live and learn, right?

Anyway. I’d recommend watching with sound off. Up to you, though.

Have a lovely Sunday!

New Hotkeys for Chrome, and I don’t know how I feel

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If a new trailer for Rogue One hadn’t come out in time for yesterday’s post, this would have been yesterday’s post instead. But it’s today’s, and that works too.

Anyway. On Thursday, I received an announcement from chrome about one of my usual hotkeys. Normally, “backspace” navigated back a page for web-browsing, “Shift + backspace” let you navigate forward..

Now, it’s “alt + (left arrow)” to go back, and “alt + (right arrow)” to go forward.

It does make sense. And there were times that the backspace option got a little annoying, since the browser sometimes thought I was trying to type stuff when I wasn’t, or the other way around. But I still have the muscle memory for the “backspace” functionality, and the arrow keys require a bit more hand-maneuvering in order to activate.

Oh well. I’m sure I’ll get used to it.

Anyway, have a lovely Saturday!

I take back yesterday’s complaint.

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Ok, I now (once again) completely understand why there are trailers for trailers, and right now am no longer even annoyed.

The new “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” trailer is out as of about 13 hours ago, and THE TRAILER is an amazing piece of art that is worth being advertised.

I mean, seriously.

The use of the Imperial March motif throughout the entire trailer sets the mood So. Perfectly. Yes, it is during the height of the empire’s power. It’s a slightly darker time.

And the scene with the AT-ATs? And imperial TANKS? Those were just stunning. And potentially slightly terrifying.

Given that the trailer was able to communicate so much, I’m now suddenly reasonably ok with it being advertised… even if it’s supposed to be an advertisement itself. It is worth it.

Anyway. Happy Friday!