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Hiya, Fluffsters!
So. I was going to start this post about two hours ago. And then I decided to go browse the internet and stuff. And now it’s two hours later. And I have no idea where the time went, or how it flew so quickly.
So in that category, we refer to time flying and stuff all the time. What does that make time?
I’d say that when it’s slow, it would be a *dragon*.
(You know. Because it “drags.”)
Would that also mean that if you miss time, it would be a “duck”?
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
Yesterday, I only listed one thing that makes me feel happily rebellious. Today, I’m giving you another.
This one is…
As in, places that don’t actually have real traffic laws, per say, so it doesn’t cause any trouble, and it’s also not technically a problem. Even when there are official cross walks.
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
So, I’m not exactly a person who breaks rules or anything like that. I don’t like doing stuff that has a probability of (serious) negative consequences. But I also like being “my own person” and finding loopholes or doing things that are minorly “against the rules.”
One of the ways I commonly do that happens in public sink areas. In those places, there are frequently “pull paper towel with both hands” types of dispensers. (The instructions are there to try to prevent towels tearing needlessly.)
Well, I’ve become very proficient at getting a paper towel out in one piece… with one hand.
And every time I do so, it feels delightfully rebellious, nonconformist, and like my own unique person.
And that previous sentence makes me feel a bit redundant.
But whatever.
How about you? Are there any silly loopholes you take advantage of?
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
…yes. At least it’s been a while since I’ve posted about it this time. But, yeah.
You see, I knew that Disney had been going through live-action reboots of their old classics. And I knew that Jungle Book was one on their list. And if I hadn’t been so distracted by the upcoming release of Beauty and the Beast with Emma Watson as Belle, I would probably have been a little more excited about it when I first found out.
After all, the animated version was a fun kids’ movie, with some delightfully cheerful music. And the book had a similarly whimsical tone to it. Granted, there was definitely some slightly darker material, but overall it was a kids’ story. Kipling is like that.
And now the new trailer is out.
Have you watched it yet? I’ll wait.
So, done watching?
I mean, seriously.
Here are some reasons I expect a PG-13 movie, judging from the trailer.
1) The whole thing is narrated from Kaa’s perspective. That’s instant creep-factor right there. (Nice going having another female villain-y type person, though…)
2)The setting looks intense. They used a live-action TIGER. As the VILLAIN. (In Life of Pi, at least the tiger was a semi-protagonist… or something.)
3) They’re STEALING A LOT FROM PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN. First, they point out that it’s from the same studio. THEN they use pretty much the SAME STYLE OF MUSIC. Down to some of the SAME MOTIFS. Seriously! LISTEN TO IT!
So, yeah. This looks like it’s not exactly going to be the little kids’ movie that the animated version was. Or the whimsical kids’ story that Kipling wrote.
Other Reactions
Even so, it might be a good movie. Just… not the one I was (am?) expecting. I’m not sure. Disney kindof also did the whole bait and switch thing with Maleficent, with making it look dark and then still having it be pretty much a cheesy kids’ movie.
And they ended it with a whistling of Bear Necessities / Bare Necessities. Which… really didn’t fit the tone. O_o But whatever. Their trailer. Not mine.
Yeah. So, I’m really not sure what to think, besides, “WHAT THE HECK?!?!”
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
First of all, my apologies for either the lateness or earliness of the post. (I’m assuming it’s late. But, yeah.)
Second, this post is in honor of either “Pumpkin Spice Lattes are now available from Starbucks again” day (in which case I’m late), or a celebration of Fall (September 23, in which case I’m early.)
Third, in honor of those, here’s a YouTube video I’m wanting to ensure never dies.
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Greetings, readers!
Someone recently indicated to me that your world is going to be opening an amazing-sounding amusement park within the next few years. It is called “The Void.” It is a park built around virtual reality. They will be building with virtual reality technology in mind, and creating surfaces so that you can interact with what you see in the headset.
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
So, a friend of mine shared this. And as I’m currently living “downstairs” from people, this is absolutely hilarious. (Head’s up, there’s a borderline not-quite-100% totally homeschool / 10-year-old friendly moment.)
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
First of all, let me say right here that I am really sorry about this post. But as I was talking to a friend last night, I realized that it was necessary.
For, you see, there are people who are unaware of “it’s a Small World.”
I talked with one of them yesterday.
And so, I’m finding it absolutely necessary to post a video of the ride.
I would tell you to enjoy, but I doubt that will happen. So, yeah. Good luck making it all the way through the video.