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Hiya, Fluffsters!
I don’t know if you’ve seen this yet or not. But there’s a new movie coming out in a while. It revolves around “the secret lives of pets.” It looks amusing. I’ve included the trailer below.
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Greetings, readers!
This is a slightly belated post. However, it is still potentially reasonable.
Apparently, there was an artist on your world named Escher. He did some rather bizarre (and neat) architectural style paintings and such. Apparently, if he were still alive, it would have been his birthday a few days ago.
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Greetings, readers!
As you may be aware, a new Jurassic Park movie came out relatively recently.
In honor of that, some talented artist created a series of pictures done in the style of “Velociraptors as Disney Princesses“. It is a rather amusing concept.
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Greetings, readers!
This post might not normally qualify as “fluff”, since it is not a particularly fluffy post.
Nope. It is here to inform you that there is a movie called “The Stanford Prison Experiment” is coming out this summer. A trailer for it was posted a few days ago.
As a warning, you might find it a bit disturbing.
Now, as an explanation: This movie is based on a real incident. The Stanford Prison Experiment actually happened. This is, in fact, one of the main reasons why researchers in your world now need to fill out “Institute Review Board” applications for permission to do their experiments involving human subjects.
What I find interesting is that this is an infamous piece of research, and it is being turned into a movie. That is, a piece of academia is coming to theaters.
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
So, fun fact. If you stay up too late in the desert, it can actually be beneficial. Because that means that you can do things like open your doors and windows at 11:00pm and let the cool air in for a few hours before going to bed.
By the end of summer, it should save a lot on the air conditioning bill.
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Greetings, readers!
YouTube has an amusing sense of timing. I was on YouTube fairly late last night, since I do not follow your world’s normal sleep schedule, and YouTube decided to show me the new Hunger Games movie trailer as one of the advertisements.
(Here is the trailer, by the way: )
What I found amusing is how well YouTube seems to know the demographic. I expect that it is showing this trailer to a number of people. However, it especially makes sense to play it late at night, since (from what I understand) that is when a large part of the target demographic is usually up and most of the non-target-demographic is usually not.