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Hiya, Fluffsters!
Today marks Total Fluff’s THIRD BIRTHDAY! YAY!
In honor of that, here’s a list of some of the things that have happened this year, and some of my favorite posts. (There’s going to be either a favorite post from a month, or an “event” from the month.)
Starting backwards: I’m still fairly pleased with my post about cups from yesterday. It’s the first time I’ve done a list this year, I think. So, yeah. I’m happy with it.
From December, I rather like the “dirt cheap” post. (The question still stands, by the way…)
I should probably include one of Fluffy’s posts. So, her thoughts about music can qualify for November’s post.
(Ok, fine. And a bonus one, because I can’t resist once more showing off my picture of California Fall Foliage…)
October saw the 1000th Fluff Post!
October also was the month of the 999th fluff post. I am rather pleased with my contribution to that post, so I am including it. Hopefully the Webmaster does not notice this being slipped in.
Yes, this is a bit more self-centered of me than usual, but I had a really weird dream in September. And it’s the closest thing I could find to semi-reasonable original content for the month. So, yep.
August’s “Important Post” can happen once in a blue moon…
July, I (again) commented on the challenges of getting to bed.
June, I actually wrote a short story!
May, I wrote a post that is a bit weird to go back to. It’s about, I kid you not, wall textures.
We have definitive proof, readers: The Webmaster confuses herself on occasion.