Monthly Archives: September 2015

Sometimes you need a “make me happy” wall

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, this is kinda silly and random. But I have a section of my home-wall that is devoted to miscellaneous cute artwork, things people have given me, wedding invitations, letters, and other things that make me smile. And I highly recommend getting something like that for home decorations. It’s nice looking at it and seeing reasons to smile.

Have a lovely day!

Sweet, Sad, Creepy, Adorable short movie about a Dog

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

I’m not sure if you’ve seen the movie “Steadfast Stanley” before or not. It’s a short film that came out a while ago. It’s really cute. It’s also a bit sad and creepy. But it ends well. So you should spend a few minutes of your time and watch it.


Too-Lengthy Passwords can be Annoying

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

As I was logging on to write a fluff post for today, I had no clue. And then I started to log on, and now I have a topic.


This is especially true when your password is longer than your browser shows characters for. Thus, it’s hard to tell if your keystroke actually wasn’t recorded, or whether the non-update was due simply to length of the box.

As I said, annoying.

What about you? Do you have any password peeves?

Fairs are “fair”-ly awesome.

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, yesterday, I had the fun opportunity to go to the Los Angeles County Fair.

And I have conclusive evidence that food at fairs can be really, really weird.

After all, where else can you buy fried cheese on a stick?

Fried Cheese on a Stick

Fried Cheese on a Stick. Because why not.

Or “completely fried peanut-butter pickles”? (Or anything having to do with peanut butter and pickles as the same “food” item, EVER?)

The deep-fried cookie dough might actually be decent.

See the Peanut Butter Pickles listed in the middle…?

So, yeah. As I said. I think this is conclusive evidence.

I hope you have a lovely Monday!

Footage of the War Dance — I will NOT be defeated!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

As you may recall from a couple days ago, I first encountered a very creepy balloon. And yesterday, when I was going to post footage, the balloon apparently attacked my computer, as I was unable to turn the thing on.

Well, I have recently resolved the situation, and now have a new computer. (The thing likely killed the motherboard on my other computer. I am NOT particularly happy about this.)

And so, I can now finally upload the footage the Balloon must have not wanted me to share.

If there is secret meaning to this balloon’s dance, I hope you can find it, for I’m at a loss.

Well, happy Sunday! I hope you stay safe from warrior balloons.


The Balloons Killed My Computer

Hiya, fluffsters!

Today’s post was going to be video footage of the balloon from yesterday doing its war dance. However, I have concluded that the balloon mud have struck first, as my computer is not turning on. I am therefore needing to write this post from my phone, and cannot upload the raw footage.

Needless to say, I am working on taking appropriate anti-balloon actions to prevent them from waging total war on my electronics in the future.

And no, I am not posting them here. Not yet, anyway. If the balloon knew enough about last night’s post to know I’d identified its war dance, then it probably knows enough to check this blog for any reaction. I will therefore be maintaining strategic silence concerning any and all plans involving yard sticks, cotton balls, and five pounds of spaghetti sauce.

Have a lovely Saturday!

I now understand why some people find balloons creepy

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, while i’m writing this, there’s an overhead ceiling fan on. And there’s a weird metallic balloon doing some sort of snake “I-can-see-you-what-are-you-doing-can-I-eat-your-face” dance right in front of me.

I now understand why some people are creeped out by balloons.

Nicely Done New Chili’s Ad

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

Today’s is a buzzfeed video. Sorry about that. But it’s nicely done, and it’s done with the restaurant Chili’s. So, it’s not just buzzfeed content I’m sharing, so it’s ok, right?

Anyway, I thought this ad thingy was cute, and well done.


FYI about Google

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

As a random FYI thingy, it appears that Google may have scheduled their April Fools Day prank about 5 months too late– they claim to be updating their logos.

And as usual with their April Fools day pranks that advertise new features, it looks like they might be keeping the new logo, too.

So I think they pranked us really well. First they had a prank on not prank-day. Then they pranked us again, by making the prank not a prank.

Well played, Google. Well played.