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Greetings, readers!
This is a friendly reminder of an expression: “Every Day is a Gift.”
I understand that this sentiment may cause some undue angst. After all, not every day goes spectacularly well.
In light of this, I would like to remind you that simply because something is a gift, that does not necessarily imply that it is good. Ans an example, think about what cats have a tendency to give to people they love. From what I understand, it is often things like dead animals. With blood. And gunk. And other messy things. Most normal people would not find that to be an enjoyable thing.
Some days are like that. They may be a gift, but they are not always seem excellent.
And as a counter to that negativity, I would also like to remind you that even a dead mouse might be useful in the case of, for example, a zombie apocalypse. If you have a severe shortage of food, even a dead mouse might be useful.
On that “cheerful” thought, I wish you a fair Saturday.