Monthly Archives: November 2015

I am not exactly giving Christmas Music Recommendations today

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Greetings, readers!

The holiday season is almost here. However, it is not yet December 1, so I am not letting the Holiday posts start just yet. I gave a fairly lengthy explanation of that last year, so I will just direct you to that post.

I hope you have a reasonable Monday.

I have a new fuzzy robe and it’s wonderful.

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, yesterday, I got a new fuzzy blue robe. It is delightful. It’s a slippy, fuzzy, warm material. And fairly thick. And extremely comfortable.

It makes me happy.

It’s kinda like a blanket, but with arms. And done in traditional robe style. So if I want, I suppose I could feel a bit like a wizard!

That is, if Wizard’s Robes are ever this comfortable. Judging from pictures of them, I get the feeling that they normally aren’t.

But, yeah. It’s a lovely robe. I think that everyone should get a comfy robe. They make life more comfortable and stuff.

Have a lovely day!

Christmas Music Timing Debates

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Greetings, readers.

This is the second Fluff Post after the American Thanksgiving of 2015. There are also two more fluff posts to go before December.

This brings up the question: When are Christmas Music recommendations acceptable?

On the one hand, it is after Thanksgiving. From what I understand, that is often an indicator of acceptable times for Christmas music and decorations.

On the other hand, it is not yet December. December 1 is another reasonable time to use for a gauge of when it is acceptable to start Christmas Season Festivities.

I am as of yet unsure which way I fall.

What do you think?

Obligatory Post about New Captain America Trailer

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Greetings, readers.

I think I may be obligated to inform you that there is a new Marvel trailer out.

It is for the upcoming Captain America: Civil War movie.

The video is below.

I am not particularly thrilled about this. It looks like it will once again be a ham-handed political commentary that most people will not even recognize, per usual with the Captain America movies.

Take “Winter SOldier”, for example. That was clearly a discussion of the tradeoffs between moderate Liberal Internationalism, and over-the-top, taken-to-its-extremes to the point of almost being a Straw Man representation of International Realism. (In case you could not tell, I found that movie annoying. However, I have only seen it once. It is possible that it is not as bad (philosophically speaking) as I am remembering.)

Thus, my obligatory presentation of the trailer. I am not especially excited for this movie; I expect that there will once more be unfair, ham-handed misrepresentations of political theory for the purpose of exploring Hollywood’s philosophical preferences. Worse, people are going to love it.

Have a nice Friday.

Some Minor Things I’m Thankful For

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

Today, I’m going to mention a couple of relatively minor things I’m thankful for.

One, getting to see this stunning sunrise!

Early sunrise horizon

Sunrise with a building at dawn

Pink clouds from a sunrise at dawn

gorgeous sunrise trees and clouds at dawn

stunning sunrise landscape at dawn

Which brings me to my second point of Thankfulness:

I don’t need to be up in time to see the sunrise today!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Careful Frying Turkeys

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, Thanksgiving is almost upon us. And with Thanksgiving, there is apparently the threat of fried turkey friers. An insurance company teamed up with William Shatner a while ago to make this… *interesting* video remix *thing* as a safety reminder.


And also, here’s a reminder of some reasons to be thankful for your Thanksgiving Dinner from a while ago.

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

Star Wars 7 — This Star Wars TV Spot is Creepy

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, I encountered the Star Wars 7 “TV Spot” the other day. And it’s really creepy.

I mean, LISTEN TO IT!!!

“I’ve lived long enough to see the same eyes in different people”? Are eye-transplants that common where the narrator’s from? Like, is she advertising a new technology? “New today! Sign up to be an EYE DONOR!”

Yeah. I’m not entirely sure what Disney was doing with THAT one.

Have a lovely Tuesday! (If possible.)

Star Wars Music featuring Pentatonix!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, apparently there was some sort of music award yesterday or something. I’m not sure what the occasion was. But, The Pentatonix (a fairly famous singing-group) ended up being featured for a Star Wars Tribute piece. And it was well done!

Have a lovely Monday.

A celebrity impersonates an impersonater

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, today’s post is “celebrity news.” I’m sorry about that.

But it is actually worth sharing, despite the fact that it’s a celebrity. You see, Adele managed to simultaneously prank and pleasantly surprise some of her most devoted fans. These fans, from what I gather, were competing for a “most like Adele” thingy. So, she used some fancy effects and stuff, and went as an Adele impersonator.

And yes, she did reveal herself. It’s a sweet, amusing little prank. So, yeah.

Have a lovely Sunday!