Monthly Archives: July 2016

A new phenomenon: “Pokemon Go”

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Greetings, readers.

If you have been on any social media platform at all within the last 72 hours, you are probably aware that there is something called “Pokemon Go” that was just recently released.

For those of you who have been wondering what it is: It is a video game for mobile devices that interacts with the real world, and with real world movement.

From what I have gathered from a cursory overview, the Pokemon franchise is a set of games wherein players try to “capture” wild pokemon (cute animated monsters). The player then trains them to fight.

Also from what I understand, it is not nearly as amoral as that description makes it sound.

This new iteration is enabling (and requiring) real-life, real-world interaction in order to make the game work. In order to find wild pokemon, players need to walk around the real world. The ap has an augmented reality feature, which thereby makes the pokemon appear in particular places. Players may also need to use physical movement in order to capture the pokemon. Also, the locations are the same for everybody. Thus, there are apparently “game-critical” stations that have been receiving a fair bit of pedestrian traffic recently.

In all, it is an interesting phenomenon. I expect the hype to start dying down by next week, but as this franchise is children-friendly, I expect this to be one of the more talked about and utilized summer activities.

Have a lovely Sunday.

Finding Nemo Honest Trailer!

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In the category of catching up on YouTube things that I could have shared earlier… In addition to the “How it Should Have Ended” for Finding Nemo, there’s also an Honest Trailer out for it!

Just… stop watching once the “name” of the thing comes up, if you don’t want the movie completely ruined for you. (It’s at about 3:15). You’ve been warned.

Have a lovely Saturday!


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I just realized a serious oversight on my part.

I never shared any “literal” trailers with you.

I was introduced to them about six years ago. It is run by the YouTube channel “Tobuscus.” And the Literal Trailers take trailers… and sing about what’s going on.

One of the best ones is the Harry Potter one.

Enjoy! And happy Friday!

I kinda really want to weave a pillow now…

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Last night, I ended up getting sidetracked from whatever it was I was planning on doing, and watched a tutorial on how to weave a pillow-case.

I kinda really want to do something like that now. To the point where I’m looking around, trying to figure out what materials I have that I might be able to convert into a home-made loom-ish-type-thing…


Have a lovely Saturday!