Monthly Archives: April 2016

Different Ocean Noises (part 2)

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

I’m continuing the series on different beach sounds with one of my favorites. In part because I have fond memories of a beach like this. It’s a pebble-based beach. So, no sand. Pebbles instead. It may not be that great for frolicking in, but in terms of sounds for going to sleep… you can’t beat it. Every so often, when a really large wave goes out, there’s a musical rustle from the pebbles. A short example can be found around 30 seconds in, and around a minute in. (and more often than that, but, yeah.)

Enjoy! Happy Wednesday!

Different ocean noises (part 1)

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So. I’m kinda at a loss for what to write, so I’m going with a series-ish type thing based off of YouTube videos. Again.

Yup. Anyway.

So, the theme is different beach noises. Because, different types of beaches have different sounds to them. Here’s a (very long) video of a sandy beach, for instance.

*Disclaimer*: I have not watched it all the way through, and cannot guarantee quality. The first two-ish minutes are nice, though.

Yup. This is one that is frequently associated with beaches. Seagulls, crashing waves, sand, etc. Isn’t it nice and peaceful?

Anyway. Have a lovely Tuesday!

The “Shift” Keys Are Weird.

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, it just occurred to me (again.) The various “shift” keys on keyboards are a bit weird. For a couple reasons.

1) Why are they even called “Shift”? There’s no real time commitment, no work involved, so it’s, like, a completely different use of the word than work-related stuff.

2) How are you even supposed to train yourself to use them properly? I know that technically you’re kinda supposed to use them based on what side of the keyboard you’re wanting to shift (So, left shift for capitalizing ‘s’, for example.) But who does that? I normally just use the “right” shift. Unless it’s for “A”. That’s basically the only one where I use left-shift appropriately.

So, yeah. (I mean, seriously. I literally just used “Right Shift” for the “S”, even though I was actively thinking about trying to use the proper one.)

Have a lovely day!

Herding Dogs!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

Yesterday, I had a fun experience. I got to watch a Herd-Dog exhibition!

It featured a lovely border collie. The show started with small ducks for the dog to guide through various obstacles. It was REALLY cool– the dog was so intense!

It was the sort of thing where even when the pup was lying down, you could tell that it was completely because the director had commanded it– the dog was lying down, but every muscle was tense with concentration.

Even better, the dog clearly was loving it.

If you have the opportunity, I highly recommend watching something like that!

Small Ducks Being Herded through an obstacle.



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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, I’ve shared some TSFH music before. (They do the epic trailer music. And they did the 10 minute piece, and the “Pump-Up” music I shared a few days ago.)

Anyway, I just encountered a piece of theirs that’s inspired by the Russian Red Army. (I recognized a word. Expression. Thing. До свидания. It means “Goodbye.”)

And it’s epic Doom Death and Destruction. How much more Russian do you get?!

So, yeah. Give it a listen!

And have a lovely weekend.

ANOTHER new trailer! (Doctor Strange!!!)

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Hey, Fluffsters!

So. There’s another new trailer, for another new movie that I’m looking forward to. It’s a Teaser Trailer for “Doctor Strange.”

It looks like it’s going to have some fantastic effects!

Yes, the pun was intended.

Have a lovely day!

“Human Mattress Dominoes” are a thing.

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

Apparently, human mattress dominoes are a thing. And there’s a new record for the largest “set” of human mattress dominoes being toppled over… with apparently 1200 (or more) participants.

The more you know, right?

Nostalgia: Old Computer Games

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, for some reason, I’m in a bit of a nostalgic mood. And I was thinking about an old game I used to love: Treasure Mathstorm.

Now, it was an old game. Like, “floppy-installation” old.

But there was a time I installed it on a new computer than what it was designed for. And that was when I found out that it not only was floppy-disk old, but it was also old enough that it used computer clock-power (or something like that) to keep track of time and stuff. So therefore, the speed of the computer sped up the game play. Dramatically.

Like, seriously. I couldn’t see what was happening when I moved… or stood still… it was hilarious.

And that was for a computer that is old by today’s standards.

I wonder what would happen on a modern machine?

New Trailer looks EPIC!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So… last night… a new trailer came out for “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.”


I really like all the different magic items we’ll be encountering in the movie!

How about you?