Monthly Archives: March 2016

I reached a new procrastination level!

Hiya, Fluffsters!

I am writing to inform you that I leveled up in Procrastination yesterday

Instead of doing The Things, I wrote Amazon reviews. For some things I purchased over a YEAR ago.

So, I procrastinated by doing the totally optional things I’d procrastinated on for over a year.

I think that may be a record for me.

Happy Friday!

How to get me to stop eating things

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, I rediscovered a fairly effective way of getting me to stop eating things or using things or whatever:

Have only one remaining.

This is especially true if it’s something I’m used to having. (For example: Squares of chocolate.)

Granted, I will try to find a substitute of some kind. But I have a tendency to hoard, or at least “save things until I really need them”, so it can be effective.

How about you?

New Video is Coming from my new Favorite YouTubers!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

I’ve mentioned The Hillywood Show on this blog a few times now. And I think I’ve mentioned that they’ve become basically my new favorite YouTube obsession.

Well, they announced on their “support us!” page this morning that they’ve STARTED PRODUCTION FOR A SHERLOCK PARODY VIDEO!

I am really excited. And given the time of the post, it looks like they might even be posting from the United Kingdom somewhere… As in, there’s a possibility that they’re getting original Sherlock locations in the upcoming show!

Needless to say, I’m pretty excited about this.

I hope you have a great Wednesday!

Two-Sentence Scene I am Rather Pleased With

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Greetings, readers!

I recently decided to try to create a story, or at least a scene, with only two sentences. Here is what I came up with.

“Well, that could have gone better,” the girl said as she surveyed the scorch-marks in the remains of a kitchen.
“No, really?”

I hope you have a better day than my characters just did.

Very Well Done Star Wars Fan Film

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Greetings, readers!

Yesterday, I discovered a fan-made Star Wars film that came out about two days ago. It is a very well choreographed, cinematically excellent nearly 20 minute long YouTube video that looks at Darth Maul.

Of course, this video has its problems. (Especially where plot is concerned.) However, given that it is fan-made, I choose to mostly ignore those when I recommend watching. Given some of the shots and the choreography, it is astonishing to me that it is, in fact, fan made.

I hope you have a reasonable Monday.

Allergy-Season Trade-Offs

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, Allergy Season has started up again where I am. Whee.

However, I figured out a way to make sure that allergies didn’t keep me up a couple nights ago– as caffeinated coffee works well for preventing allergies, I just had a lot of coffee last night. The allergies (mostly) went away!

So it was the caffeine that kept me up. Not the allergies.

Mission accomplished.

Another Behind the Scenes movie

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Greetings, readers!

As with last week’s serious with The Hillywood Show, today’s post is a “Behind the Scenes” for the video the Webmaster shared yesterday.

Once more, I am incredibly impressed with the time and effort that went into making the parody. I am also impressed that they got a real snake.

Enjoy, and happy Saturday!

Hillywood Harry Potter Parody– Perfect for Friday!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, once more, I have a Hillywood YouTube parody video to share with you.

This one is their Harry Potter Musical Parody / Tribute Thingy. The singing may not be the best, but the acting, lyrics, and choreography are fantastically done. And they have a real snake.

Enjoy, and happy Friday!