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So, (probably unsurprisingly to all of you), I’m still extremely happy about The Hillywood Show’s Sherlock Parody being out.
But, I’ve calmed down since I first posted about it. So I’m going to comment on some things.
1) those credits are hilarious. As in, what’s going on behind the credits-text, of course. I didn’t see any “whacky credits” like Monty Python’s or anything.
2) The sets! They actually managed to film some on-location. Speedy’s, the pool, the rocky place, and the alley in London, for example. But the spot-on, perfect apartment? That was a set they had designed. I had trouble identifying which was which during the parody itself, actually… I needed to watch the behind-the-scenes to see that.
So, those were three things that instantly stood out to me…
What about you?