Monthly Archives: September 2015

Sometimes my dreams TOTALLY WEIRD ME OUT.

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, last night, I had a really weird dream.

To start off with, I was trying to look up “lace braids” on my phone’s image search. But somehow autocorrect turned the search term into “lizard braid”. And that somehow actually got some results, with a very pretty yellow chameleon. And then somehow that term turned into caramel lizard. And I was still just trying to find a lace braid picture, dangit!

I think I did finally search for the right term, but “Google had learned from what my desired results were” and so still gave me animal pictures.

There was a lovely image of a wolf, though. I wish I knew how to find it, because that is a lovely picture.

Yup. That was… weird.

In no small part because of… caramel lizards. I mean, seriously brain?!

Anyway, I hope you have a lovely Wednesday. Completely lizard-braid free.

Lunar Eclipse!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

As you’re probably aware (if you’re reading this the day this post is coming out) there was a lunar eclipse a couple nights ago. And unlike last time, I actually got to see it and take pictures!

(Most didn’t turn out that well, but I still got pictures of (part of) the event, so, yeah.)


Very red-tinted moon due to lunar eclipse

The red tint is due to the shadow, I guess. 🙂

Almost normal moon with a bit of a shadow

The moon returned to normal when the eclipse was mostly over.

Happy Fall!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

In case you didn’t know, TODAY IS OFFICIALLY FALL!

So, here’s some information about Fall.


A) Fall is when the Pumpkin Plague starts up again. This actually seems to be happening a bit earlier every year. But, I think you know what I’m talking about. Pumpkin is getting into everything. EVEN PIE!

2. Temperatures start cooling down in honor of the falling leaves. The weather is very sensitive, you see, and it mourns the loss of green. So naturally, when the leaves start to change color, the temperature quickly adjusts.

I know I should respond to that blatant reversal of science. But I do not think it will do any good.

Probably true.


Third: Fall should actually be spelled FALL. You see, it’s actually an acronym for “Falling Autumn Leaves Lament”, in honor of the weather adjusting its temperature in honor of the falling leaves. So, we’ve got multi-fold honoring going on. Neat, isn’t it?

Ok, I am leaving this post. Good day, readers.

Bye, Fluffy!

And back to me again.

Actually, those were about the only three pieces of information I wanted to share with you for this post, so I’m also going to leave. Have a lovely day!

Giant Robots Update!!!!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, remember how about two months ago I posted that THERE’S GOING TO BE A GIANT ROBOT DUEL?! (Between the USA and Japan?)

Well, I just found out yesterday that apparently a month ago, the US team started a Kickstarter. And they of course have the fantastic promotional video to go with it.



We’ve got NASA involved in this!

So, yeah. I’m really ridiculously happy about this, and I may have just found a sport I care about.

Have a lovely Tuesday!

Fun new application of augmented reality stuff!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, I haven’t done anything with Pokemon. But I have heard of it. And apparently, there’s maybe something coming out sometime that will kindof combine element of real life with the game. And that sounds cool. And like something fluffy worth knowing about, and so that’s today’s post.


Have a lovely Monday!